McCain's surge


Well...the right is right
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Garamond, Times]McCain's Surge


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John McCain is the electable Republican, and the only thing standing between a Democrat/socialists dominated government. As Joe Lieberman (D/I)stressed endorsing John McCain for President, his Senate colleague would always elevate his country above his party. Something we desperately need when Congress can only agree enough to take on steroids in Baseball during this time of so many crisis.

McCain has also pledged to
"stop out-of-control federal spending." He repeatedly cites the example of a $233 million 'bridge to nowhere' that taxpayers funded for a bridge to an Alaskan island of only 50 residents.

"It will never happen again when I'm president" said McCain.

The McCain message -- both tough and independent -- appeals cross party lines, like to Andy Everman, 46, a Democrat who said he will vote for McCain.

McCain is the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and an outspoken supporter of the surge in Iraq, reminded the throngs in East Lansing and Howell that he first promoted a surge strategy to send thousands of additional troops to Iraq that President Bush adopted. McCain said the strategy is working.

"We will never surrender when I'm president of the United States; they will" said McCain, 71, a former naval aviator who spent five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

"If I have to follow him to the gates of hell, I will, and I will get Osama bin Laden."

In a strange way, the elements of the primary campaign have conspired to give McCain a second shot at the nomination... Can McCain take advantage of that? He has admitted error on two key positions that generated considerable ire among Republicans: tax cuts and immigration. His position on cuts now unreservedly recognizes the economic boost that Bush's reductions created, and says he will defend them as President. Only that they need to be accompanied by spending cuts. And on immigration he will focus on the borders first...

McCain has been magnificent on the war and on spending. He has bucked his own party on what turned out to be a poor strategy in post-war Iraq and fought hard for the White House when they finally took his advice. For porkbusting, one could not find a better candidate, one who has already fought in the trenches as a member of the Commerce Committee against the thinly-veiled bribery system that has gripped Congress.

McCain has cross party appeal, a must to win the election...

Karysa Trombley, an 18-year-old Jackson resident whose husband is at submarine training classes with the Navy, said McCain's "military experience (would) make him an excellent" president.

"He understands what it's about and he's committed to the military, which is important to me," she said.

Those qualities have rightly kept him in contention -- but will they be enough for him to prevail?

McCain Endorsements...

First, the New Hampshire Union Leader called him "the man to lead America."
Next, the Des Moines Register and Boston Globe gave him their support. Then, former Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Lieberman joined Team McCain. Emphasizing his cross party positives, as a canidate who has the connections, the record of being able to tackle partisanship, and get bipartisan legislation passed in Congress. John McCain is also the pick of S. Carolina's largest paper. Now also even the NY Times has endorsed John McCain.

John McCain is the electable Republican, the only thing standing between a Government completely run amok with socialist social engineering.

General Election: McCain vs. Clinton

[/FONT]McCain Leads Obama by Six, Clinton by Eight
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica][FONT=Verdana, Times]
Zogby McCain (R) +7.0

General Election: McCain vs. Obama

FOX News McCain (R) +5.0

What do Republicans think?

Republican Presidential Nomination

: National GOP

McCain 33

Huckabee 18
Giuliani 10
Romney 8
Thompson 8
Paul 3

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"He has admitted error on two key positions that generated considerable ire among Republicans: tax cuts and immigration. His position on cuts now unreservedly recognizes the economic boost that Bush's reductions created, and says he will defend them as President." - WRL

Had a Democrat "admitted error on two key positions" you would call him/her a FLIP FLOPPER and said they were unfit to serve!
Hes a good statesman and would probably make a good president. I would feel ok with him becoming president. Democrats will tell you hes to old and or hes sold his soul and moved right.. yet they have little trouble with the fact that their candidates pander to the left to win the primary as well.
Hes a good statesman and would probably make a good president. I would feel ok with him becoming president. Democrats will tell you hes to old and or hes sold his soul and moved right.. yet they have little trouble with the fact that their candidates pander to the left to win the primary as well.

Having my "candidates" pander to the left bothers me not at all, that is their job.
Now if they pander to the right like Lieberman and Hillary....
What is really strange is to see Right wingers supporting a flip flopper Like McCain.
Hard up for anyone to support I guess.
While I wont vote for him, he is the best of the Republicans.

Which doesn't say much at all.

While they won't speak the name Bush, they all walk almost lockstep in his policies, with the exception of Paul.

Electing a republican is re-electing the policies of Bush.

It doesn't say much.
I thought he was not so bad, until he sucked back up to bush after Bush screwed him.
He is just a political ho.
I believe McCain was transformed into a manchurian candidate during his time in captivity. Who knows when he will get the call?

"Why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire?"
Nationally, McCain is way behind. Huckabee is "surging" while McCain's support is trailing off:


In Iowa, McCain is dead last:


In New Hampshire, where McCain could do well given that independents can vote, he is well behind Romney and tied with Giuliani:


In South Carolina they apparently still think he has am interracial child with a black woman:


I don't have images for Florida, but he's behind Huckabee and Giuliani. I don't really asee the surge. Anyone else?
Nationally, McCain is way behind. Huckabee is "surging" while McCain's support is trailing off:


In Iowa, McCain is dead last:


In New Hampshire, where McCain could do well given that independents can vote, he is well behind Romney and tied with Giuliani:


In South Carolina they apparently still think he has am interracial child with a black woman:


I don't have images for Florida, but he's behind Huckabee and Giuliani. I don't really asee the surge. Anyone else?

there's not a surge. WRL is guzzling kool aid.

The only thing McCain has is the mainstream media. They love him, and they are perfectly willing to shill for him, to try to create the impression he's "surging". I'm pretty sure Chris Mathews would give McCain a BJ. The Beltway crowd simply can't accept that rubes would support a creationist baptist preacher for prez. Ergo, the wise old men of the beltway media will blather on endlessly about every little thing McCain does, in order to try to resurect their hero.