McCain scores big in NH

Romney's best hope is if Barrack blows away Clinton early, which it appears he isn't, because McCain is a much better canidate against Hillery.

You do realize that hot button issues that can bring republicans out to vote are going to be off the table right wrl? Do you know even a majority of democrats are against amnesty for illegal immigrants? Having mccain as the nominee you are going to neutralize a lot of hot button issues that would serve to otherwise embolden the republican electorate.

Tax cuts, immigration, campaign finance reform.... mccain is taking all of that off the table.
It's not like I expect him to drop out. But the Evangelists are going to come out in droves to keep Romney from that office.

Mormonism has never been a factor in this race. It's been overblown and there is very little evidence to suggest that it's going to be a disqualifying factor for the romney campaign.
Mormonism has never been a factor in this race. It's been overblown and there is very little evidence to suggest that it's going to be a disqualifying factor for the romney campaign.

Romney is a moron. America will die if that pig gets an electoral vote.
Mormonism has never been a factor in this race. It's been overblown and there is very little evidence to suggest that it's going to be a disqualifying factor for the romney campaign.
It is what brought Huckabee a victory in Iowa. You discount something that can really matter at this time of the year. Caucuses especially can be overwhelmed by Evangelists...
i said it was not a disqualifying factor damo, I did not say it was a qualifying factor. There is a difference.
i said it was not a disqualifying factor damo, I did not say it was a qualifying factor. There is a difference.
I know even Deists that won't vote for him because they think Mormonism is a sign of bad judgment.
isn't that a logical fallacy?
Not particularly. My brother in law is one of them. He is a republican but feels that people who choose to believe in Mormonism when they know the history have made a terribly poor choice that shows poor judgment. It's just how he feels.

He has a hard time equating Joseph Smith talking about 13 foot tall people in gray business suits on the moon and a good solid belief that he had the "right" message.
You do realize that hot button issues that can bring republicans out to vote are going to be off the table right wrl? Do you know even a majority of democrats are against amnesty for illegal immigrants? Having mccain as the nominee you are going to neutralize a lot of hot button issues that would serve to otherwise embolden the republican electorate.

Tax cuts, immigration, campaign finance reform.... mccain is taking all of that off the table.

No, McCain has pledged to make the Bush tax cuts permanent. And his only objection to them in the first place was they weren't accompanied with spending cuts.

Immigration, we have to face the face that we're eventually going to have to deal with all angles of this problem, McCain has since said he gets it that the American people want border security first, then we can talk about what to do with the rest of the issues.

CFR, I don't see this being a big issue, it was an attempt to take big money from running elections. Is it perfect, no, is anything, no.
i meant saying "i know a few people that think _x_ therefore . ."
Building on personal experience and using it as a window to the world is how people function.

1. You have Iowa, where Evangelists came out in droves specifically stating they wanted Romney "not".

2. You have others who call it poor judgment and won't vote for somebody exhibiting it.

3. He has yet to gain even one endorsement from Evangelicals.

All this and more pretty much tells me Romney's second place is going to be where he stays.
And he adds national security credentials unrivaled, he's a fiscal conservative, honesty, the man's a genuine war hero, and he's ready to be President, Commander and Chief on day one. He has a long history of being able to work together with Democrats, and has the best shot at actually changing Washington to a new day of cooperation. America is ready for this rancor partisanship to be over already, lets work together and get things done with an experienced leader with the contacts to effect this change on day one.
And he adds national security credentials unrivaled, he's a fiscal conservative, honesty, the man's a genuine war hero, and he's ready to be President, Commander and Chief on day one. He has a long history of being able to work together with Democrats, and has the best shot at actually changing Washington to a new day of cooperation. America is ready for this rancor partisanship to be over already, lets work together and get things done with an experienced leader with the contacts to effect this change on day one.

did you cut and paste this from his website, or did you just copy one of your previous posts? I could swear I've read this before.
did you cut and paste this from his website, or did you just copy one of your previous posts? I could swear I've read this before.

No, but I have been pitching McCain lately, I've probably said something similar before, not verbatim, nor did I plagiarize.
And he adds national security credentials unrivaled, he's a fiscal conservative, honesty, the man's a genuine war hero, and he's ready to be President, Commander and Chief on day one. He has a long history of being able to work together with Democrats, and has the best shot at actually changing Washington to a new day of cooperation. America is ready for this rancor partisanship to be over already, lets work together and get things done with an experienced leader with the contacts to effect this change on day one.

You want him to work with the Democrats whom you claim are to blame for all Republican failures. You are such a mindless hack.
I don't blame Democrats for Republican failures. I would like to see a new day, where a President is prepared to enter the White house with the experience, and contacts to not only be an effective bi-partisan leader, but an informed, top notch Commander and Chief. McCain would be able to work with the democrats to reduce spending.