Maher calls out Trumpkin evangelicals for what they are: Shameless hypocrites



For annata:

“Trump has nothing in common with Jesus.” Maher explained. “Jesus healed the blind, Trump mocks the handicapped. Jesus turned the other cheek, Trump grabs your pussy. Jesus turned water into wine, Trump just whines. The Bible says, ‘Thou shalt not covet they neighbor’s wife.’ Trump says, ‘Fine, what about my daughter?'”

Despite all that, Maher said, “They went for the foul-mouthed, pussy-grabber.”

If you wanna see the funny stuff Cos, you gotta watch the clip.:D
It proves that Church is little more than a social club and has zero to do with building moral values.
Evangelicals are hypocritical human trash.
it is quite amazing how much christians were neutralized this election. it's actually a bit weird.

For annata:

“Trump has nothing in common with Jesus.” Maher explained. “Jesus healed the blind, Trump mocks the handicapped. Jesus turned the other cheek, Trump grabs your pussy. Jesus turned water into wine, Trump just whines. The Bible says, ‘Thou shalt not covet they neighbor’s wife.’ Trump says, ‘Fine, what about my daughter?'”

Despite all that, Maher said, “They went for the foul-mouthed, pussy-grabber.”

If you wanna see the funny stuff Cos, you gotta watch the clip.:D

It tells you something about how truly disgusting Clinton really is that Trump even has a shout in the election.
it is quite amazing how much christians were neutralized this election. it's actually a bit weird.

odd.....yesterday Franklin Graham was on TV telling 35 million evangelicals that they will NOT sit out 2016 like they did that what "neutralized" looks like?......

For annata:

“Trump has nothing in common with Jesus.” Maher explained. “Jesus healed the blind, Trump mocks the handicapped. Jesus turned the other cheek, Trump grabs your pussy. Jesus turned water into wine, Trump just whines. The Bible says, ‘Thou shalt not covet they neighbor’s wife.’ Trump says, ‘Fine, what about my daughter?'”

Despite all that, Maher said, “They went for the foul-mouthed, pussy-grabber.”

If you wanna see the funny stuff Cos, you gotta watch the clip.:D

Right....their sin is greater than yours. Its typical Alinsky 101. Accuse those who represent morality (certainly not the democrats) with being immoral. Again....the burnt pot attempting to call the kettle black.

Now Mr. Maher demands a religious test before voting....when his stated position is that religion has no place in politics. Then why "bitch" when those he opposes play by his own rules? This is the type of liberal that would whine if someone pissed in his cornflakes. But....its the conservatives that are "hypocrites" right...err...left BILL? :) Now he's bitching because his opponent is acting like a democrat candidate? Priceless. The BIBLE SAYS....coming from someone who states that religion has no place in government....but there is a religious test demanded by him? You want to see hypocrisy Bill?

It is said you will know them by their fruits.. We have seen the dirty's fruits & we see those that worship the beast, I mean him.....

You had a few "real" Christians to choose from & ya'll chose a anti-CHRISTian.... :palm:
It is said you will know them by their fruits.. We have seen the dirty's fruits & we see those that worship the beast, I mean him.....

You had a few "real" Christians to choose from & ya'll chose a anti-CHRISTian.... :palm:

No hypocrisy with that, nothing to see here folks. LMAO Does being the subject of 2 FBI investigations (one for for pay to play Clinton foundation) count as a FRUIT?

I enjoy the way you communist liberals are self professed experts concerning Christian doctrine...when the actual source of the Doctrine tells us Government agents do not have to be Christians to do the will of God nor for a Christian to support that Government as a Christian's duty is to support the governments of the world and still obey Christian doctrine. Why?

Governments are used by God to punish the unjust. As the Apostle pointed out concerning the government, "For he is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil; be afraid; for he (the government) does not bear the sword in vain (meaning that capital punishment is authorized by God and carried out by government agents)" -- Rom 13:4

Governments are used by God to carry out vengeance because the Christian is not to engage in vengeance (Rom 12:19)

Another Apostle of the Christ besides Paul, who was referenced in Romans......Peter says the same thing, Governments are used by God to punish evil -- 1 Peter 2:14

In fact the Bible tells us we are to expect government corruption, as such is the nature of man -- Eccl. 5:8

But still we are to give unto Caesar that which is Caesars' it respect and obedience or taxes because we live under those same laws as do the evil elements of society and are subject to the same punitive actions when we do not obey.

Thus...what is the Christian to do when neither of his choices represent total righteousness? Choose wisely as to which POLICY will best serve Christianity. Personally....I have become undecided and will not know until I cast the ballot...but I will leave the results in the hands of God, as He is the one that eventually appoints all governments..and uses them whether they accept His authority or not. Again...personally I believe that God allowed the democrats to gain corrupt power to make an object lesson, those who reject God....God rejects them. As judging by the downfall of the United States over the past 60 years....time is running out for a full scale repentance revival. Thank God life is short.
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