Meteorologists responds with data after Joe Biden blames climate change for tornadoes

Dampening unprecedented and calamitous tornadoes suits maggot's ecocidal portfolio.


dumb cunt
An extremely stupid person.

Quote Originally Posted by Primavera View Post

The Biden administration and climate activists are blaming global warming for the tragic and deadly tornado outbreak this weekend.


President Biden is navigating a politically fraught path on climate change after last weekend’s deadly tornadoes, stopping short Monday of directly blaming global warming for the disaster but emphasizing the storms’ extreme nature and ordering officials to get more definitive answers.

Biden, facing an unusual series of violent weather events during his first year in office, has been forced to change the way presidents have long dealt with natural disasters. A task that once involved calling local leaders, offering aid and consoling victims — all things Biden has done — has expanded to far more politically sensitive terrain.

Scientists are drawing clearer lines between global warming and destructive weather — often prompting Biden to warn of the urgent need to address rising temperatures. And some climate activists say the tornadoes underline the urgency of swift action. But Republicans are eager to pounce on any exaggeration of climate change’s impact, putting pressure on Biden not to get ahead of what is verifiable.

“We have to be very careful — we can’t say with absolute certainty that it was because of climate change,” Biden said Monday after officials briefed him on the tornadoes.

You obviously do NOT know the definition.

A lie requires 'a person who knowingly utters falsehood'

The ONLY way one can know what someone meant to do is if the person admits it.

Therefore, you CANNOT know someone lied unless they admit they lied.

Then he might as well be very dumb.
The Biden administration and climate activists are blaming global warming for the tragic and deadly tornado outbreak this weekend. In reality, objective scientific data show tornadoes – and especially violent and deadly tornadoes – are becoming much less frequent and severe as the Earth modestly warms. Global warming won’t make all strong tornadoes disappear, but it is nonsensical and unethical to blame global warming for the few tornadoes that still occur, when strong tornadoes become increasingly rare as the Earth modestly warms.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been keeping track of tornadoes since the mid-1950s. As shown in the NOAA-created charts below, there has been no increase in the overall number of tornadoes as the planet modestly warms, despite new radar technology that allows us to spot tornadoes that we previously could not spot. More importantly, there has bee a dramatic decline in strong, deadly tornadoes as the climate warms.

Thank you for posting this. Every morning on my pre-dawn walk, I listen to a local podcaster who starts his show with meteorological data. I find it interesting how the moonbats seem to think that every weather related disaster has occurred in the last ten years. Recorded history proves them to be incorrect. The only difference is the population and where new construction is permitted.
The age old question left unanswered by the malcontents,

Thank you for posting this. Every morning on my pre-dawn walk, I listen to a local podcaster who starts his show with meteorological data. I find it interesting how the moonbats seem to think that every weather related disaster has occurred in the last ten years. Recorded history proves them to be incorrect. The only difference is the population and where new construction is permitted.
The age old question left unanswered by the malcontents,


You obviously do NOT know the definition.

A lie requires 'a person who knowingly utter a falsehood'

The ONLY way one can know what someone meant to do is if the person admits it.

Therefore, you CANNOT know someone lied unless they admit they lied.
biden did not lie at all, he never claimed the tornadoes were the result of climate change...can you fucking read?
biden did not lie at all, he never claimed the tornadoes were the result of climate change...can you fucking read?

I only glanced at your post.
And based on your track record - I assumed you were calling someone else a liar.
I was wrong.
My apologies.

But I see you still do not know what the meaning of the word 'liar' is.
Just as someone else cannot know that Biden lied.
You cannot know that he did not.

One might ask you whether you can read definitions?
Because you sure do not seem to learn from them.
I only glanced at your post.
And based on your track record - I assumed you were calling someone else a liar.
I was wrong.
My apologies.

But I see you still do not know what the meaning of the word 'liar' is.
Just as someone else cannot know that Biden lied.
You cannot know that he did not.

One might ask you whether you can read definitions?
Because you sure do not seem to learn from them.

when trump said there is windmill cancer, was he lying? or was the statement a lie, since there is obviously no such thing as windmill cancer.
Mighty Joe Biden Vs. The Tornadoes


Speaking in Wilmington, Delaware on Saturday, President Joe Biden blamed the recent deadly tornado outbreak in Kentucky on “climate change.”

Biden stated, “The fact is we all know everything is more intense when the climate is warming and obviously it has some impact here.”
Biden’s statement is laughably inept and easily disproved. All one has to do is look past the opinions, pronouncements, and hand waving and concentrate on what science and data actually say about the issues.

First, the top five deadliest tornadoes in America all occurred between 1840 and 1936. The Great Natchez Tornado on May 7, 1840, killed 317 people and was the second-deadliest tornado in U.S. history. The deadliest was the March 18, 1925, Tri-State Tornado, which was also the longest-tracked tornado in U.S. history. The massive F5 tornado traveled 219 mi (352 km) across Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana, killing 695 people.

