
It means I could give a fuck about someone who comes on here and talks about non-believers and how their fucking "Christian" insurance somehow makes them superior.

This asswipe went on the spouse's insurance and then had none when her's was cancelled. Here's a hint, asshole. Get a job that provides quality insurance rather than bitching about not having any. My coverage is great and hasn't significantly increased in cost in years.

What this shitstain, and apparently you, doesn't realize is that he will continue to pay for the uninsured. Whether you know it, like it or want it.

He didn't say it made him superior. However, those of us that are personally responsible are superior to those that aren't by the simple fact that we are.

Prove your have great coverage and that it hasn't increased in cost in years. Wait, no proof. Sorry, you claim is dismissed.

That I provide mine and am still forced to fund for the irresponsible proves I'm superior.
Pissed? Hilarious!

I've had great coverage my entire career, shitwad. I get it that your shit employment, if you have any, requires you to leach off your wife.

Ask your god for help, thumper. See if he responds.

Prove you've had great coverage your entire career.

I did ask God about you. He said for me not to worry about you, that was His place. He pointed me to several verses explaining what He meant:

Hebrews 9:27 - "And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment"

John 3:36 - "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him".
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He didn't say it made him superior. However, those of us that are personally responsible are superior to those that aren't by the simple fact that we are.

Prove your have great coverage and that it hasn't increased in cost in years. Wait, no proof. Sorry, you claim is dismissed.

That I provide mine and am still forced to fund for the irresponsible proves I'm superior.

Here's the Christian cocksucker's quote:

"So by being a good Christian I can say to all you useless non-believers...."

Being an illiterate dogshit bagger, that got past you.
He didn't say it made him superior. However, those of us that are personally responsible are superior to those that aren't by the simple fact that we are.

Prove your have great coverage and that it hasn't increased in cost in years. Wait, no proof. Sorry, you claim is dismissed.

That I provide mine and am still forced to fund for the irresponsible proves I'm superior.

Prove? lol

What kind of fucking retard are you?
Here's the Christian cocksucker's quote:

"So by being a good Christian I can say to all you useless non-believers...."

Being an illiterate dogshit bagger, that got past you.

Still no proof of your claim.

That's nothing compared to how God will view non-believers when they die.

Being one of them, I'm sure that got past you.
Congrats. You've taken over first place for the stupidest fuckhead on the forum.

Cretinous Alabama weaselcunt.

You made the claim, coward. Back it up with evidence. Why are you scared to prove what you say occurs?
Here's the Christian cocksucker's quote:

"So by being a good Christian I can say to all you useless non-believers...."

Being an illiterate dogshit bagger, that got past you.

Yes you are useless, and now I'm no longer financially liable for your dirty lifestyle. :D
Prove? lol

What kind of fucking retard are you?

YOU made a claim about your insurance coverage. Prove it, liar.

The fucking retard is you, son. You make claims you don't support and can't even keep your bitch in line. I have to do that for you.
YOU made a claim about your insurance coverage. Prove it, liar.

The fucking retard is you, son. You make claims you don't support and can't even keep your bitch in line. I have to do that for you.

Super size that fry order, cocksucker.
Nice to see you admit that you live a dirty lifestyle. :D

Illiterate douchenozzle, aren't you? You never were responsible for my healthcare because I took care of myself and my family all along. Unlike a shit shoveler like yourself.
Illiterate douchenozzle, aren't you? You never were responsible for my healthcare because I took care of myself and my family all along. Unlike a shit shoveler like yourself.

Are you so dense you don't understand how insurance works? Who do you think paid for all the queers on expensive HIV meds? The corporate CEOs?