Marjorie Taylor Green has lost $35k on Trump Media stock

MTG bought up to $50k of Trump media stock when it sold at $67 a share.
Yesterday Trump stock closed at around $18 a share.

Assuming it hasn't dawned on MTG that Trump sold her a load of crap and that she panic sold, MTG has lost over thirty five thousand dollars now

stop...the fact tax payer money was lost, should make her constituents angry...this mop is getting paid to do absolutely nothing but adore Trump and sit on her ass...I hope she's not alone in her losses!!​

Most of them are so stupid they actually think some of the garbage he is selling is going to be worth something some day.
A real easy crowd to be able to sell Bridges to or ocean front property in Arizona you know?
Have a nice day

stop....Donald Trump is and has been and will be the worst President and Businessman in US history. His glory days of selling his brand, ie the Trump name to idiots is over...I don't see anybody ever buying into the Trump brand or name anymore...the guys a proven loser in everything he touches and why anybody wastes money and time on this guy is just a head scratcher.​
