McCain Staff's Hardball Disaster

The idea that the VP doesn't work with Congress is nonsense. If he wants to get super technical please find the part about abortion.
The idea that the VP doesn't work with Congress is nonsense. If he wants to get super technical please find the part about abortion.

She didn't say "work with congress." She said "in charge of the senate." The "work with congress" part is spin by hacks like you to make her not look quite so retarded.
I saw this when it aired. That lady is as fucking stupid as Palin. VP isn't in charge of the senate in any way lol. We all know this though.
what is the difference between Palin's mouth and her vagina? Not EVERYTHING that comes out of her vagina is retarded!

Let the flames begin!
If she honestly doesn't know sure she's an idiot but I'd bet if they asked her to clarify she would. To me it's a gaff but Biden said Obama = Crises and other stupid shit and Liberals take them as gaffs and not that he's a retard. I really don't care to stick up for Palin but this IMO is more Mathews bieng a hack.
If she honestly doesn't know sure she's an idiot but I'd bet if they asked her to clarify she would. To me it's a gaff but Biden said Obama = Crises and other stupid shit and Liberals take them as gaffs and not that he's a retard. I really don't care to stick up for Palin but this IMO is more Mathews bieng a hack.

Uh, the first time I wrote it off as a gaff or something. This is the SECOND time she's been totally clueless about what the VP does.
Look, McCain's a total asshole and he'll never get my vote, Pailin's a total retard, but this interview is loaded and bullshit. This is hack journalism.
She didn't say "work with congress." She said "in charge of the senate." The "work with congress" part is spin by hacks like you to make her not look quite so retarded.

The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided.

Now call me crazy, but the "president of" and "in charge of" are pretty much synonymous when talking to 3rd graders. I can't believe you idiots are still harping on this like it's some kind of big issue! Fucking Biden didn't even know which Article of the Constitution delineated the VP's duties!
The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided.

Now call me crazy, but the "president of" and "in charge of" are pretty much synonymous when talking to 3rd graders. I can't believe you idiots are still harping on this like it's some kind of big issue! Fucking Biden didn't even know which Article of the Constitution delineated the VP's duties!

She wasn't talking to a third-grader. She was speaking to a reporter about having spoken to a third grader. That's important to note, since you guys try to pass this off as though a third-grader was interviewing her.

Palin is just absurdly stupid. She is clearly not just "breaking it down" for a student, she actually thinks the Vice President is part of the legislative branch. She actually thinks she can help write policy in the Senate. Matthews should have grilled the McCain camp about this, that's his job. The media so worried about being accused of bias that they avoid calling out stupid shit like this.
The Vice President technically presides over the senate, but the senate has stripped them of pretty much any powers not explicitly mentioned in the constitution, because, of course, they'd like to choose their own leaders. That's the difference between the hugely powerful position that the Speaker has turned into and the Veep - the body chooses one and not the other. Matthews is incorrect in saying that the constitution says the veep may have NO power beside the vote, though. It only says that he has no vote besides in ties, which is also the rule with the speaker. The senate could vote to make the veep as powerful as the speaker in the house, but they'd never do that, because that would vastly increase the power of the presidency.

Mississippi has a Lieutenant Governer that has a lot of roles over the senate enforced in the constitution, and its hell to have a presiding officer of a different party trying lead a body, stuffing senators from the minority party into power in all the committees. I think this was one area where the framers were particularly short sited. They should have given the Veep a lot more power over the executive branch (an NO power over the legislative branch) or just not created the position.

And BTW Sarah Palin's a moron.
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Palin is just absurdly stupid. She is clearly not just "breaking it down" for a student, she actually thinks the Vice President is part of the legislative branch. She actually thinks she can help write policy in the Senate. Matthews should have grilled the McCain camp about this, that's his job. The media so worried about being accused of bias that they avoid calling out stupid shit like this.

In so much as the VP is President of the Senate, they ARE part of the legislative branch! Traditionally, the VP does indeed "work with the Senate" to shape legislation, to set the president's agenda, and to break ties.

How anyone can even LOOK at Chris Matthews and not see an absolute idiot, is beyond me! The guy looks like he is about 2 seconds away from drool running out of his mouth, he is so retarded! As profoundly retarded as Keith Olbermann is, Matthews is light years ahead of him in 'stupid!'
In so much as the VP is President of the Senate, they ARE part of the legislative branch! Traditionally, the VP does indeed "work with the Senate" to shape legislation, to set the president's agenda, and to break ties.

No, they've been stripped of all power except to break ties. They can preside over the senate if they want to, but they virtually never do because they aren't allowed to participate in debate and even their party caucuses would shut them off if they attended. It is truly the most pointless job in the world.
No, they've been stripped of all power except to break ties. They can preside over the senate if they want to, but they virtually never do because they aren't allowed to participate in debate and even their party caucuses would shut them off if they attended. It is truly the most pointless job in the world.

According to the US Constitution, they are THE PRE-SI-DENT of the Senate... Are you having some trouble with that word? I think it is self-evident, the "president" of anything, is indeed a vital "part of" it. So Palin was correct, and this is about the most utterly stupid objection raised thus far in this election.