Make the case for term limits

Agreed. Does that mean you oppose the two-term limit for president? The Founders put no limits on president, Congress, or courts

Actually one of the first things the founders decided upon at the convention was a 1 term of 7 years.

At the last minute they changed it supposedly due to getting all the states to ratify but Madison took no notes of what happened so it’s a mystery.

It makes sense to have term limits for presidents because they deal with foreign nations and the danger there is far greater than what other politicians face and this was exemplified with Roosevelt who had way too much power.

This is why the 22nd amendment was passed.
Actually one of the first things the founders decided upon at the convention was a 1 term of 7 years.

At the last minute they changed it supposedly due to getting all the states to ratify but Madison took no notes of what happened so it’s a mystery.

It makes sense to have term limits for presidents because they deal with foreign nations and the danger there is far greater than what other politicians face and this was exemplified with Roosevelt who had way too much power.

This is why the 22nd amendment was passed.

It is difficult to talk about the the Founders "wanted" since opinions varied so much. Hamilton would have been happy with choosing a monarch for life and having no states.
The one thing that I am truly against are the lifetime appointments for judges.

End that, and I would be happy.

I understand the logic. They want to take a judge out of politics and the need to raise money and run every 4 years. That would if they were honest jurists, make them able to judge according to the law. But the Federalist Soc. took that away by following and grooming potential judges from college and sometime earlier. They develop a lot with the "right" slant. That is who Repub presidents can select from.
Actually one of the first things the founders decided upon at the convention was a 1 term of 7 years.

At the last minute they changed it supposedly due to getting all the states to ratify but Madison took no notes of what happened so it’s a mystery.

It makes sense to have term limits for presidents because they deal with foreign nations and the danger there is far greater than what other politicians face and this was exemplified with Roosevelt who had way too much power.

This is why the 22nd amendment was passed.

It was passed because FDR could have been president as long as he wanted. The Repubs did not want that possibility to continue, yet it did not apply to him. He just died to solve that problem.