McCain = false outrage machine


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WASHINGTON - Republican John McCain's campaign on Saturday sharply criticized Democratic rival Barack Obama for canceling a visit to wounded troops in Germany, contending Obama chose foreign leaders and cheering Europeans over "injured American heroes."

Jealousy rears its ugly head.
I must admit I heard this on the radio when I got up this morning and I thought the same thing. If Obama had visitded these troops that would have been the cue for equal and opposite outrage from McCain accusing Obama of seeking to use injured troops as a prop in his campaign.

Do people really still get taken in by this sort of transparent outrage?
wow McShame thinks he found a silver linning out of this whole PR fiasco?

The only idiots who will fall for it are the ones who are already lapping up all the "secret muslim " lies and and the like anyway.

The republicans are completetly pathetic.

Oh and welcome Pes.
Just how fucking long has the fact that we abandoned the Afganistan front on the WOT for Iraq been part of the democratic point of view?

What is wrong with you people?
I must admit I heard this on the radio when I got up this morning and I thought the same thing. If Obama had visitded these troops that would have been the cue for equal and opposite outrage from McCain accusing Obama of seeking to use injured troops as a prop in his campaign.

Do people really still get taken in by this sort of transparent outrage?

Not that I'm a McCain fan, but the article states the following:
...the campaign had said Obama decided the visit might be seen as inappropriate politicking...

So it's the repubs who think it would be politicking?
No it was the pentagon who told Obama it would be politicing.

I wonder if they would have told McCain he should not visit wounded soldiers?
Desh, I'm not concerned enough to hunt around on google for a source for that Pentagon excuse. If you would be so kind? You'd be making a stronger case. At this point, it still looks like Obama decided it would be politicking and that he ought not participate.

"Senator Obama did not want to have a trip to see our wounded warriors perceived as a campaign event when his visit was to show his appreciation for our troops, and decided instead not to go," said retired Maj. Gen. Scott Gration, who advises Obama on national security matters.

Gration said the Pentagon told Obama's campaign that the military would consider the visit a campaign event.

But the Pentagon insisted it had been ready to welcome Obama at the hospital -- without his campaign staff or accompanying reporters.

"We advised that Sen. Obama would be welcome to visit Landstuhl or any other military hospital in his capacity as a U.S. senator, but his campaign staff would not," Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said.
let's compare the fallout potentials

visit foriegn troops = good press for Obama, repubs cry politicking(good for Obama repubs look stupid), anti-military democrats unhappy about pandering(bad for Obama image among this crowd. no danger of lost votes)

ignore foriegn troops = good press for Obama, repubs cry politicking(good for Obama repubs look stupid), anti-military democrats happy about lack of pandering(good for Obama image among this crowd. no danger of lost votes)

Win win!!

thanks Desh,

from the article: political activity is forbidden on U.S. military facilities.

That's all I needed to read. Of course he should avoid going there since his trip is easily construed as poltical in nature. It would be pretty hard to argue otherwise.

Anyway, thanks again. You cleared it up.

I was mistaken about Obama treating it as a politicking decision. He's pretty much prevented from visiting by the rules.
Not that I'm a McCain fan, but the article states the following:
...the campaign had said Obama decided the visit might be seen as inappropriate politicking...

So it's the repubs who think it would be politicking?
DoD told him NOT to show up with cameras and media because they would consider that improper. He should have gone in by himself and visted them. This was a no brainer and the Obama campaign fumbled.
Not as easily done as you think on a short notice.
He was in Germany. He WAS going to the hospital. ALL he had to do was tell the media they could not come along. Wow I am exhausted from all that trip planning. I need a beer
"We advised that Sen. Obama would be welcome to visit Landstuhl or any other military hospital in his capacity as a U.S. senator, but his campaign staff would not," Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said.
Obama missed an opportunity to appear really selfless. Someone on his campaign should be slapped in the face.

In other news, McCain is a big crybaby.
"We advised that Sen. Obama would be welcome to visit Landstuhl or any other military hospital in his capacity as a U.S. senator, but his campaign staff would not," Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said.

So? Yeah, the Bush Pentagon pulled a stinker on Obama. Wow, let me feign shock.

And I agree with Onceler, certainly, that Mister "I can't vote for the GI Bill" McCain is the drama queen of false outrage. But hey, other than being the white candidate, that's all he's got.

But soc is right here - Obama should have taken his SS people and gone to the frigging hospital anyway. Number one, if he can't see a Bush dept, stinkbomb heading his way, he's in big trouble as this campaign progresses, and you never cancel a visit with wounded troops, period. Number two, why didn't he go anyway? The decision makes no sense. So there is no one there to record it, and the Congressional people had already gone home. It would be just him and his SS agents. He should have gone.

"Senator Obama did not want to have a trip to see our wounded warriors perceived as a campaign event when his visit was to show his appreciation for our troops, and decided instead not to go," said retired Maj. Gen. Scott Gration, who advises Obama on national security matters.

Gration said the Pentagon told Obama's campaign that the military would consider the visit a campaign event.

But the Pentagon insisted it had been ready to welcome Obama at the hospital -- without his campaign staff or accompanying reporters.

"We advised that Sen. Obama would be welcome to visit Landstuhl or any other military hospital in his capacity as a U.S. senator, but his campaign staff would not," Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said.
Gration said the Pentagon told Obama's campaign that the military would consider the visit a campaign event.

But the Pentagon insisted it had been ready to welcome Obama at the hospital -- without his campaign staff or accompanying reporters.

So desh is full of shit by her own account...the Pentagon said it would welcome Obama at the hospital -- without his campaign staff or accompanying reporters.

So whats the problem...Obama obviously decided it wasn't worth his trouble to visit the troops if he couldn't get news coverage with his lapdog reporters at his ain't fuckin' rocket science....:readit:
"So whats the problem...Obama obviously decided it wasn't worth his trouble to visit the troops if he couldn't get news coverage with his lapdog reporters at his ain't fuckin' rocket science...."

This is why McCain continues w/ this BS. His little hackity-hacks lap it up with a spoon...