McCain vs Polls: "I don't agree with those! I trust my senses!"

There is this thing called an "appeal". Trust me. I heard him on the radio this morning talking about it.

I'm aware that there is this thing called an "appeal." There are also these things called "frivolous lawsuits" and "nuisance suits" that are frequently dismissed and appealed.

I've read the pleadings in the case. It's real nutso stuff which isn't surprising coming from a 9/11 truther.

It's fine for talk radio loonies and the right wingers on the blogosphere (at the esteemed National Review, for example) to hitch their wagon to this guy. it's isn't as though they have any credibility remaining.

I think what we are seeing in the tightening polls is people that would otherwise support the Republcian candidate coming into the fold at this late stage based on whatever horseshit reason they can to justify their vote for McCain be it Joe the Plumber, Obama hates Israel, Socialist or this nutso stuff. If you look at Obama's numbers, they're remaining virtually unchanged.
For the life of me I cannot figure out why the polls are tightening so much. McCain has done nothing to deserve it. Obama has done little to cause it.

More people are realizing that Obama is not just a Democrat for president but with large Dem majorities in the house and senate, Obama would mean complete power for Dems with no check on that.
I'm aware that there is this thing called an "appeal." There are also these things called "frivolous lawsuits" and "nuisance suits" that are frequently dismissed and appealed.

I've read the pleadings in the case. It's real nutso stuff which isn't surprising coming from a 9/11 truther.

It's fine for talk radio loonies and the right wingers on the blogosphere (at the esteemed National Review, for example) to hitch their wagon to this guy. it's isn't as though they have any credibility remaining.

I think what we are seeing in the tightening polls is people that would otherwise support the Republcian candidate coming into the fold at this late stage based on whatever horseshit reason they can to justify their vote for McCain be it Joe the Plumber, Obama hates Israel, Socialist or this nutso stuff. If you look at Obama's numbers, they're remaining virtually unchanged.

Yeah, I agree. Some closing was inevitable, and it’s taken a lot longer than the media said it has already been happening for. The fact remains that Obama will win PA, and after that he only needs to snag one former red state – right now things look real good for VA, and surprisingly good in Ohio. I’m kinda enjoying this because it gives false hope to R’s and closet R’s.
what is going to matter is how much the race tightens in each state. National polls are beauty contests. (See 2000 election Gore wins popular vote.) In swing states the numbers are not THAT tight in places like VA and PA. Hell PA should not even be called a swing state anymore.
Yeah, I agree. Some closing was inevitable, and it’s taken a lot longer than the media said it has already been happening for. The fact remains that Obama will win PA, and after that he only needs to snag one former red state – right now things look real good for VA, and surprisingly good in Ohio. I’m kinda enjoying this because it gives false hope to R’s and closet R’s.

I wish I shared your confidence, but I feel like I got sucker punched w/ this feeling in both 2000 & 2004, and I'm finding that I'm still cautious about it. Granted, neither Gore nor Kerry was actually leading in either race, but I'm concerned with Obama because he is the 1st black candidate to get to this level, which is a huge variable just on its own.

I agree in part, though; the state polls are looking really good. McCain has wasted a lot of time in PA, and 3 new polls there today show double or high single digit leads still for Obama; plus, he's showing really well in states like VA, CO & OH, and even FL.

Just a few more days; I feel like the tide of media coverage has somewhat tilted McCain's way, in that he has been able to turn the national discussion to the whole socialism/redistribution thing. I'm hoping something will happen in the next few days to tilt it back and crush whatever mo he has...
I wish I shared your confidence, but I feel like I got sucker punched w/ this feeling in both 2000 & 2004, and I'm finding that I'm still cautious about it. Granted, neither Gore nor Kerry was actually leading in either race, but I'm concerned with Obama because he is the 1st black candidate to get to this level, which is a huge variable just on its own.

I agree in part, though; the state polls are looking really good. McCain has wasted a lot of time in PA, and 3 new polls there today show double or high single digit leads still for Obama; plus, he's showing really well in states like VA, CO & OH, and even FL.

Just a few more days; I feel like the tide of media coverage has somewhat tilted McCain's way, in that he has been able to turn the national discussion to the whole socialism/redistribution thing. I'm hoping something will happen in the next few days to tilt it back and crush whatever mo he has...

Hopefully his infomercial tonight will do it. But be prepared for all sorts of horseshit to start flying. It's getting to be just about duck and cover time.
More people are realizing that Obama is not just a Democrat for president but with large Dem majorities in the house and senate, Obama would mean complete power for Dems with no check on that.
Oh no, one party in complete power, how fucking horrible! Were you this concerned when the republicans had total control. Ummm NO!
I have been ignoring all the campaign rhetoric for a few weeks now.
Except on here of course. And I ignore some of that depending on the poster.
I have been ignoring all the campaign rhetoric for a few weeks now.
Except on here of course. And I ignore some of that depending on the poster.

