Meghan McCain: My Beef With Ann Coulter


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As the pundit begins a series of national debates this week, Meghan McCain says that having her as the face of the Republican Party is a recipe for disaster.

It is no secret that being a Republican isn’t the most hip political stance a person can take right now. President Obama has successfully established himself as the hippest politician around. You know you’re big when Katy Perry wears a dress with your face on it to host the MTV Europe Music Awards. To my fellow Republicans: I’m sorry, I wish I could be more positive about the current “hipness” of our party. But being a Republican is about as edgy as Donny Osmond. Granted, being “hip” is not a reason to join a political party, or a reason to agree with its ideals. But it is a way to get the attention of a generation—or, more specifically, my generation.

What was she thinking when she said Hillary Clinton was more conservative than my father during the last election?

To make matters worse, certain individuals continue to perpetuate negative stereotypes about Republicans. Especially Republican women. Who do I feel is the biggest culprit? Ann Coulter. I straight up don’t understand this woman or her popularity. I find her offensive, radical, insulting, and confusing all at the same time. But no matter how much you or I disagree with her, the cult that follows Coulter cannot be denied. She is a New York Times best-selling author and one of the most notable female members of the Republican Party. She was one of the headliners at the recent CPAC conference (but when your competition is a teenager who has a dream about the Republican Party and Stephen Baldwin, it’s not really saying that much).

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I've read some of her blog before and Meghan is a sharp and perceptive young woman. And she's also right about the Republican Party not being 'hip' right now (or even close). Of course for the Democrats outside of Obama people like Biden, Pelosi and Reid don't really register on the hip scale either but from a 'hip' perspective there is no denying the force that is Obama.
I've read some of her blog before and Meghan is a sharp and perceptive young woman. And she's also right about the Republican Party not being 'hip' right now (or even close). Of course for the Democrats outside of Obama people like Biden, Pelosi and Reid don't really register on the hip scale either but from a 'hip' perspective there is no denying the force that is Obama.

Well...don't accuse me of being Mr. Obvious....but when has the Republican party ever been hip?
Why? I was going to say that my beef with Meghan McCain is that she thinks people give a shit what she says but apparently they do. I just haven't the foggiest idea why.

Well, she's hot. Her father ran for President and as a result she got to travel the country meeting and seeing thousands of young people and hearing their feedback on politics from their perspective. She's a smart and articulate person who wrote about her experiences in a blog that was written in a non-ideologue perspective (or from a board perspective in a non Desh way) and ended up getting a pretty large following include some in the Republican 'hierarchy' (or whatever the RNC power structure calls themselves while stroking each off).

So that is why people are interested in her and I too hope she gets more coverage. She is also hot.
Why? I was going to say that my beef with Meghan McCain is that she thinks people give a shit what she says but apparently they do. I just haven't the foggiest idea why.

Probably for the same reason some people give a shit when little Clinton accompanied her mom.
Under normal circumstances, I don't give a rat's ass what Meghan McCain has to say. But in this instance she is correct: the GOP must refine not only its politics, but its public image as well. I believe this will inevitable occur.
Under normal circumstances, I don't give a rat's ass what Meghan McCain has to say. But in this instance she is correct: the GOP must refine not only its politics, but its public image as well. I believe this will inevitable occur.

Maybe they should Hire Eminem and Tiger Woods as image consultants?

Eminem can show them that white guys can be hip and Tiger can show them that blacks can be uptight rich good ole boys too! :)
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I just googled her.

I'd hit it.

Maybe they should Hire Eminem and Tiger Woods as image consultants?

I believe Steele will help the party considerably. At the very least, he knows what needs to be accomplished and will give it his best effort. We'll see...
Under normal circumstances, I don't give a rat's ass what Meghan McCain has to say. But in this instance she is correct: the GOP must refine not only its politics, but its public image as well. I believe this will inevitable occur.

How do republicans need to refine their politics? Accept globalization fully and give two shits about american workers? Is that the refinement you seek? Destroy the border, give all our cash to israel, get their lips fully around banker dick? What exactly?
How do republicans need to refine their politics? Accept globalization fully and give two shits about american workers?

Prior to the development of the world market, the United States was a second-rate nation; we became an economic power because of globalization, not in spite of it. In a free market environment, economic globalization is beneficial to American workers. Protectionism is always harmful to the economy. Find one reputable economist who claims otherwise.

Destroy the border,

We must control the flow of immigration. That said, immigration (legal) is a boon to the economy.

give all our cash to israel,

To a certain extent, yes. Israel is vital to stability in the middle east.

get their lips fully around banker dick? What exactly?

The Federal reserve ought to be abolished, and replaced by a national bank as well as a hard currency as described in the Constitution and the Coinage Act of 1792. Also, fractional-reserve banking must be abolished.
Tabasco. It seems the ultimate endpoint of our "greatness through globalization" experiment is the entire nation being in debt to china. So take your lies and fuck off.
Bullshit. lies and propaganda.

That is not a rebuttal. If you wish to engage in a real discussion, let's behave like adults. Again, I challenge you to reference even one reputable economist who can verify your claims.

It seems the ultimate endpoint of our "greatness through globalization" experiment is the entire nation being in debt to china

Incorrect. Credit is not the foundation of a laissez-faire economy. We don't have anything even remotely close to a free market economy in the United States. If we did, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now. Your god (the state) is responsible for this recession.
I'm pretty sure that the US has always been an economic powerhouse. It wasn't until around 1930, though, that the mass immigration had sent us to a point where we had more TOTAL power than most of the stronger nations in Europe. And after that point, it became exponential, and today we match all of Europe together.
That is not a rebuttal. If you wish to engage in a real discussion, let's behave like adults. Again, I challenge you to reference even one reputable economist who can verify your claims.

Incorrect. Credit is not the foundation of a laissez-faire economy. We don't have anything even remotely close to a free market economy in the United States. If we did, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in now. Your god (the state) is responsible for this recession.

I challenge you to prove we were '" second rate until globalization". That's just bullshit. Our domestic economy flourished serving itself prior to globalization. And now, with the globalization you love, we're going to be sold to china. You're couldn't be more idioitic and wrong.

This recession was caused in most part by government meddling (fm/fm backed securities), elimination of glass steagell (securitization of mortgages in an idiotic fashion), political activism (forcing fm/fm to give loans based on politics) and greed (doing all of the above, knowing it's an irrational bubble).
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