Mental health experts sound the alarm on Trump’s potential ‘cognitive decline’ as he’s ‘lost touch with reality’


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Leading mental health experts, including a former White House doctor, have expressed alarm over Donald Trump’s mental faculties, suggesting he’s showing signs of “cognitive decline.”

Several experts told The Independent their concerns about the Republican presidential nominee are similar to those they had about President Joe Biden before he dropped out of the race, warning Trump appears to “have lost touch with reality,” as exhibited by the 78-year-old’s “rambling” speeches and “erratic” debate performance.

They join a growing number of mental health professionals calling for independent and objective cognitive testing as November’s election edges closer.

Biden, 81, faced a deluge of questions about his mental fitness for another four years in office following his disastrous debate against Trump in June when he repeatedly stumbled over his words and trailed off. Now, all eyes are on Trump, who is prone to incoherent tangents and bizarre musings.

That was on full display at Monday night’s rally in Pennsylvania, where Trump was mocked for his “word salads.”He said of Kamala Harris: “She had the other interview with the other guy who was a nice guy I think from Philadelphia from Pennsylvania, he was a nice guy, he was asking her all these [inaudible] — the daily take — they don’t take like I do! Anybody wants to go, go what the hell differences they make — they have — and how dishonest was ABC...”

But Trump insists he is “cognitively very strong.”

Earlier this month a professor of psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College, Richard A. Friedman, said he was “alarmed” by what he witnessed during Trump’s debate performance on September 10. In an op-ed for The Atlantic, he said Trump “displayed some striking, if familiar, patterns that are commonly seen among people in cognitive decline.”

Dr. Ben Michaelis, a clinical psychologist who has previously carried out cognitive assessments for the New York Supreme Court, agrees. He told The Independent that Trump is “really not in a strong cognitive place.”

Michaelis — who stressed he has not examined Trump in person and could not offer any formal diagnosis — watched the former president’s debate against Kamala Harris earlier this month, noting that it started at 9 p.m.

“There’s a term when you’re talking about people with dementia called sundowning, it’s a lot harder for them as the day goes on,” he said, suggesting it appeared Trump could have been experiencing those symptoms.

“It’s very difficult for them to maintain focus on a topic,” he continued. “The idea of being able to maintain that level of focus for that amount of time, that late in the day…you wouldn’t think twice about it if that was your grandfather. It’s just he happens to be running for president.”

When it comes to Trump’s rambling speeches, where he has often veered from one unrelated topic to another, Michaelis said it struck him as “logorrhoea” — the Greek word meaning excessive talking — which can be associated with dementia.

An example of this was at a speech in Potterville, Michigan, where Trump leapfrogged from talking about how he lost billions of dollars in San Francisco to where he ranks in a list of “horribly” treated presidents. In another speech, he began talking about bacon and within a minute had moved on to wind turbines.

Trump has addressed his tendency to venture off topic, bragging about what he calls “the weave.”:whoa:

“When I do the weave...I’ll talk about nine different things and they all come back brilliantly together,” he said. “Friends of mine that are English professors, they say: ‘It’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen.’”

But the experts don’t agree. “It’s excessive incoherent talking,” Michaelis said.

“Again, I am not diagnosing him with anything, but it can be a symptom of significant mental illness or dementia. [It is] that inability to maintain focus and to move in a sort of tangential way from topic to topic.

“If you’re observing him, [the topics] don’t seem at all connected but they may have some random connection in his mind, that’s what seems to be happening.”



Mental health experts sound the alarm on Trump’s potential ‘cognitive decline’ as he’s ‘lost touch with reality’​

He doesn't even recall having his bare ass smacked with a rolled-up porn mag.
How can you forget a thing like that ?

Haw, haw.........................................haw.
Trump speaks extemporaneously for hours.

Heels Up Harris has two subjects.

"I was raised in a middle class home."


Kamala Harris roasted for latest ‘word salad’ during softball MSNBC interview
By Diana Glebova
Published Sep. 26, 2024, 3:19 p.m. ET

Holy “holistic,” Kamala.

The vice president and Democratic presidential nominee was mocked Wednesday night over her rapid-fire deployment of the word “holistic” during a friendly interview with MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle.

During an extended answer about housing, Harris used the SAT word — which refers to connections and complete systems rather than separate topics — three times in 23 seconds.

“Some of the work is going to be through what we do in terms of giving benefits and assistance to state and local governments around transit dollars, and looking holistically at the connection between that and housing,” the 59-year-old rambled, “and looking holistically at the incentives we in the federal government can create for local and state governments to actually engage in planning in [a] holistic manner that includes prioritizing affordable housing for working people.”