Second, the last half of the 65-year U.S. tornado record had 40 percent fewer strong-to-violent tornadoes (EF3 rated or greater) than the first half. To claim that climate change is causing severe tornadoes is speculation, and directly opposite data publicly available from the National Weather Service (NWS).

Dr. Roy Spencer, a climatologist at the University of Alabama, Huntsville points out, “To claim that global warming is causing more tornadoes is worse than speculative; it is directly opposite to the clear observational evidence.”

A graph of 50 years of tornado data from the NWS Storm Prediction Center (NWSPC) clearly illustrates the downward trend in violent U.S. tornadoes rated EF3 or greater since 1970.

NOAA Storm Prediction Center

In fact, 2017-2018 set the U.S. record for the longest period in history (306 days) without an EF3 or stronger tornado.
But there is an important distinction that must be made. While there’s an upward trend in all tornadoes — due to increased reporting courtesy of millions of cellphone cameras, storm chasers, and expanding populations — violent tornadoes rated EF3 or greater, like the one in Kentucky, are down significantly.

Third, the number of tornadoes this year has been below average. Moreover, 2018 was a record low year for tornado occurrences and deaths in the United States. Provisional data from NWS indicate the tornadoes that hit Mayfield, Kentucky, and Edwardsville, Illinois, were both rated as EF3s.

Although most tornadoes occur in spring and early summer, violent tornadoes are not unheard of in winter. Data show that on average since 1950 there have been five tornadoes every winter of EF3 and greater strength in the United States.

Fourth, tornado outbreaks can’t happen without cold air. When cold air juxtaposes with warm, moist air on a frontal system, we get strong thunderstorms and violent tornadoes. With a modestly warming world, the difference between equatorial and polar temperatures lessens, which is why we have had a downward trend in violent tornadoes. With a smaller temperature difference between the pole to the equator, there’s less energy differential between polar cold fronts and warmer, moister subtropical air in the United States.

Finally, the claimed global authority on climate change and weather, the United Nations group known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), produced a special report on severe weather in 2018 that found climate has little or no influence on tornadoes. “There is low confidence in observed trends in small spatial-scale phenomena such as tornadoes,” said the report.

So, why would President Biden make such claims of a linkage between the tornado outbreak and climate change when science and data say there is no causation? A recently published scientific paper sheds some light on this. The paper, titled “Politics of attributing extreme events and disasters to climate change,” states:
“While politicians may want to blame crises on climate change, members of the public may prefer to hold government accountable for inadequate investments in flood or drought prevention and precarious living conditions… The desire to persuade the public of the dangers of climate change via attributions of climate events pressures scientists and the media alike to attribute extreme climate events (and associated crises) to climate change.”
Unfortunately, the corporate media have massively repeated President Biden’s incorrect claim that “climate change” is to blame for a tragic outbreak of deadly tornadoes. The media simply didn’t do their job of conducting even the simplest investigation, and as a result, Americans are once again grossly misinformed.
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Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. : ‘What is climate attribution about? Politics first, science second’
Pielke Jr. : "What is climate attribution about? Politics first, science second So let's err on the side of claiming every weather event is linked, connected, fueled by climate."

Consider also that according to data from the U.S. National Weather Service from 2000 to 2020 only four of the strongest category of tornadoes were observed (which are labelled as F/EF5 tornadoes) In comparison, from 1954 to 1974 36 (!) such powerful tornadoes were observed. Our research on tornado damage in the United States over many decades shows a decline that is suggestive of an actual decline in tornado incidence. Based on the IPCC assessment of the literature, along with the underlying data and research, the only scientifically valid answer to the question of whether greenhouse gas emissions and associated climate change are leading to more or more intense tornado outbreaks — a “new normal” — is that neither tornadoes nor the most intense tornadoes have increased since at least the 1950s.
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Meteorologists responds with data after Joe Biden blames climate change for tornadoes

Did anyone ever think to ask the expert about everything fukki what he thought about this ???
parsing. a distinction without a real difference. if someone says there is windmill cancer, they are lying. in the real world.

Holy shit!!!

3 times now I have posted the definition.

And you STILL do not get it.


Your ineptitude is beginning to approach 'legendary' status on this.
Kroger adds monthly surcharge for unvaccinated workers, cuts their COVID-19 sick leav

Good for them, I want to see more companies do this, hit them in the pocketbook?!!

In a bid to push more of its workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19, Kroger will eliminate paid pandemic-related leave and charge $50 per month to employees that haven't gotten shots.

Kroger stopped short of mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for workers, but said it is "modifying policies to encourage safe behaviors including vaccination." Company officials added the grocer will also continue to offer a one-time $100 bonus to workers that get fully vaccinated.

The $50 surcharge goes into effect Jan. 1 and applies to salaried associates enrolled in a company health plan. The extra expense would cost an employee $600 per year.

You can see the disastrous weather as showing what climate change is bringing us. Note, real scientists point to the data and say that is likely reflective of climate change. Those who have a slant will say it was not climate change for sure. That is not how scientists work. The worsening storms were predicted and they are showing up.