McCain cheated on his first wife, repetedly

Oh noees!!!11!shiftplusone!!11

Something that everybody else knows is suddenly discovered by Desh!

Its the first I've heard of it damo. This just made it into the MSM in the last few days.

Everyone was aware of his affair with cindy mccain. But, I don't think it was common knowledge that he repeatedly cheated on his first wife after vietnam.
Its the first I've heard of it damo. This just made it into the MSM in the last few days.

Everyone was aware of his affair with cindy mccain. But, I don't think it was common knowledge that he repeatedly cheated on his first wife after vietnam.

Except there are those stories and the quotes that Desh just now discovered.

Again, this is weak. "I hadn't heard about it so it must never have been reported! I mean see? Those old stories quoted here didn't exist before I finally read them even though they were published over a decade ago!"
Because it was important enough to people during the Bill Clinton race in 92. Do you remember how the right kept bring his past infidelity up? I Do .

Do you remember all the noise about Hillary stealing drugs from her no profit and forging her employees names on prescriptions for hundereds of pills at a time?

Oh wait thats right that was Tipper Gore.

Oh now wait not Tipper it was Kerry's wife.

Oh I mean Mrs Obama.

Or maybe it was Mrs McCain.

No no no not his first one ,which he cheated on because she had been in a car accident and was now four inches shorter because of it.

It was the Mrs McCain who is his second wife.

You know and I know if this had been any one of these other women you would have been talking about it all day. If it had been some one other than McCain you would be harping on it right now and making jokes every time their name was mentioned.

Tell me how some responded to the thread about Kennedy having a brain tumor?

with jokes about a 40 year old car accident.

These are facts of the mans life, FACTS!!!!!!!

I can discuss them all I want and there is not a damn thing wrong with discussing facts.

Your team SMEARED a highly awarded vietman vet with completet LIES and you and I know you joined right in.
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Because it was important enough to people during the Bill Clinton race in 92. Do you remember how the right kept bring his past infidelity up? I Do .

Do you remember all the noise about Hillary stealing drugs from her no profit and forging her employees names on prescriptions for hundereds of pills at a time?

Oh wait that right that was Tipper Gore.

Oh now wait not Tipper it was Kerry's wife.

Oh I mean Mrs Obama.

Or maybe it was Mrs McCain.

No no no not his first one which he cheated on because she had been in a car accident and was now four inches shorter because of it.

It was Mrs McCain who is his second wife.

You know and I know if this had been any one of these other women you would have been talking about it all day. If it had been some one other than McCain you would be harping on it right now and making jokes every time their name was mentioned.

Tell me how some responded to the thread about Kennedy having a brain tumor?

with jokes about a 40 year old car accident.

These are facts of the mans life FACTS!!!!!!!

I can discuss them all I want and there is not a damn thing wrong with discussing facts.

Your team SMEARED a highly awarded vietman vet with completet LIES and I you joined right in.
Nobody has told you not to discuss them. They just make fun of you because you act as if they are news.
What I find objectionable about this issue being made an issue is the ones making it an issue are the same ones who claimed it should not be an issue when it was their side being attacked. If marital fidelity is a legitimate issue, then you have no complaint about fidelity being made an issue in 1992. If fidelity was NOT a legitimate issue in 1992 (as your diatribe seems to indicate) then it is hypocritical to insist on making it an issue now.

You want to engage in hypocrisy in the name of "justice" be my guest. But do not be surprised when people catch you at the hypocrisy.
Damo they are news.

Do me a favor and ask the people arround you if they know that McCain cheated on his first wife repetedly and if they know Cindy mcCain had a non profit which she stole drugs from and forged her employees signatures to obtain hundereds of pills at a time?

Most will not know at least some of that information.

I did not know a good part of this information until I looked it up the ohter day.

Someone on the right here last week was saying McCain's first marriage broke up because his first wife was a cheating whore.