Republicans and conservatives mocked Harris for using the word as a crutch.
Biden is still president. If these "experts" were the same ones that felt Biden had declined, why aren't they calling for him to leave office? Leaving the race isn't really the same, is it? Seems pretty clear what the agenda here is, no?
Biden is still president. If these "experts" were the same ones that felt Biden had declined, why aren't they calling for him to leave office? Leaving the race isn't really the same, is it? Seems pretty clear what the agenda here is, no?
They didn't think Biden should run. They don't think Trump should run either. See how that's the same thing?
Leading mental health experts, including a former White House doctor, have expressed alarm over Donald Trump’s mental faculties, suggesting he’s showing signs of “cognitive decline.”

Several experts told The Independent their concerns about the Republican presidential nominee are similar to those they had about President Joe Biden before he dropped out of the race, warning Trump appears to “have lost touch with reality,” as exhibited by the 78-year-old’s “rambling” speeches and “erratic” debate performance.

They join a growing number of mental health professionals calling for independent and objective cognitive testing as November’s election edges closer.

Biden, 81, faced a deluge of questions about his mental fitness for another four years in office following his disastrous debate against Trump in June when he repeatedly stumbled over his words and trailed off. Now, all eyes are on Trump, who is prone to incoherent tangents and bizarre musings.

That was on full display at Monday night’s rally in Pennsylvania, where Trump was mocked for his “word salads.”He said of Kamala Harris: “She had the other interview with the other guy who was a nice guy I think from Philadelphia from Pennsylvania, he was a nice guy, he was asking her all these [inaudible] — the daily take — they don’t take like I do! Anybody wants to go, go what the hell differences they make — they have — and how dishonest was ABC...”

But Trump insists he is “cognitively very strong.”

Earlier this month a professor of psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College, Richard A. Friedman, said he was “alarmed” by what he witnessed during Trump’s debate performance on September 10. In an op-ed for The Atlantic, he said Trump “displayed some striking, if familiar, patterns that are commonly seen among people in cognitive decline.”

Dr. Ben Michaelis, a clinical psychologist who has previously carried out cognitive assessments for the New York Supreme Court, agrees. He told The Independent that Trump is “really not in a strong cognitive place.”

Michaelis — who stressed he has not examined Trump in person and could not offer any formal diagnosis — watched the former president’s debate against Kamala Harris earlier this month, noting that it started at 9 p.m.

“There’s a term when you’re talking about people with dementia called sundowning, it’s a lot harder for them as the day goes on,” he said, suggesting it appeared Trump could have been experiencing those symptoms.

“It’s very difficult for them to maintain focus on a topic,” he continued. “The idea of being able to maintain that level of focus for that amount of time, that late in the day…you wouldn’t think twice about it if that was your grandfather. It’s just he happens to be running for president.”

When it comes to Trump’s rambling speeches, where he has often veered from one unrelated topic to another, Michaelis said it struck him as “logorrhoea” — the Greek word meaning excessive talking — which can be associated with dementia.

An example of this was at a speech in Potterville, Michigan, where Trump leapfrogged from talking about how he lost billions of dollars in San Francisco to where he ranks in a list of “horribly” treated presidents. In another speech, he began talking about bacon and within a minute had moved on to wind turbines.

Trump has addressed his tendency to venture off topic, bragging about what he calls “the weave.”:whoa:

“When I do the weave...I’ll talk about nine different things and they all come back brilliantly together,” he said. “Friends of mine that are English professors, they say: ‘It’s the most brilliant thing I’ve ever seen.’”

But the experts don’t agree. “It’s excessive incoherent talking,” Michaelis said.

“Again, I am not diagnosing him with anything, but it can be a symptom of significant mental illness or dementia. [It is] that inability to maintain focus and to move in a sort of tangential way from topic to topic.

“If you’re observing him, [the topics] don’t seem at all connected but they may have some random connection in his mind, that’s what seems to be happening.”

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How many of these "experts" actually spoke to Trump himself?
Trump speaks extemporaneously for hours.

So did Castro.

Heels Up Harris has two subjects.

It's funny because you get to slut shame a woman. That's got to make your day just a little brighter.

Thank God Trump isn't a serial rapist/serial philanderer/serial baby-daddy. I mean look at his family...what he's got something like 5 kids by 3 different women? All because he couldn't keep it in his pants? Need I remind you he FUCKED A SEX WORKER WITHOUT PROTECTION AND THEN WENT BACK TO POTENTIALLY SPREAD HIS DISEASES TO HIS WIFE WHO WAS NURSING THEIR NEW BABY. Talk about top-level slutty.

But it's OK to be a slut if you're a man.
