McCain jetisons Hagee

As of today, Johnny Mc no longer wants anything to do with Hagee.


Thanks republicans, for making preachers an issue!

McCain might have to jettison his spiritual advisor Rod Parsely soon too. His comments about holy wars on islam are starting to get pushed into the MSM too.
I'll be on the lookout for those columns from Charles Krauthammer, Fred Barnes & the rest on how disingenuous & expedient it is for McCain to wait for 3 full months after the endorsement to reject it, and how he lacks credibility for saying he didn't know about the most controversial comments until this week, and how he just took too darned long & how it will haunt him through November....
I'll be on the lookout for those columns from Charles Krauthammer, Fred Barnes & the rest on how disingenuous & expedient it is for McCain to wait for 3 full months after the endorsement to reject it, and how he lacks credibility for saying he didn't know about the most controversial comments until this week, and how he just took too darned long & how it will haunt him through November....

He didn't sit in the pews for 20 years, onceler.....LMAO

McCain's people knew full well for months, about Hagee's nazi hunter comments. They clung to his endorsement until the lefty blogs pushed it into the MSM. McCain looks like a schmuck.

Thanks republicans, for making preachers an issue!

McCain might have to jettison his spiritual advisor Rod Parsely soon too. His comments about holy wars on islam are starting to get pushed into the MSM too.

Of course all the nutcase religious lemmings aren't going to be happay about this.

Anyone still doubting a LANDSLIDE?
He just did.


I think preacher gate is going to hurt mccain worse than obama. If his ties are severed to prominent parts of the religious rightwing community, it'll definetly hurt him. The rightwing can't win elections, without the wingnut churches.

I think preacher gate is going to hurt mccain worse than obama. If his ties are severed to prominent parts of the religious rightwing community, it'll definetly hurt him. The rightwing can't win elections, without the wingnut churches.


Obama - 1 crazy pastor
McCain - 2 crazy pastors

McCain = twice as bad

Easy math...

Allow me to take this opportunity to thank partisan republicans for making preachers a legitimate issue in this election. They may well have just sealed the doom of the republican party, by splitting McCain from the religious wingnuts he needs to win.

I think preacher gate is going to hurt mccain worse than obama. If his ties are severed to prominent parts of the religious rightwing community, it'll definetly hurt him. The rightwing can't win elections, without the wingnut churches.

It's doubly bad for him. In the first instance, the Evangelicals get pissed for dissing them. Not really much of an issue with Hagee since he's a Texas-based guy although he has considerable media outreach. McCain will take Texas with or without him. Parsley, on the other hand, is a huge guy in the Ohio evangelical community and Bush relied heavily on Parsley and his support in winning Ohio in 2004.

Secondly, any reasonable independent voter or Democratic voter that is considering McCain is going to look at these two blow-hard lunatics is going to be instantly turned off. That McCain actively courted their endorsement doesn't help matters.
It's doubly bad for him. In the first instance, the Evangelicals get pissed for dissing them. Not really much of an issue with Hagee since he's a Texas-based guy although he has considerable media outreach. McCain will take Texas with or without him. Parsley, on the other hand, is a huge guy in the Ohio evangelical community and Bush relied heavily on Parsley and his support in winning Ohio in 2004.

Secondly, any reasonable independent voter or Democratic voter that is considering McCain is going to look at these two blow-hard lunatics is going to be instantly turned off. That McCain actively courted their endorsement doesn't help matters.

I think McCain is going to be very careful now, about airing TV ads about Jeremiah Wright.

A TV ad with the Nazi Hunter comments, juxtaposed with McCain's warm comments and grateful acceptance of Hagee's endorsement should put a nail in the coffin of the Wright issue.
I think McCain is going to be very careful now, about airing TV ads about Jeremiah Wright.

A TV ad with the Nazi Hunter comments, juxtaposed with McCain's warm comments and grateful acceptance of Hagee's endorsement should put a nail in the coffin of the Wright issue.

Thank God they have the "bitter" comments & Michelle Obama to run on; otherwise, they're strategists would be lost...
So far, what I predicted would happen because of Bush appears to be happening. The Religious "right" is losing their grip. I'm happy about that, too bad we had to have Bush to make it happen.
Thank God they have the "bitter" comments & Michelle Obama to run on; otherwise, they're strategists would be lost...

On the other hand, if I know republicans (and I think I do), they already know McCain is doomed and their party is sinking. Their goal this fall may not be to win at all. Rather, it might be to smear Obama so badly, that he will enter office with an albatross around his neck. I expect the worst kind of slash and burn politics this fall, that we've ever seen in modern history. They may well run the Wright ads, and damn the consequences.

It might well be a tactical retreat for republicans. Raze the village, and burn it to the ground as they retreat.

Much like Saddam Hussein did in 1991, when we was retreating from kuwait.
So far, what I predicted would happen because of Bush appears to be happening. The Religious "right" is losing their grip. I'm happy about that, too bad we had to have Bush to make it happen.

How do you figure? They would only lose their grip if McCain were to win without them. If he goes down, and exit polling shows the religious base didn’t turn out, you are going to have them on your hands and more powerful than ever, as they are hotly courted for 2012.