Meghan McCain: My Beef With Ann Coulter

while she makes good points...she confuses the issue regarding hipness or popularity. while one should not choose a party based on that, one cannot deny obama's popularity, thus she lends some credence to hipness or popularity.

reagan and republicans were "hip" in the 80's....

for people to proclaim the death knoll of a political party based upon one or two or even three elections, is plain stupid. the democrats did not roll over in 00' or 04', no, they kept up the attacks.
What was she thinking when she said Hillary Clinton was more conservative than my father during the last election?

I'll tell you what she was thinking, the same thing MOST conservatives were thinking, when it came to John McCain. He had every opportunity to stand up and deliver a strong conservative message, and it simply pained John too much to do that. Just like the 'Gang of 14' fiasco, he cowered and ran from principles, and tried to suck up to the so-called "moderate" voter. His last shot, was when he picked Sarah Palin as his VP, and he totally blew that. He allowed the Democrat Media Machine to define her to America as they saw fit, and they promptly reamed him a new one. John McCain, a former POW, had no real hard core leadership ability. His tendency was always to compromise, to get along with the other side, to try and appease his captors...err...opposition! Rather than standing up for conservative principles, he all to often, totally abandoned them and tried to 'out-liberal' the liberals. Conservatives were not amused.

If McCain had spent half the time reaching out to Conservative voters as he did "reaching across the aisle" to appease the Nancy Pelosi's of the world, he might have stood a chance. He still had the baggage of his background of 30 years, sucking up to liberals, trying to be all things to all people, and selling out his party every chance he got. But I think he had a shot at overcoming that, had he listened to his base. He refused to do that, and he lost miserably.

Now, in the aftermath of that, we hear from the mealy-mouth moderates who fucking didn't vote for McCain, telling us that Republicans need to change... we need to be more moderate... drop the religious right... become "hip" and appeal to the younger voters! It's absolute and total bullshit, and if the GOP powers that be, listen to this garbage, the Republicans are finished for the next 20 years in American politics. They need to get up, dust themselves off, and find their core values again. Reaganism! The fundamentals which established Conservatives in the 1980's as the dominate party. If they will return to that message, they will again regain power in Washington. If not, they are simply destined to be on the outside looking in for a while. Conservatives... true Conservatives, are just not going to support some half-assed quasi-conservatism!
Reaganism was good at the time it was around. Ronald Reagan could not have been elected at any other time than he was. His principles were what they were in 76, and while he put up a good fight, he could not have defeated Jimmy Carter in 1976. Americans were through with republicans in 76 and if not for the economy and the Iran Hostage crisis Reagan would not have defeated Carter in 1980. Not hard to beat a man that looked as impotent and ineffective as Carter did in 1980. 1984, the Dems could have run Jesus Christ for President and not beat Reagan. In four years that guy did a lot to make the majority of Americans feel good about themselves and their country. The timing for Reagan was perfect in 1980, had he won a floor fight at the convention in 1976 and been the repub candidate he would have been the Teddy Kennedy of the Republican Party.