McCain ad


I just saw a mcCain add that said McCain would hold corporate COEs responsible. That is the whole line about it. I truely wish everyone would realize what he means by this. He would obviously deregulate everything he could and the corporations would be responsible for everything. They would not however be held accountable for all the damage that is created in the economy. That would be me and you who would suffer yet more of the same shit that Phil Gramm has created over his carreer as the champion of deregulation. More Savings and Loan mess, more Enron, more sub prime and more oil speculation driving up the price of oil.
I just saw a mcCain add that said McCain would hold corporate COEs responsible. That is the whole line about it. I truely wish everyone would realize what he means by this. He would obviously deregulate everything he could and the corporations would be responsible for everything. They would not however be held accountable for all the damage that is created in the economy. That would be me and you who would suffer yet more of the same shit that Phil Gramm has created over his carreer as the champion of deregulation. More Savings and Loan mess, more Enron, more sub prime and more oil speculation driving up the price of oil.

Can you find a link to that ad? Usually something along the lines of what you posted means he's going to use the government to ensure that the corporations are accountable. Seems like you'd like that, usually I don't.
Sorry I just heard it on MSNBC on the way back from getting my tea.

Im sure it will play again and Im sure its on u tube
I just saw a mcCain add that said McCain would hold corporate COEs responsible. That is the whole line about it. I truely wish everyone would realize what he means by this. He would obviously deregulate everything he could and the corporations would be responsible for everything. They would not however be held accountable for all the damage that is created in the economy. That would be me and you who would suffer yet more of the same shit that Phil Gramm has created over his carreer as the champion of deregulation. More Savings and Loan mess, more Enron, more sub prime and more oil speculation driving up the price of oil.

Wow... so you saw an ad that stated McCain WOULD hold CEOs responsible and somehow spun that into the typical talking points from the left of "he will deregulate everything and let evil corps take over the world"???? and that they would not be held "accountable" even when you state the ad said they WOULD????

Side note: oil speculation can also drive the price of oil DOWN below its fair value. Right now speculation is driving it above fair value due to FUTURE expectations of the energy supply/demand equation. IF (and this is a big if) the idiots in DC do what needs to be done for the long term interest of this country and increase domestic production of energy (both fossil fuel and alt energy) then you will see speculation drive the price back down.

But you HAVE to show a potential increase in future supply of energy before the speculation will turn bearish on prices.

The Reps seem to be opposed to alt energy by their recent vote and we all know the Dems stance on domestic fossil fuel production. Both are idiots.
But will anyone give CEO's the credit they deserve when they run an extraordinary corp? Will the left EVER admit that big business is ALSO good for america? That on whole the history of big corporations in America is a mixed bag and that they have done some really good things in building the American Economy. Business is not bad. And there are probably as many crooked small business owners as their are CEO's, maybe more because for the most part small business owers answer to no one while CEO's answer to shareholders.
toppy are you aware who Phil Gramm is?

Are you aware he wrote all the bills which were responsible for these events?

An old article regarding Gramm and Enron.

Not Guilty
A conservative lawmaker, and a conservative law, get undeserved blame for Enron.

By Ramesh Ponnuru
February 5, 2002 8:55 a.m.

I. Phil Gramm

You may have heard that Phil Gramm, Republican senator from Texas, had done some of Enron's bidding in 2000. Numerous newspapers, relying on a report by the Naderite group Public Citizen, reported that Gramm had slipped through a provision exempting some of Enron's business from regulation. As New York Times columnist Bob Herbert put it on January 17, "In December 2000 Mr. Gramm was one of the ringleaders who engineered the stealthlike approval of a bill that exempted energy commodity trading from government regulation and public disclosure. It was a gift tied with a bright ribbon for Enron." This was Herbert's first example in a column dedicated to the proposition that "When Senator Phil Gramm and his wife Wendy danced, it was most often to Enron's tune."

Public Citizen had Gramm "muscling through" the offending provision. In fact, Gramm had almost nothing to do with it. He didn't write it: It came to the Senate from the House, where it was part of a bill that passed by a large margin. He didn't usher it through the Senate: It was considered by the Agriculture Committee, of which he was not a member, rather than the Banking Committee, which he chaired. Indeed, Gramm blocked the bill that included the provision for several months because he objected to other provisions. He did, however, eventually vote for the bill, like most congressmen. It included the offending provision, which had hardly been altered during the legislative process.

