McCain cheated on his first wife, repetedly



Timberg wrote, "in the fall of 1974, McCain was transferred to Jacksonville as the executive officer of Replacement Air Group 174, the long-sought flying billet at last a reality. A few months later, he assumed command of the RAG, which trained pilots and crews for carrier deployments. The assignment was controversial, some calling it favoritism, a sop to the famous son of a famous father and grandfather [both were Navy admirals], since he had not first commanded a squadron, the usual career path."

While Executive Officer and later as Squadron Commander McCain used his authority to arrange frequent flights that allowed him to carouse with subordinates and "engage in extra-marital affairs." Such behavior was a violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice rules against adultery and fraternization with subordinates..

Timberg wrote, "Off duty, usually on routine cross-country flights to Yuma and El Centro, John started carousing and running around with women. To make matters worse, some of the women with whom he was linked by rumor were subordinates . . . At the time the rumors were so widespread that, true or not, they became part of McCain's persona, impossible not to take note of."
When McCain returned to the United States in 1973 after more than five years as a prisoner of war, he found his wife was a different person. The accident "left her 4 inches shorter and on crutches, and she had gained a good deal of weight."

Yearning to make the grade of admiral, McCain enrolled in the National War College at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C. and underwent physical therapy in order to fly again. The Navy excused his permanent disabilities and reinstated him to flight status, effectively positioning him for promotion.

In his book, The Nightingale's Song, Robert Timberg chronicled McCain's post-Vietnam military assignments and some of his "adulterous" behavior leading to his divorce from Carol and marriage to Cindy Hensley.

ooopppss somehow this part didnt get in.


In February 1980, less than a year after he met Cindy, McCain petitioned a Florida court to dissolve his marriage to Carol, calling the union "irretrievably broken."

Bud Day, a lawyer and fellow POW, handled the divorce proceedings.

"I thought things were going fairly well, and then it just came apart," Day later recalled. "That happened to quite a few. . . . I don't fault (Carol), and I don't really fault John, either."

In his book Worth the Fighting For, McCain offers his own post-mortem on his failed marriage. He "had not shown the same determination to rebuild (his) personal life" as he had to excel in his naval career.

"Sound marriages can be hard to recover after great time and distance have separated a husband and wife. We are different people when we reunite," McCain wrote. "But my marriage's collapse was attributable to my own selfishness and immaturity more than it was to Vietnam, and I cannot escape blame by pointing a finger at the war. The blame was entirely mine."

Carol, who remains on good terms with her former husband, generally has avoided reporters interested in hearing her side of the story.

She did briefly address her divorce to Timberg: "The breakup of our marriage was not caused by my accident or Vietnam or any of those things. I don't know that it might not have happened if John had never been gone. I attribute it more to John turning 40 and wanting to be 25 again than I do to anything else."
I guess that means someone with your high moral standards (for others) won't be voting for him?

Just wondering; do you fret about BJ Clinton's fidelity to his marriage vows, or Jack and Ted Kennedy's extramarital actvities?
Do you remember how much you hated Clinton for cheating on his wife?

Oh and BTW I have never cheated on my one and only husband who I have been with for 30 years.
because when you lie about people others are just going to assume that you hate who you are telling lies about.

Didnt you mother ever teach you that?
"Sound marriages can be hard to recover after great time and distance have separated a husband and wife. We are different people when we reunite," McCain wrote. "But my marriage's collapse was attributable to my own selfishness and immaturity more than it was to Vietnam, and I cannot escape blame by pointing a finger at the war. The blame was entirely mine."

John McCains own words folks he cheated on his first wife.
Oh noees!!!11!shiftplusone!!11

Something that everybody else knows is suddenly discovered by Desh!
I hope this comes out 1,000 times. Not that I care he did it, just don't pull the republican I'm hollier than though bullshit. Act like a regular guy and you get a pass, pull the morality card and bamm!!!
I guess that means someone with your high moral standards (for others) won't be voting for him?

Just wondering; do you fret about BJ Clinton's fidelity to his marriage vows, or Jack and Ted Kennedy's extramarital actvities?

Relevance Indi, relevance. If people insist on "character" as part of this process then they have to wear it when people like "Banger" McCain are exposed, as it were.

Clinton W.J. (not B.J.) isn't up for election. Nor is Kennedy E. Nor is Kennedy J.

Personally, me being a ferriner an' all. I don't give a toss. But for you Merkans, you need to know what the proposed presidential whatsit has been up to, you have to wear it if your candidate's whatsit has been somewhere its shouldntabeen.

It's all bollocks of course but you have that dreadful puritanical streak in your politics which makes it an issue. Don't whine about the blowback.
This is funny as hell. I'm single but I'm going to cheat. (Oh G*d D*mm*t, I'm sorry Darla we can get through this).
The "B" is for Bill, which is what he's called, Mr Antipodean.

If you find American political campaigns too "puritanical", why not stick to makng pithy observations about your own?
I hope this comes out 1,000 times. Not that I care he did it, just don't pull the republican I'm hollier than though bullshit. Act like a regular guy and you get a pass, pull the morality card and bamm!!!
Standing up to, and admitting it is certainly not "pulling the morality card". This is why this particular attack is so weak.
The "B" is for Bill, which is what he's called, Mr Antipodean.

If you find American political campaigns too "puritanical", why not stick to makng pithy observations about your own?

Indi - why not ask the owner of the site why I haven't been struck down?

I'm quite prepared to cop a flogging from the boss.

In the meantime I will continue to express my opinion.


I don't want to be rude but Indi, you're really pretty piss weak. Get a bit of mongrel in you son! Give me some grunt! If you don 't get a bit more passionate I may have to put you on ignore with another fuckwit that just wastes bandwidth here.