Louisiana will require the 10 Commandments displayed in every public school classroom

Liar. Where did I say that?

Post 307

You cannot find it because I never said it.

Except in post 307.

You keep letting the mask slip.

That makes you both a liar and bearing false witness which the 10 Commandments prohibits. You must have never read it.

Oddly enough Comrade, I read the entire Bible and was not compelled to convert - despite your apparent belief that the mere presence of words is forced conversion.

I've read the Communist Manifesto as well, and did not convert to your political and economic beliefs.

People can be exposed to ideas and not adopt them. Your fear that exposure to ideas is forced conversion is irrational.
Your hatred of the Constitution and Bill of Rights don't change the reality of what you posted,
Nope, read that post again, carefully. You are confusing my views with the Constitution. The Constitution (establishment clause) prohibits laws and policies based on religion. That is why they did not want an established church.

Not governing based on religion and not requiring a religious test to hold office is exactly the opposite from what you are claiming. This is what the Constitution requires which I support. That is a far cry from your convoluted claim that I want a religious test for office to keep officials from governing on Biblical principles. The Constitution already prohibits that.

That is the reason the Supreme Court has struck down government laws requiring the 10 commandments in schools, requiring a mandated prayer at the beginning of the day, requiring reading a verse from the Bible each day, requiring citing the Lord's Prayer each day. It struck those down because government cannot dictate or engage in religious practices. Students are free to engage in all those activities on their own initiative, but they cannot be dictated.

Only right-wing theocrats want a government so oppressive that it can impose religious practices.
Oddly enough Comrade, I read the entire Bible and was not compelled to convert - despite your apparent belief that the mere presence of words is forced conversion.

I've read the Communist Manifesto as well, and did not convert to your political and economic beliefs.

People can be exposed to ideas and not adopt them. Your fear that exposure to ideas is forced conversion is irrational.
Next you should try reading some constitutional law. Start with some of the establishment cases so you understand the meaning.
Post 307

Except in post 307.

You keep letting the mask slip.

Oddly enough Comrade, I read the entire Bible and was not compelled to convert - despite your apparent belief that the mere presence of words is forced conversion.

I've read the Communist Manifesto as well, and did not convert to your political and economic beliefs.

People can be exposed to ideas and not adopt them. Your fear that exposure to ideas is forced conversion is irrational.
So? Nobody claimed being exposed to ideas makes a person adopt them (except those who think a book about gays will turn kids day). You keep arguing against points nobody ever made.
Posting the 10 commandments is "bigotry?"

I think you'll find the actual bigot in a mirror.
Absolutely it is when it is enforced by those in government pay with no regard and out right discrimination against those who either do not share their religious beliefs and or wish to be free from them.
Posting the 10 commandments is "bigotry?"

I think you'll find the actual bigot in a mirror.
Bullshit. Practice your religion at home or your house of religion and keep it away from those of us who want nothing to do with your beliefs. I have every right under the constitution to be free from your religious beliefs. I know how this shit works out in the public arena because when it does those who share your religious beliefs and have any power will fuck over those who don’t without a second thought because you view those who don’t share your beliefs as subhuman.
So? Nobody claimed being exposed to ideas makes a person adopt them (except those who think a book about gays will turn kids day). You keep arguing against points nobody ever made.
This reminds me of a similar discussion wherein some forced-birthers claim that those who support reproductive freedom are in favor of something that never happens -- abortions right up to the mom's due date. Some even claim that there are abortions post-birth.

Arguing with stupid is like nailing Jello to a tree.
That isn't a problem here now is it? (Our public schools follow Jewish holidays, etc.... No one seems to complain...;))
Well Columbus, Ohio isn’t Coldwater, Ohio and its population isn’t 98% German Catholic like Coldwater and Columbus isn’t stuck in the 1920’s like Coldwater. The religious discrimination was so bad against non-Catholics that while I and my younger sister attended there multiple times non-Catholic parents had to call in the State to address the situation and several of those times it was my parents who called the State. My father was livid because they wanted to put me in a special education class when at my previous school I had been a high performing college prep student with a 136 IQ and a reading comprehension level of a graduate student that was tested when I was 15. Eventually enough complaints about religious discrimination at Coldwater high that the State threatened an administrative decree to take over the administration of the school that the overt discrimination stopped…for a time. I hear from good sources that are friends who still live in Coldwater that nothing much has changed there in the intervening years.

Louisiana will require the 10 Commandments displayed in every public school classroom​

Who said that Coonasses didn't have a sense of humor ?

