Michael Yon:Famine is coming

[FONT=&quot]Around 2.3 billion people in the world (29.3%) were moderately or severely food insecure in 2021 – 350 million more compared to before the outbreak of the COVID‑19 pandemic. Nearly 924 million people (11.7% of the global population) faced food insecurity at severe levels, an increase of 207 million in two years.[FONT=&quot]Jul 6, 2022[/FONT]

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https://www.who.int › News › item

[h=3]UN Report: Global hunger numbers rose to as many as 828 million in 2021[/h]

It’s already been here for a lot of people in the world.
The food basket of Europe is shut down and getting polluted with war dust and war junk (THANKS AMERICAN WAR CRIMINALS!)

This is going to be a thing folks.
Michael is one hell of a good war reporter, and a very smart guy who understands how the world works, and does not work.

A good guy to listen to.

Russia already seems to have dispatched what I think was at least one reconnaissance through Darien Gap. There is little problem through various means/routes to send another hundred million people marching into United States, and another hundred million to Europe. Child’s play. Russia, China, and perpetual opportunists such as zionists, can create havoc with easy but giant moves. Such as shutting Panama Canal.American meat-puppets in DC are not serious people. Yet they have serious weapons. Facing serious men with equally serious weapons. US and allies are incredibly vulnerable. Saint Trump still stands with the WMD he unleashed on his own voters, countrymen, allies, and unborn children. Everything makes sense when you realize the fake ‘vaccines’ were not made for ‘Covid.’ The ‘pandemic’ was created to deploy the so-called warp-speed weapons into flesh across the globe.We are not hopeless but we ARE ON OUR OWN.As for Israel, peg chances of Israel’s long term survival at 20%.
Someone recently asked me about Yon....what he says is scary as fuck but he has seen a lot, he is smart, and he does not lie.
America through NATO has invested so much into Ukraine that upon admitting that they got humiliated in this war that they demanded and spent over a decade creating the American Empire collapses into a pile of shit.

So they refuse....making things worse....perhaps all the way to WW3.

I say they because I had nothing to do with it, the regime did this ....this illegal illegitimate regime that abuses us....that as rubbed out the Constitution.