MAGA Pushes Bonkers Theory That Pete Buttigieg is Faking Being Gay For Political Gain


“It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”
In the wild world of right-wing conspiracy theories, a new contender has emerged, and it’s about as far-fetched as they come. The latest claim to capture the imagination of the far-right is that U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg isn’t actually gay. According to this theory, Buttigieg’s entire sexual orientation is a masterful performance orchestrated to catapult him to political stardom.

According to proponents of this outlandish theory, Buttigieg, who served as the mayor of South Bend, Indiana—a city where the LGBT population is about as rare as a unicorn—pretended to be gay as part of an elaborate scheme to enhance his electability. The theory bizarrely contends that his supposed deception was the secret sauce behind his surprisingly successful 2020 Democratic primary run and his subsequent appointment as Transportation Secretary.

The latest vocal advocate of this theory is none other than right-wing podcast host Michael Knowles. On his show, flagged by Media Matters, Knowles—who appears to have gone into the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories with gusto—discussed the latest twist with a blend of skepticism and enthusiasm.

“Put another nickel in the Pete-is-not-gay conspiracy theory jar,” Knowles declared.
I just replied to The post... Someone in sanfran is not having a good morning...
Is that where that guy lives? Why would I have guessed? I wonder how he loves walking through human shit to one of the few stores left open and asking a clerk to unlock the plexiglass so he can buy toothpaste for his only tooth?
Is that where that guy lives? Why would I have guessed? I wonder how he loves walking through human shit to one of the few stores left open and asking a clerk to unlock the plexiglass so he can buy toothpaste for his only tooth?
That's what I guessed one time and she didn't deny it... (Someone else IDentified her when she first got here and she didn't deny that there's that... )
You attacking people who get surrogates or adopt? What a demented little fuck you are.
Yes, she is. TOP has a long history of alcoholism and increasing dementia. It's a race between her daughter waiting for mother's liver to explode or have a mental collapse so the daughter can sell the house and get the fuck out of Columbus, Ohio.
In the wild world of right-wing conspiracy theories, a new contender has emerged, and it’s about as far-fetched as they come. The latest claim to capture the imagination of the far-right is that U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg isn’t actually gay. According to this theory, Buttigieg’s entire sexual orientation is a masterful performance orchestrated to catapult him to political stardom.

According to proponents of this outlandish theory, Buttigieg, who served as the mayor of South Bend, Indiana—a city where the LGBT population is about as rare as a unicorn—pretended to be gay as part of an elaborate scheme to enhance his electability. The theory bizarrely contends that his supposed deception was the secret sauce behind his surprisingly successful 2020 Democratic primary run and his subsequent appointment as Transportation Secretary.

The latest vocal advocate of this theory is none other than right-wing podcast host Michael Knowles. On his show, flagged by Media Matters, Knowles—who appears to have gone into the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories with gusto—discussed the latest twist with a blend of skepticism and enthusiasm.

“Put another nickel in the Pete-is-not-gay conspiracy theory jar,” Knowles declared.
Who cares?
MAGA are allowed to say what they want. They do not have to repeat what they are told like you losers. If that is what some think, again, who fucking cares but internet trolls like you.
If you don't care then move along. Someone is grumpy today.