Mark Robinson’s Top Aides Scramble for the Exits After Porn Forum Exposé

Ain't that the truth! Sad, isn't it?

Liz Cheney said she doesn't think the Republican Party can survive Trumpism and might split off into form a true conservative party.

Liz Cheney: Conservatives may need a new party​

Former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) indicated in an interview at The Capital Times Idea Fest in Madison, Wisc., that conservatives could end up forming a new kind of conservative party, arguing that “far too much has happened that’s too damaging” in the Republican Party.

“There is certainly going to be a big shift, I think, in how our politics work — I don’t know exactly what that will look like. I don’t think it will just simply be… the Republican party is going to put up a new slate of candidates and off to the races,” Cheney, an outspoken Trump critic, told The New York Times’ Peter Baker.

“I think far too much has happened that’s too damaging,” she added.

When asked by Baker whether she was suggesting that conservatives unhappy with the current state of the GOP will have to create a new party, she said, “It may well be.”
Creating a new party of non-MAGAT conservatives would require things that the current crop lacks -- principles. Honor. Integrity, Balls.
Creating a new party of non-MAGAT conservatives would require things that the current crop lacks -- principles. Honor. Integrity, Balls.
all the non magat conservatives are defacto Dems now.

it's already baked in.

it's still not enough for you to win.

good is winning.

evil is losing.

you're evil.
he's just a run of the mill neocon fascist traitor to humanity like you.
Legina or Pedo Don?

You're still on my list as a patsy for your militia, Fredo. The hate is strong in you and it's only a matter of time before you kill a bunch of American kids in a Federal daycare center.
