McCain is not fit to be president

Yeah so I can't critiscize him where it's due because he served in the military. Sorry, that doesn't work with me. I think logically.
He didn't say don't criticize, he said you should be respectful when doing it.

Personally, I think he put himself into the public eye and will get criticism in every shape and form because of that.
If Obama wins in November, we are f---ed.
But he won't win. He's too liberal for America, and besides, half of his "youth base" won't even vote.

John McCain will make a fine president.
Why do you hate people with disabilities?
Do you want to kill McCain, like how you killed Terri Schiavo?
Hello and welcome to the board.
I love how just because I'm new that I'm a "troll." I guess anyone that has a different opinion than you and isn't a knuckle dragging derelict must be a troll.... makes perfect sense.

It does to those with limited mental facilities.
btw, welcome to our madness :clink:
For the record I didn't vote for John Kerry, but I also believe his Vietnam service record was wrongfully attacked by activists on the Right. The Swift Vote attacks were disgusting and disrespectful. John McCain suspended a low-level staffer on his campaign for spreading trash on Obama. Unlike Bush, McCain doesn't believe the ends justify the means. He will run a clean campaign and politcally live or die by it.
Will he live or will he die, he seems to be having trouble keeping things straight, his like his stand on campaign finance reform and now he is holding a fundraiser in London where they are not confined to US laws.
Then he was against Bush's tax cuts until he was for them.
Just some simple things that that kind of upset me about him, plus he sold his soul and he is so divided in himself, that he can't help the US right now.
I think the Campaign Finance Reform is a valid criticism. Intent was good, but results were a mixed bag. I don't think we even understand the full impact yet. As far as the Tax Cuts, I think that is pretty simple. He wanted to cut Gov Spending (Pork) along with any tax cuts. In the end he caved. He has reached over to Dems more than most and accepts whatever price is to be paid. After all these years, he is still his own man.

My biggest issue with Obama is not knowing him well enough to trust "who he is" (not a long record to judge). He may be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but beyond his undenyable gift for public speaking, I do not know him. I know Clinton and even though She isn't my first pick, I'd be more comfortable seeing her in the big seat. Right now it looks like a tight race, but it is a long time to November. I do think we have better choices this election than we have seen in a long time. America should end up in pretty good shape when this election is over.