I couldn't tell you the last time I watched a "news" channel. Local weather and the hunting channel for me......and lots of football.
I wish I shared your confidence, but I feel like I got sucker punched w/ this feeling in both 2000 & 2004, and I'm finding that I'm still cautious about it. Granted, neither Gore nor Kerry was actually leading in either race, but I'm concerned with Obama because he is the 1st black candidate to get to this level, which is a huge variable just on its own.

I agree in part, though; the state polls are looking really good. McCain has wasted a lot of time in PA, and 3 new polls there today show double or high single digit leads still for Obama; plus, he's showing really well in states like VA, CO & OH, and even FL.

Just a few more days; I feel like the tide of media coverage has somewhat tilted McCain's way, in that he has been able to turn the national discussion to the whole socialism/redistribution thing. I'm hoping something will happen in the next few days to tilt it back and crush whatever mo he has...

I totally understand, but this time next week, you will be saying President-elect Obama. There is no way for some people not to be nervous now. The media has been very invested in playing this as a close race – hey, it brings ratings, it’s a story. So now that there has been some marginal tightening, you are going to have it pounded into your head every day that the race is closing, that Mccain is surging, that Mccain has a good chance to win. It’s really hard to not let that in. I learned my lesson during the primary when the media, and this includes Rachel Maddow, convinced me that Hillary was taking it to the convention and staging a floor fight.
I couldn't tell you the last time I watched a "news" channel. Local weather and the hunting channel for me......and lots of football.

I have not even been watching the Nightly News Hour on PBS lately.
Even non slanted politics turn my stomach right now.
whom ever comes in as president definitely has work cut out for them but there is a shit load of low hanging fruit and a huge possibility of a nice bull market recovery. Think about it the president elect will be coming in at one of the darkest times for USA in recent history. More of a chance things get brighter then darker. Few things to do right away.

few thoughts
1) Reorganize SEC
2) put end to this whole 401k and pension raid by corporations
3) Set a mission for alternative energy similar to space program
4) provide relief of the financial crises by extending unemployment and giving tax rebates.
whom ever comes in as president definitely has work cut out for them but there is a shit load of low hanging fruit and a huge possibility of a nice bull market recovery. Think about it the president elect will be coming in at one of the darkest times for USA in recent history. More of a chance things get brighter then darker. Few things to do right away.

few thoughts
1) Reorganize SEC
2) put end to this whole 401k and pension raid by corporations
3) Set a mission for alternative energy similar to space program
4) provide relief of the financial crises by extending unemployment and giving tax rebates.

tax rebates? Like the one's we had in 2001 and earlier this year? What do you think they accomplish?
The news channels are all behind on the news. I have rarely seen anything on a show for years now that I haven't already had hours of conversation about here. Well, except when they get to sports and entertainment, we don't usually talk much about Paris Hilton.

I don't watch the news shows much at all anymore, they are lost and behind the times. When the Fogeys who don't know how to use the internet go, they'll just die off like newspapers are.
There was an article on RCP this morning about this. They said it's a pre-election kind of "buyer's remorse," where voters take a last second to reconsider a non-incumbent candidate who seems to be cruising for a win. They referenced races all the way back to Nixon-Humphrey.

I think the socialist propoganda is starting to resonate, as well. McCain has succeeded in putting Obama back in the "risky" category for some.

Interesting points. I agree the 'socialist' mantra is probably effecting some, the buyers remorse point is something I had not considered.
Oh no, one party in complete power, how fucking horrible! Were you this concerned when the republicans had total control. Ummm NO!

Though he does have a point. When either party has had control of the White House, Senate and House.... the nation has suffered. I can't think of one instance where it turned out to be a good thing.... regardless of party.

To answer your obvious response... NO... I did not mind when the Reps took control of all three in 2000.... I was naive enough to believe that 'THIS' time it would be different.
Interesting points. I agree the 'socialist' mantra is probably effecting some, the buyers remorse point is something I had not considered.

The reason I don't buy the buyer's remorse explanation is that Obama's numbers have held relatively steady while McCain's numbers have increased. This leads me to believe that the late undecideds are breaking towards McCain.
whom ever comes in as president definitely has work cut out for them but there is a shit load of low hanging fruit and a huge possibility of a nice bull market recovery. Think about it the president elect will be coming in at one of the darkest times for USA in recent history. More of a chance things get brighter then darker. Few things to do right away.

few thoughts
1) Reorganize SEC
2) put end to this whole 401k and pension raid by corporations
3) Set a mission for alternative energy similar to space program
4) provide relief of the financial crises by extending unemployment and giving tax rebates.

1) Re-instate the uptick rule
2) Rather than a tax rebate/extending unemployment (which solve little) why not take that money and use it to do your number 3? Use THAT money to create jobs in the alt energy installation, research and development.
3) further create jobs via money used for infrastructure refurbishing etc...
4) as for pensions/401ks.... if it is a choice of where to cut costs, I would prefer they cut employer contributions to retirement plans than cutting jobs.
The reason I don't buy the buyer's remorse explanation is that Obama's numbers have held relatively steady while McCain's numbers have increased. This leads me to believe that the late undecideds are breaking towards McCain.

Maybe, but there ain't enough of them me thinks.