How fair is that to the woman who waited for him to come home and endured a horrible accident and years of opperations and rehab and never allowed McCain to be told of her injuries because she didnt want him to have more pain while in captivity?

She was left 4 inches shorter and walked on crutches for years. When he married her she was a beauty queen. I guess he just wanted a beauty queen and not a real wife who would stick by him. Maybe that is why his second wife was on drugs.

Its about his charactor and his loyalty. If Monica was than this is 100 fold of that .
Damo they are news.

Do me a favor and ask the people arround you if they know that McCain cheated on his first wife repetedly and if they know Cindy mcCain had a non profit which she stole drugs from and forged her employees signatures to obtain hundereds of pills at a time?

Most will not know at least some of that information.

I did not know a good part of this information until I looked it up the ohter day.

Someone on the right here last week was saying McCain's first marriage broke up because his first wife was a cheating whore.

How fair is that to the woman who waited for him to come home and endured a horrible accident and years of opperations and rehab and never allowed McCain to be told of her injuries because she didnt want him to have more pain while in captivity?

She was left 4 inches shorter and walked on crutches for years. When he married her she was a beauty queen. I guess he just wanted a beauty queen and not a real wife who would stick by him. Maybe that is why his second wife was on drugs.

Its about his charactor and his loyalty. If Monica was than this is 100 fold of that .
Do me a favor and read the date those stories were first published.

That isn't news it is history.

As for character. I see a huge difference between a man who admits a mistake and learns from it and one who hides his mistake behind "I had no sexual relations with 'that woman'..."

While I don't think the infidelity is much different I think the character of the man who learned from his mistake and therefore didn't repeat it is very different.

As for the woman who "waited for him to come home" she was not pristine while he was in the Hanoi Hilton, yet McCain didn't attempt to spread the blame. I think that shows still more character than a man who starts to tell me the differences between definitions of "is".

Suddenly discovering decades old stories and putting lipstick on them and trying to say they are the next new thing? Sad.

Sad when they tried it with Kerry's VN experience. Sad now. Especially those who say, "I didn't read them so they are new!" Just plain sad.
Damo they are news.

Do me a favor and ask the people arround you if they know that McCain cheated on his first wife repetedly and if they know Cindy mcCain had a non profit which she stole drugs from and forged her employees signatures to obtain hundereds of pills at a time?

Most will not know at least some of that information.

I did not know a good part of this information until I looked it up the ohter day.

Someone on the right here last week was saying McCain's first marriage broke up because his first wife was a cheating whore.

How fair is that to the woman who waited for him to come home and endured a horrible accident and years of opperations and rehab and never allowed McCain to be told of her injuries because she didnt want him to have more pain while in captivity?

She was left 4 inches shorter and walked on crutches for years. When he married her she was a beauty queen. I guess he just wanted a beauty queen and not a real wife who would stick by him. Maybe that is why his second wife was on drugs.

Its about his charactor and his loyalty. If Monica was than this is 100 fold of that .

"Someone on the right here last week was saying McCain's first marriage broke up because his first wife was a cheating whore."


I'm guessing that was Indisputable or Battleborne.
Do me a favor and ask the people arround you if they know that McCain cheated on his first wife repetedly and if they know Cindy mcCain had a non profit which she stole drugs from and forged her employees signatures to obtain hundereds of pills at a time?

I know you will not ask people this because it means you would be telling people about things they dont know about McCain and his family.

If it were Obama or Clinton you would see them getting asked about it almost every day.
Do me a favor and ask the people arround you if they know that McCain cheated on his first wife repetedly and if they know Cindy mcCain had a non profit which she stole drugs from and forged her employees signatures to obtain hundereds of pills at a time?

I know you will not ask people this because it means you would be telling people about things they dont know about McCain and his family.

If it were Obama or Clinton you would see them getting asked about it almost every day.
Again, do me a favor and look at the publication date of the stories you call "news".

