
Ah, so you think you are a medical professional rather than an asshole.

I see.

I seriously doubt any medical professional would consider medical advice from you to be "good medical care."

But thanks anyway.
She's not any sort of medical professional. She makes fun of nurses. She thinks there are such things as "Alzheimers wards" (they are correctly called "Memory Care Units.") She mocks people who are ill or have mental struggles. She once claimed to be a "doctor" (actual physicians call themselves physicians) so that she could promote Trump's quack COVID treatments like HCQ and horse dewormer. She's also claimed to be a nurse.
For some people it is difficult...or an inconvenience. What is wrong with trying to give more options so that more people can vote...except that if more people vote, there is less chance of Republican scum being elected?
For some people going to the bank is. For others, it's the DMV. For some, it's having to buy groceries. Everyone experiences inconveniences in their lives. Just because it's convenient for you to work from home, doesn't mean your employer is going to let you.

Same thing with voting. If it's that much of an inconvenience for you, then maybe it's better you didn't bother to do it at all.
No, this is gibberish:

It's been almost four years since the election that millions of Americans still claim was stolen with not even one instance of fraud involving more than a handful of votes having been uncovered. Not one.
You are an idiot. You'd all have to register to vote where you live and where the others in the conspiracy live. Thus, you'd receive for your local election 6 ballots, one for you and 5 for your kids at your address. You fed ex or whatever the kid's ballots to them. They fill them out, and mail them back to you. You submit 6 ballots locally for your election. The ballots are the correct ones and appear valid.
Nice try, Buford, but like all idiots, once again you failed. Why would you think that my ballot in Podunk Michigan would have the same people and issues on it as one in Vermont, in suburban Illinois, in Baton Rouge, or in SE Missouri?

Nice try, Buford, but like all idiots, once again you failed. Why would you think that my ballot in Podunk Michigan would have the same people and issues on it as one in Vermont, in suburban Illinois, in Baton Rouge, or in SE Missouri?

You really shouldn't light your head on fire like that.
For some people going to the bank is. For others, it's the DMV. For some, it's having to buy groceries. Everyone experiences inconveniences in their lives. Just because it's convenient for you to work from home, doesn't mean your employer is going to let you.

Same thing with voting. If it's that much of an inconvenience for you, then maybe it's better you didn't bother to do it at all.
Voting is so important that people will endure minor inconvenience if it means a more secure election. I bet if Frankie could not vote by mail he would still vote in person.
It's been almost four years since the election that millions of Americans still claim was stolen with not even one instance of fraud involving more than a handful of votes having been uncovered. Not one.
It is NOT about supposed voter fraud at all. The Republicans want to allow as few people to vote as possible. The fewer people who vote.,,the better their chances of winning.

The "to prevent voter fraud" is just bullshit!
Nice try, Buford, but like all idiots, once again you failed. Why would you think that my ballot in Podunk Michigan would have the same people and issues on it as one in Vermont, in suburban Illinois, in Baton Rouge, or in SE Missouri?

It's not 6 people registered at one address with Democrats, it's thousands.