Media Strangely Silent on GOP "purge" of Moderates and Lurch to the far Right

Why don't you read the thread where I admitted I just liked making fun of Rhode Island? Lighten up, not every single post must be the most serious.

No, I know. Only the ones wherein you are responding to someone who is disparging republicans, with facts, btw.

Then we must get most serious indeed! :)

But otherwise, hey, it's all in good fun, chill man, chill.
Your point is what ?
Media Strangely Silent on GOP "purge" of Moderates and Lurch to the far Right
Get a clue.....sounds like you don't know what the hell you're talking about....


The Republican Main Street Partnership PAC called yesterday for Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee’s primary challenger to drop out of the Rhode Island Senate race to help keep a Republican majority in the Senate. The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) and Chafee’s campaign echoed the call.
You obviously do not watch the Sunday news shows then.

Guess who does? All of Washington first of all, and most people who have a serious interest in politics. Sorry, but just because you didn't see it (and I honestly do not know how a guy who runs a political message board missed it, but ok) doesn't mean there was nothing to see.
I'm at work at 6:00 am. I have to leave at 5:00 am to get there. I get up at 4:30 am... Morning news shows are not something that I can watch. I don't know how people who have real jobs have time for such nonsense. Especially when most of the people everybody complained about was Rush... BTW - My wife watches the morning news shows, Lamont is not something she brought up in conversation either. I think this one is a bit overplayed.

I did however tell everybody who posted that it was some odd thing in CT, that the Ds had every right to choose their candidate. I do predict that Lieberman will win though....

I have never spoken one poor word for Ds who voted against Lieberman. They made sense to me... If you are against a war and both candidates are the same otherwise why vote for the one that is for the war?

So, this whole I cared about the Lieberman thing but don't care about this one because of the Party is total hackeyed partisanship leeching meaning that is not there from my posts.
Your point is what ?
Media Strangely Silent on GOP "purge" of Moderates and Lurch to the far Right
Get a clue.....sounds like you don't know what the hell you're talking about....


The Republican Main Street Partnership PAC called yesterday for Republican Sen. Lincoln Chafee’s primary challenger to drop out of the Rhode Island Senate race to help keep a Republican majority in the Senate. The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) and Chafee’s campaign echoed the call.


Thanks for proving my point that this is exactly like the Lieberman-Lamont race. But, the media isn't obsessing about if.

The vast majority of the Democratic Leadership backed Lieberman in the primary against Lamont. Hell, Clinton campaigned for lieberman. And yet, the grass roots democratic activists backed Lamont.

Exactly the same situation you're describing in the Chaffe-Laffey race.
Rhode Island ? Big place took me nearly all day to ride accross it on my bicycle several years ago. BTW service is really nice in the off season in Newport, nice hotels, good food, etc...

Thanks for proving my point that this is exactly like the Lieberman-Lamont race. But, the media isn't obsessing about if.

The vast majority of the Democratic Leadership backed Lieberman in the primary against Lamont. Hell, Clinton campaigned for lieberman. And yet, the grass roots democratic activists backed Lamont.

Exactly the same situation you're describing in the Chaffe-Laffey race.
It does seem to have an incredible amount of similarity.
Oh come on. There are many states with populations far less and only one state with a higher population density than rhode island. I don't believe that total land area should be the only derimiter of the importance of a state.
Total population in 2000 of 1.05 million? Pfui! That wouldn't even make a decent county out here.