Several publications have had to print corrections for linking Gramm to the provision — notably the Washington Post, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Herbert's column has not been corrected, but the day after it ran the New York Times ran a story by Jeff Gerth and Richard Oppel that noted the inconvenient truth: "[In late 2000] Senator Gramm, for reasons unrelated to Enron, was single-handedly blocking a futures trading bill the company had dearly prized."
But will anyone give CEO's the credit they deserve when they run an extraordinary corp? Will the left EVER admit that big business is ALSO good for america? That on whole the history of big corporations in America is a mixed bag and that they have done some really good things in building the American Economy. Business is not bad. And there are probably as many crooked small business owners as their are CEO's, maybe more because for the most part small business owers answer to no one while CEO's answer to shareholders.

Why do we have to “admit it”? to make you feel good? To give Top an orgasm? Considering that, for decades, we have been living during a time of increasing deregulation, that is what the fight needs to be about. Feel good mottos about “Corporations can be good for America too” are irrelevant. Corporations exist to make the largest profit that they can. Society, by way of our elected representatives, has every right, and in fact, obligation, to step in and mitigate the harm that the pure pursuit of the greatest profit without any other considerations, does to society.

As far as small businesses doing as much harm, well, yeah. They band together in something called the Chamber of Commerce and they spend millions lobbying every year. They are one of the most ruthless and effective lobbying groups active today. And because they have banded together, they do not act as a “small business’ when they lobby. They are collective bargaining. Gee, that rings a bell? Isn’t that EVIL????

Oh that’s right. Only when the worker does it.

McCain is using your talking points, desh. He's not getting elected anyway.

The only people voting for McCain are die hard repubs, bitter Hillary voters, and racists. Real conservatives know McCain is as liberal as Obama on all but a few issues. Might as well vote for Obama so you don't have listen to McCain lies for 4 years. Either guy is gonna get the same results.
But will anyone give CEO's the credit they deserve when they run an extraordinary corp? .

And really Soc, this one sentence deserves a response alone. You are kidding me right???? Take a look at what the average CEO makes in comparison to their workers today, versus what they made versus their workers 40 and fifty years ago. These guys are making hundreds of millions of dollars a year, every day we hear about another failed CEO collecting his 200 million dollar golden parachute, and you want to know where their thanks is??

Fuck me. Pay me that much and you don’t have to thank me.
But will anyone give CEO's the credit they deserve when they run an extraordinary corp? Will the left EVER admit that big business is ALSO good for america? That on whole the history of big corporations in America is a mixed bag and that they have done some really good things in building the American Economy. Business is not bad. And there are probably as many crooked small business owners as their are CEO's, maybe more because for the most part small business owers answer to no one while CEO's answer to shareholders.

When you point out where it goes wrong and where it rapes us it is not a condemnation of the corporations who care about this country and act in a manner that considers human suffering.

When I tell people my one neighbor is a thief it is not a reflection on my other neighbors who are not theives.
And really Soc, this one sentence deserves a response alone. You are kidding me right???? Take a look at what the average CEO makes in comparison to their workers today, versus what they made versus their workers 40 and fifty years ago. These guys are making hundreds of millions of dollars a year, every day we hear about another failed CEO collecting his 200 million dollar golden parachute, and you want to know where their thanks is??

Fuck me. Pay me that much and you don’t have to thank me.

I doubt the average CEO makes hundreds of millions a year. Could you provide evidence of such? Or are you just going to take a few examples and project that upon the group as a whole.

Side note... why is it that you don't show equal outrage over what the average actor makes vs. the grip? or over what the average athlete makes over the teams equipment manager? or what the average lawyer makes vs the legal assistant?
I doubt the average CEO makes hundreds of millions a year. Could you provide evidence of such? Or are you just going to take a few examples and project that upon the group as a whole.

Side note... why is it that you don't show equal outrage over what the average actor makes vs. the grip? or over what the average athlete makes over the teams equipment manager? or what the average lawyer makes vs the legal assistant?

did you want to dispute what I actually used the word "average" for? Because I'll take you to your knees and you'll look like a fool: Take a look at what the average CEO makes in comparison to their workers today, versus what they made versus their workers 40 and fifty years ago.
Problem i have with some of the dems is how transparently biased they are. Before Mccain was presumptive nominee many of you praised him. He has a history of working from a very moderate stand point. You all paint him now as a Bush 3rd term when his history shows hes on the opposite end of the republican leadership.
Problem i have with some of the dems is how transparently biased they are. Before Mccain was presumptive nominee many of you praised him. He has a history of working from a very moderate stand point. You all paint him now as a Bush 3rd term when his history shows hes on the opposite end of the republican leadership.

I never praised him. I do remember some dems doing so in 2004 when rumors started that Kerry was talking to him about a possible VP slot. I almost had a heart attack. In fact if you look at McCain’s record, he is extremely conservative, on the votes. And that’s all I care about. How do you vote? The guy is hard-right.