Marjorie Taylor Greene swatted for SIXTH TIME. Media blackout of course

Is that what happened to you?

I know you can't be a happy grandpa due to all your constant whining and bitching. Therefore, there has to be a reason for it. Being arrested or investigated might do it.
Aren't you afraid the FBI might come for you? Oh that is right you don't have to worry because you didn't vote for Trump and your kids never actually went to school.
Aren't you afraid the FBI might come for you? Oh that is right you don't have to worry because you didn't vote for Trump and your kids never actually went to school.

Not at all. I'd love to invite them in for coffee and point out all terrorist suspects and unregistered foreign agents on JPP. Why?

I don't have any kids, dumbass...and I doubt yours are around much with your attitude.
Not at all. I'd love to invite them in for coffee and point out all terrorist suspects and unregistered foreign agents on JPP. Why?

I don't have any kids, dumbass...and I doubt yours are around much with your attitude.
Are you still fantasizing about terrorist?:laugh: We are sorry your erectile dysfunction prevented you from procreating no wonder why you are such a grumpy old man I hear incels like you are very unhappy people. .
HAHAHA. Hear that everybody?. This hatefilled lib says it's Greene's fault for being so provocative!!!!


- stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone:

- deliberately make (someone) annoyed or angry:

She's reaping what she sows, you blithering jackass! TFB if she or you don't like it. Don't start none, won't be none.

Laugh clown, laugh.
Are you still fantasizing about terrorist?:laugh: We are sorry your erectile dysfunction prevented you from procreating no wonder why you are such a grumpy old man I hear incels like you are very unhappy people. .
No, "doc". If you were a real doctor then you'd be intelligent and educated enough to realize I've posted the DHS reports.

As it is, your medical fantasy life matches your "I'm a happy grandpa" fantasy life along with your skills as a liar. You're the one spreading hate and lies about national events. I'm the one who accepts the facts provided by both State and Federal authorities.
You saying this is a hate hoax like your hero jussie did?. I agree they are very common but whites have too much class to sink to that.

Fuck Jussie. The fucker belongs in prison along with anyone else who files a false police report.

Have you been in prison, Tranny Dick? Violence? DUI? Robbing people at a bus stop?
Have you been in prison, Tranny Dick? Violence? DUI? Robbing people at a bus stop?

HAHAHA. You are so dumb. I'm actually posting from a prison . A gang of negroz mouthed off to me a couple years back. Should have just ignored them but i lost my cool and beat the piss out of them and they went running to the cops.
HAHAHA. You are so dumb. I'm actually posting from a prison . A gang of negroz mouthed off to me a couple years back. Should have just ignored them but i lost my cool and beat the piss out of them and they went running to the cops.

The being raped by big black men in prison must be really painful. No wonder you hate them.
HAHAHA. You are so dumb. I'm actually posting from a prison . A gang of negroz mouthed off to me a couple years back. Should have just ignored them but i lost my cool and beat the piss out of them and they went running to the cops.

Figures. You have the low mentality of a prisoner. What is your IQ? 80? 85?
On average, the IQ for chronic juvenile offenders is 92, about half a standard deviation below the population mean. For chronic adult offenders, however, the average IQ is 85, 1 standard deviation below the population mean. A study of Texas inmates who entered the prison system in 2002 indicated that approximately 23% of the inmates scored below 80, almost 69% scored between 80 and 109, and only 9.6% scored above 110 (Ellis & Walsh, 2003).
Look who's talking. You've admitted you're a tranny - someone so dumb they don't know if they're male or female. HAHA

You've admitted you like to suck Tranny Dick and that you keep a collection of pictures next to your computer along with your hand creme.

If you're sucking a tranny dick, are they male or female, Tranny Dick?
Swatting is wrong. I hope they catch the perps.

Post-9/11, there's a good chance they know Tranny Dick's favorite photos along with who the perps are.

A main problem is "evidence admissable in court". LOL

Still, they know who it is or who the various perps are. This starts to sound like a fraternity level prank than a problem like someone beating her with a hammer.