Mason turns 70

Rob Larrikin - rule 12b, 14 days - 04/10/18
Mason - Banned 24 hours for being a whiny piece of shit and spamming our backroom with dumb reports. - 09/27/18
margot frank banned - 1 month, personal information with an intent to harass a user, threatening to send photos around in PM in a malicious way. - 02/18/19
Norman Dezman - banned 2 weeks for rule 12b - 01/20/18
Do you make this crap up as you go along, or is it part of the script your handlers give you?
Rob Larrikin?

Poor USF. Exposure to toxic elements has destroyed what little remains of his mind. In brighter news, he's still able to decorate for the holidays. Check out this realistic decoration in his backyard!

Poor USF. Exposure to toxic elements has destroyed what little remains of his mind. In brighter news, he's still able to decorate for the holidays. Check out this realistic decoration in his backyard!


While you have to resort to made up pictures; here's a real one, of your poor bird hiding from you.


Mason turns 70 today,film at 11:00

Hey Margot,
Tell Mason I came by earlier, had a bottle of wine, a couple of joints, and a phone number of this girl that indicated she needed to be serviced. Not the best looking girl, but did I mention she indicated she needed to be serviced? :)
:( Unfortunately, I ran into his 'Mom', and she said "Mason can not come out and play today". So ...
Hope he had a Nice Birthday.
His pal, Jack.
A very Happy 70th Birthday to Mason! And a happy 68th to one of his socks, happy 65th to another, happy 62nd to another................Anyway, I pegged him to be younger, MUCH younger.