
Oil and drugs are two main reasons for wars.

The USA has been installing despots for that very reason.
You saw all the gung-ho, blood thirsty, tough guys on the net. I'm giving them a chance to defend their position.
It may be argued that the claim of "open borders" is a racket.

The Gov. Abbott's recent behavior demonstrated that.
Ukraine body count has reached WWI trench warfare level. Yall think this is a game. Putin has exposed the soft underbelly of NATO. Panama, a country of 28,703 square miles was the last country the US was able to defeat.
Scott Ritter is saying 50,000 dead mercenaries in Ukraine. How many are American? NATO is getting its ass kicked. Most of the weapons are being stolen by far-right extremists. Is Ritter lying?

why would he lie ?
how many America ? probably a lot but not all.
while the Army is running the war for UKR as well as arming them, they are not commanding real soldiers so its not surprising to think they are getting their asses kicked.
why would he lie ?
how many America ? probably a lot but not all.
while the Army is running the war for UKR as well as arming them, they are not commanding real soldiers so its not surprising to think they are getting their asses kicked.
I see Ritter as CIA; they get paid to lie, but he's all I got for news. I like the guy; he has goat size balls to say what is obvious to military intelligence. Ask Dutch the snitch if Ritter has been to prison. Dutch thinks Nelson Mandela is a criminal.
I see Ritter as CIA; they get paid to lie, but he's all I got for news. I like the guy; he has goat size balls to say what is obvious to military intelligence. Ask Dutch the snitch if Ritter has been to prison. Dutch thinks Nelson Mandela is a criminal.

its my understanding that he was a marine (actually they never stop being one, semper fi and all) and if thats the case, he most likely despises the CIA as its killed loads of servicemen via bad intel. But he likely has contacts on the ground, either current marines or mercs so its reasonable to believe what he says.

My South African friends say Mandela was a criminal too though Winnie was far worse.
its my understanding that he was a marine (actually they never stop being one, semper fi and all) and if thats the case, he most likely despises the CIA as its killed loads of servicemen via bad intel. But he likely has contacts on the ground, either current marines or mercs so its reasonable to believe what he says.

My South African friends say Mandela was a criminal too though Winnie was far worse.
There's a big difference between a whistleblower and a snitch. One gets honored and the other gets the shank. I don't have many heroes these days but Ritter is one of them. Protest are no longer allowed because of guys like Mandela becoming president.
There's a big difference between a whistleblower and a snitch. One gets honored and the other gets the shank. I don't have many heroes these days but Ritter is one of them. Protest are no longer allowed because of guys like Mandela becoming president.

South Africa has many problems thanks to the messy transition to non-apartideness. Mugabe was worse in Zimbabwe.

Not sure what the connection between whistleblowing and Mandela is all about but Ritter does nto seem to be a problem.
South Africa has many problems thanks to the messy transition to non-apartideness. Mugabe was worse in Zimbabwe.

Not sure what the connection between whistleblowing and Mandela is all about but Ritter does nto seem to be a problem.
Scott Ritter went to prison for having a conscience. He's now unemployable unless he becomes president like Mandela. I'd vote for Ritter and Tulsi.