Maddow releases Trumps tax returns

So what you're saying is that we would've treated Comrade Trumpsky the way you assholes treated Obama??

Damn right, assholes.

Get used to the bitter taste of your own fucking medicine!!!!

Don't like it?


I want the loony liberals to continue exhibiting their angst and their meltdowns; because it rips away the façade that the left have tried to cloak themselves with, while proclaiming how tolerant they are, plus it allows everyone else to view and finally see that the left are and were nothing more then a bunch of spoiled children with an extremely over agitated sense of entitlement.

To paraphrase Shakespeare:
Lay on McDumbass.

The original post question wasn't about winning or losing, dummy... read it again. "can you actually name one thing that trump has done to harm you or anyone else in any way ?"

Now that you (hopefully) understand the question, maybe you can explain how the trump university dupes or blacks weren't harmed by what trump did.

because they weren't discriminated against......if they had been the government would never had settled the case for a promise not to break the law.......I have handled discrimination cases......this settlement means the government had absolutely NO case......
No - it's absolutely our business as Americans for the leader we elect. It's why every President has done it for decades.

It has nothing to do w/ the law.

its none of our business, I could care less. However, it was amusing that he paid more percent of income than did Bernie or OBama, suck it losers.