( No offense intended, Swampies :) )
Well Columbus, Ohio isn’t Coldwater, Ohio and its population isn’t 98% German Catholic like Coldwater and Columbus isn’t stuck in the 1920’s like Coldwater. The religious discrimination was so bad against non-Catholics that while I and my younger sister attended there multiple times non-Catholic parents had to call in the State to address the situation and several of those times it was my parents who called the State. My father was livid because they wanted to put me in a special education class when at my previous school I had been a high performing college prep student with a 136 IQ and a reading comprehension level of a graduate student that was tested when I was 15. Eventually enough complaints about religious discrimination at Coldwater high that the State threatened an administrative decree to take over the administration of the school that the overt discrimination stopped…for a time. I hear from good sources that are friends who still live in Coldwater that nothing much has changed there in the intervening years.
I'm really sorry that you had to go through that.... And I hope you're wrong that things haven't changed...
Well Columbus, Ohio isn’t Coldwater, Ohio and its population isn’t 98% German Catholic like Coldwater and Columbus isn’t stuck in the 1920’s like Coldwater. The religious discrimination was so bad against non-Catholics that while I and my younger sister attended there multiple times non-Catholic parents had to call in the State to address the situation and several of those times it was my parents who called the State. My father was livid because they wanted to put me in a special education class when at my previous school I had been a high performing college prep student with a 136 IQ and a reading comprehension level of a graduate student that was tested when I was 15. Eventually enough complaints about religious discrimination at Coldwater high that the State threatened an administrative decree to take over the administration of the school that the overt discrimination stopped…for a time. I hear from good sources that are friends who still live in Coldwater that nothing much has changed there in the intervening years.
I am
Truly sorry that that happened to you. And I hope that you're wrong about change not happening there... I bet your dad was livid... And i'm sure he took care of business... Parents really need to be involved...I've seen systems that want students
tested for special ads simply because they didn't pass a part of a proficiency exam.... And they didn't want their numbers damaged... One bad Evaluation With an overworked school psychologist and a child's future changes forever.... Clearly there are a lot of people in "charge" who should not be...
Absolutely it is when it is enforced by those in government pay with no regard and out right discrimination against those who either do not share their religious beliefs and or wish to be free from them.

Ah, like Flash you are reduced to lying.

I get it. You can't defend your demands to censor view you oppose - so you just lie.

Yeah, no enforcement of making any child believe, recite, or even read the 10 Commandments is happening.

But your party thanks you for lying on their behalf - Communism succeeds when you lie - so keep lying.
Bullshit. Practice your religion at home or your house of religion and keep it away from those of us who want nothing to do with your beliefs.

I'm agnostic - I have no religion.

I have every right under the constitution to be free from your religious beliefs.

No comrade, you don't.

Just like @Flash - you think that you have the right to SILENCE ideas that offend you. You have the right to believe what you will, you do NOT have the right to deny others the freedom to profess their beliefs.

YOU (and flash) are what the 1st is written to protect against - those who stop others from the faith they hold.

Ah, like Flash you are reduced to lying.

I get it. You can't defend your demands to censor view you oppose - so you just lie.

Yeah, no enforcement of making any child believe, recite, or even read the 10 Commandments is happening.

But your party thanks you for lying on their behalf - Communism succeeds when you lie - so keep lying.
Because you are ignorant of constitutional law cases about establishment of religion does not mean others are lying. You keep claiming nobody was required to engage in religious behavior; but you are not aware of cases requiring the reading of a prayer, reading a Bible verse, standing and reciting the pledge, etc.

Those like you who want a theocracy are ignorant of the Constitution.
I'm agnostic - I have no religion.

No comrade, you don't.

Just like @Flash - you think that you have the right to SILENCE ideas that offend you. You have the right to believe what you will, you do NOT have the right to deny others the freedom to profess their beliefs.

YOU (and flash) are what the 1st is written to protect against - those who stop others from the faith they hold.
This shows your basic ignorance of the Bill of Rights. It was written to restrict government from imposing or restricting our rights. The Bill of Rights applies to government action only. You are the only one wanting a government oppressive enough to mandate religious practices in schools. The establishment clause wanted government to remain neutral on these matters. Some of the establishment cases explain these principles in detain including original material by those who wrote these documents. Try Reading to learn about the Constitution and what communism involves so you don't keep embarrassing yourself with uninformed posts.
Because you are ignorant of constitutional law cases about establishment of religion does not mean others are lying. You keep claiming nobody was required to engage in religious behavior; but you are not aware of cases requiring the reading of a prayer, reading a Bible verse, standing and reciting the pledge, etc.

Those like you who want a theocracy are ignorant of the Constitution.

Oh? Should I hold my breath for the SCOTUS to step in and slap the state down? The Anti-Civil Liberties Union has already filed suit - no doubt the court will hold an emergency session....


To the Communist - a passive display is "theocracy." Being weak of mind, you know you couldn't walk past a display of the 10 C's without falling to your knees to praise Jesus...
Oh? Should I hold my breath for the SCOTUS to step in and slap the state down? The Anti-Civil Liberties Union has already filed suit - no doubt the court will hold an emergency session....
The Supreme Court can't "step in." They must wait for somebody with standing to bring suit and be accepted on appeal by the lower courts. Then, the SC might hear the case (only 10% of cases appealed to the SC are accepted).

The Civil Liberties Union is for freedom from government tyranny and oppression from those like yourself who want theocracy.

Are you always this bitter and full of hate and insults? Some people can engage in political debate without hate.
This shows your basic ignorance of the Bill of Rights. It was written to restrict government from imposing or restricting our rights.

Restricting rights of communities to post passive displays of generally accepted ideals - that is infringing the free exercise is expressly forbidden in the 1st.

I think the issue is that the 10 C's postulate an authority greater than the state - which deeply offends you

The Bill of Rights applies to government action only. You are the only one wanting a government oppressive enough to mandate religious practices in schools.

And again you lie - because you simply cannot support your demands of censorship without blatantly lying.

The establishment clause wanted government to remain neutral on these matters. Some of the establishment cases explain these principles in detain including original material by those who wrote these documents. Try Reading to learn about the Constitution and what communism involves so you don't keep embarrassing yourself with uninformed posts.

You seek to censor ideas that are contrary to your views of the supremacy of the state in all matters.

Tell you what comrade, we can resolve the issue by simply doing away with government schools. Let parents alone decide how to educate their children. Perhaps using tax credits.

LOL, I can almost see you edging toward a stroke over such a thought.... Government must be ALL, how dare anyone suggest limiting or reducing government power..