Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Niece Challenges Barack Obama on Abortion Today


New member
good for her..
by Steven Ertelt Editor
January 23, 2009

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Washington, DC ( -- The niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., will lead a prayer vigil and memorial outside the White House this morning to remember unborn children killed in abortions. Civil rights activist Alveda King will place 1400 flowers in front of the White House to honor the number of black babies who die from abortions.

The event is part of the outreach directed this week to newly-minted President Barack Obama in an effort to get him to reverse his pro-abortion position.

King will deliver the keynote address at the ceremony and she told earlier this week how she is disappointed that Obama is betraying the cultural pro-life views of the black community.

“Over 45 years ago, my Uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote from a Birmingham jail cell that ‘njustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,’” King said. “Today, there is no greater injustice than that suffered by the 4,000 babies, 1,400 of them black, who die on any given day at the hands of abortionists."

“I see the pride on African American faces everywhere, pride in the tremendous breakthrough President Obama represents,” King added.

“But I also can close my eyes and see the millions upon millions of young black, white, red, and yellow faces who never had the chance to live, overcome, or witness history. Today, we will challenge President Obama to see those faces as well," she told

King said that, at today's event, she will "stand witness in front of the White House and testify to President Obama that while he is living his dreams, those babies will be dying horrible deaths because of the policies he supports.”

The noon rally is part of the Birmingham Letter Project, a four-day program that, like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous letter, challenges pro-life advocates to get involved in the fight to protect children before birth.

The group of pro-life activists still plans to sidewalk chalk a pro-life message and display in front of the White House on Saturday morning in spite of losing a federal court case today and in spite of facing arrests.
She challenged the Messiah?

She must not have gotten the new Bible. I'm sure it will be the last time we'll see this from her.

You heard that we're thinking of just making him Emperor, right?
She challenged the Messiah?

She must not have gotten the new Bible. I'm sure it will be the last time we'll see this from her.

You heard that we're thinking of just making him Emperor, right?

you are showing your stupidity..

you compare Obama to MLK, then turn around and dump on his niece..

the two faces of liberalism..
Oh, wait...I get it! By "you", you meant, "all you libruls", since we all say & do exactly the same things.

It's all clear to me now. Thanks, meme.
Hey...why are you dumping on her?

Didn't you say Obama was just like MLK? I think those were your exact words: "Obama is just like Martin Luther King." You might have said "exactly like."

oh gawd, the cuteness is back..gagger