There is a difference between history you are ignorant of and "news". Clinton would be asked because he'd be still lying about whether it was a fact and what the definition of is is...
Do me a favor and ask the people arround you if they know that McCain cheated on his first wife repetedly and if they know Cindy mcCain had a non profit which she stole drugs from and forged her employees signatures to obtain hundereds of pills at a time?

I know you will not ask people this because it means you would be telling people about things they dont know about McCain and his family.

If it were Obama or Clinton you would see them getting asked about it almost every day.

Desh, you are completely right, most people do not know about it and are only finding out about it now. I didn’t know about it. Damo and his crowd are trying to downplay this, because it was “previously reported” but they know full well, not so much. And they want to keep it that way. Out in the open, but not so much.
Desh, you are completely right, most people do not know about it and are only finding out about it now. I didn’t know about it. Damo and his crowd are trying to downplay this, because it was “previously reported” but they know full well, not so much. And they want to keep it that way. Out in the open, but not so much.
If I were controlling the release of information, now would be the time I would release this. For those who were ignorant of the history involved it would give more than enough time for them to find out about it and inoculate him later against an "October Surprise"...
Do me a favor and ask the people arround you if they know that McCain cheated on his first wife repetedly and if they know Cindy mcCain had a non profit which she stole drugs from and forged her employees signatures to obtain hundereds of pills at a time?

I know you will not ask people this because it means you would be telling people about things they dont know about McCain and his family.

If it were Obama or Clinton you would see them getting asked about it almost every day.

Desh, I never heard that McCain was a serial adulterer until about a couple days ago.
I did nto know she forged the signatures of her employees to obtain Hundereds of pills at a shot.

How many drugs was she taking? was she having pill parties? was she supplying friends? selling them? She had way more pills than she could have EVER taken herself.

She forged her employees signatures for gods sake.

All this and McCain knew nothing about her drug use until years after her parents did an intervention? Folks this sounds like it has been a sham marriage for at least some years.

I fear the man is not waht he appears to be. I fear he is still suffering from untreated PTSD and I think the peopel would like to know this information but the media is just ignoring it.

If this was Obama and his wife It would be all over the news and their political careers would be over.
I did nto know she forged the signatures of her employees to obtain Hundereds of pills at a shot.

How many drugs was she taking? was she having pill parties? was she supplying friends? selling them? She had way more pills than she could have EVER taken herself.

She forged her employees signatures for gods sake.

All this and McCain knew nothing about her drug use until years after her parents did an intervention? Folks this sounds like it has been a sham marriage for at least some years.

I fear the man is not waht he appears to be. I fear he is still suffering from untreated PTSD and I think the peopel would like to know this information but the media is just ignoring it.

If this was Obama and his wife It would be all over the news and their political careers would be over.

If Michelle Obama had been stealing drugs, you can be sure there would be more of an uproar about it.
I did nto know she forged the signatures of her employees to obtain Hundereds of pills at a shot.

How many drugs was she taking? was she having pill parties? was she supplying friends? selling them? She had way more pills than she could have EVER taken herself.

She forged her employees signatures for gods sake.

All this and McCain knew nothing about her drug use until years after her parents did an intervention? Folks this sounds like it has been a sham marriage for at least some years.

I fear the man is not waht he appears to be. I fear he is still suffering from untreated PTSD and I think the peopel would like to know this information but the media is just ignoring it.

If this was Obama and his wife It would be all over the news and their political careers would be over.
This I didn't know. It was largely hidden and what I now believe pushed McCain out of the race against Bush. He did work on inoculation for the next time though by making it news at that time and talking about her problems.
The one thing that really is weird to me is that her parents hold and intervention to get her off drugs and the husband is not told?

How in the hell can this be?

Her drug use also coinsides with the Keating scandal. She was finacially involved and failed to provide some of the documentation for involvement. This is just one tangled web. It truely scares me Damo.
Desh,Darla and Cypress...........

New sig line>>>>>>>>>:bdh: Thats all they do they bring up old issues and repeat them over and over and over again!