McCain ad

That's what the NR article said, he was not responsible for that and several papers had to retract statements they made that he was.

Cawacko do you think the guy who cosponsered the Bill and whos Wife worked for Enron was sad when they managed to sneak it into law as late night rider?

He was envolved it getting it written and Enron helped write the fucker.
Pshaw.... who cares about THAT? All that matters now is how many times you can chant "a third Bush term" or "McSame". Those are the only "valid points" you should consider.

If you believe what Obama says bills in the Senate are made in a very partisan way and therefore people end up voting party lines more often. Based on that if someone is voting a majority of time against their party in the Senate they are probably in the wrong party.

Therefore checking one's record of working with the other party is a way to judge them. You can't really compare Obama and McCain's record because of the discrepiancy (sp) in time served. However I would be interested if there is someone with more of a bi-partisan record than McCain.
The above is ironic given that you are now resulting to toppy like insults rather than acknowledging that it is not just those evil CEOs that are making more than those that work with them. I acknowledged your point and your response is a childish insult?

As for the other point... I was right in correcting your exagerated comment.

Now Darla... Time for a "you spinser!" and a "there's no wonder you aren't married"... throw in a few size 40s and we're off!
Who's forcing you to buy products or services from the corporations you assume pay their executives too much?

It's none of your business, and none of the government's.
Cawacko do you think the guy who cosponsered the Bill and whos Wife worked for Enron was sad when they managed to sneak it into law as late night rider?

He was envolved it getting it written and Enron helped write the fucker.

""the New York Times ran a story by Jeff Gerth and Richard Oppel that noted the inconvenient truth: "[In late 2000] Senator Gramm, for reasons unrelated to Enron, was single-handedly blocking a futures trading bill the company had dearly prized."""

Are you talking about this one?
You sound like the same stupid stooge on this thread that you always do. From thread to thread, desperately trying to change the point of the thread, by obsessively masturbating over some stupid thing.
In 1980, the average CEO made 42 times what a typical factory worker made. Today it is over 500 times what a typical factory worker has made, the last time I checked. It could be higher by now.

In the meantime, workers salaries have stagnated. Financial inequality has reached a level not seen since the 1920’s, and many economists have begun to speak of the second gilded age. Average life expectancy in this country has not kept pace with other developed nations. You, the average guy, can expect to live a couple to several years less than your counterparts in France, Canada, England, Sweden, etc. Union membership has fallen from a healthy 30 percent, to a negligible amount, an not unrelated, or, accidental occurrence. “The left” which has been a countervailing force on corporations, has been weakened, for many reasons, but none more so than the purposeful weakening of the union. We do not have the lowest rate of infant mortality, we do not have the highest life expectancy, we do not have the lowest rate of childbirth deaths, our drinking water is contaminated, the middle class is struggling, over 40 million have no health insurance, 18 thousand die every year due to this.

And you want a thank you for CEO’s? Are you out of your fucking mind?

When did any of you stupid, self=destructive pukes ever thank a leftist? Huh? When? Fuck you. More more more. You people are destroying this country, destroying our future, destroying the middle class, killing the poor, decimating the moderating force of unions, and you want MORE. Fuck you.

and you are quite clearly out of your friggin mind today.... as I stated earlier....

"Yes, I agree that the average CEO makes more today relative to their workers than was the case in the past. Some deserve it, some don't. "

You see that???... I agreed with your above position that they make more today vs. the average worker than they did 40 years ago.

My point is you and others on the left continually point at the CEOs vs. workers, but how often to you show equal outrage over the athlete, the lawyer or the actor? Why not? There are just as many (if not more) of them than there are over paid CEOs.

I see you want to divert the topic and blame CEOs for all the countries ills. How very typical of the left.

Why do we not have the highest life expectancy? Could it be because we are also the most obese society on the planet?

Why do we not have the lowest infant mortality? Could it be due to differences in how countries "count" infant mortality?

Union membership has fallen largely due to the shift from a heavy manufacturing base as we had in the 40's and 50's to more service oriented companies today. Manufacturing was heavily unionized whereas service is not.

What percent of the population was not insured back in the 40's and 50's as compared to today? Do you know? (to be clear, I do not and am asking for informational purposes)
One question you can ask is who has been more bi-partisan in the Senate than John McCain over the past decade?

Well, I don’t know. Instead of just putting that out there, like it meant something, why don’t we look at records? We know that this year he has voted with Bush 100% of the time. But pointing that out is “NOT FAIIRRRRRR!!!” because he has shown up for so few votes. Ok. In 2005-2006 his voting record made him the second most conservative Senator in his party. In some previous years he was the eight most conservative Senator in his party. Also, I don’t know if this is “fairrrr” or not, but I think it’s important to note that some of the votes that he gained his “bipartisan maverick” reputation on, he has completely flip-flopped on! For instance, he voted against the bush tax cuts for the rich twice, stating that we could not afford them, and that their benefits went mostly to the rich. Today, he campaigns on making the bush tax cuts permanent. Now, I’m sorry, but you don’t get to use those votes as proof of either his “bipartisanship governing” or his “maverick” status. You can however, use it to show that he is a liar and a flipflopper. Another glaring flip flop was his stance against off-shore drilling, which, since last week, he is now for. So you’d have to do some study of that record, and at this point, I’d like you to find someone he is to the left of!
mccain has disagreed more then not over past 8 years with the bush policies.

Completely, 100% false, and you need to check his voting record, you are a victim of the ongoing propaganda campaign. Please do not forget that John McCain, calls the media, “my base”.

And he ain’t kidding. You need to look at his record, because you have been bamboozled.
Well, I don’t know. Instead of just putting that out there, like it meant something, why don’t we look at records? We know that this year he has voted with Bush 100% of the time. But pointing that out is “NOT FAIIRRRRRR!!!” because he has shown up for so few votes. Ok. In 2005-2006 his voting record made him the second most conservative Senator in his party. In some previous years he was the eight most conservative Senator in his party. Also, I don’t know if this is “fairrrr” or not, but I think it’s important to note that some of the votes that he gained his “bipartisan maverick” reputation on, he has completely flip-flopped on! For instance, he voted against the bush tax cuts for the rich twice, stating that we could not afford them, and that their benefits went mostly to the rich. Today, he campaigns on making the bush tax cuts permanent. Now, I’m sorry, but you don’t get to use those votes as proof of either his “bipartisanship governing” or his “maverick” status. You can however, use it to show that he is a liar and a flipflopper. Another glaring flip flop was his stance against off-shore drilling, which, since last week, he is now for. So you’d have to do some study of that record, and at this point, I’d like you to find someone he is to the left of!

same could be said for obama. his voting record is one of most liberal in senate.. tho hes campaigning from a far more moderate stance.
The average CEO of the fortune 500 made 8 million last year supercoldcaller.

I am aware of that toppy.... which is why I corrected Darla on her comment that they on average made "hundreds of millions" a year. Now go play in traffic and let the adults have a conversation... umkay?
same could be said for obama. his voting record is one of most liberal in senate.. tho hes campaigning from a far more moderate stance.

Then you agree it's completely inaccurate to suggest or imply that McCain has disagreed with Bush's policies "more often than not?"
Then you agree it's completely inaccurate to suggest or imply that McCain has disagreed with Bush's policies "more often than not?"

maybe but I reject the notion of mcsame. I think its campaign trash and childish.

its similar to calling obama osama.