Martial Law coming to a town near you!

And we will get to go just in time for colder weather.

Well, one of my close friends has been convinced we were going to end up in Gitmo, in one of those sweatboxes, and she claims she can’t live without air-conditioning. So this will actually be a relief to her. Though, not to me, I can’t tolerate the cold very much at all.
Well, one of my close friends has been convinced we were going to end up in Gitmo, in one of those sweatboxes, and she claims she can’t live without air-conditioning. So this will actually be a relief to her. Though, not to me, I can’t tolerate the cold very much at all.

I have been to Gitmo. I'd rather go to alaska. At least there will be fewer flies, cockroaches and mosquitos.

Darla, I'll bring you an extra coat.
Well, one of my close friends has been convinced we were going to end up in Gitmo, in one of those sweatboxes, and she claims she can’t live without air-conditioning. So this will actually be a relief to her. Though, not to me, I can’t tolerate the cold very much at all.
I'll be there. I will keep you warm if you want.:chesh:
I have been to Gitmo. I'd rather go to alaska. At least there will be fewer flies, cockroaches and mosquitos.

Darla, I'll bring you an extra coat.
Until summer comes then the huge ass hard biting mosquitos will be out and flying in formation. But I figure I will be dead by that time having tried to escape repeatedly, and from attacking guards whenever I can. Bravo will probably be one of the guards. He strikes me as someone that would get off on keeping his fellow americans locked up and abused.
Until summer comes then the huge ass hard biting mosquitos will be out and flying in formation. But I figure I will be dead by that time having tried to escape repeatedly, and from attacking guards whenever I can. Bravo will probably be one of the guards. He strikes me as someone that would get off on keeping his fellow americans locked up and abused.

If I am still imprisoned by next spring, I would only hope to take at least one guard out with me.

Maybe Bravo would volunteer??