Michigan wants to reopen Palisades nuclear ill-informed environmentalists object

No, you're not. You have no idea, no factual background, or clue about any of them. If you think Fermi or TMI "almost went big" you are a complete illiterate on nuclear power--complete illiterate. A tour of a nuke plant is meaningless. You had no idea what you were even looking at most likely.

Sure Fermi was a fast breeder sodium reactor that after the accident was offline for 4 years. I keep forgetting how tiny an accident like that is. How much did it cost?
Sure Fermi was a fast breeder sodium reactor that after the accident was offline for 4 years. I keep forgetting how tiny an accident like that is. How much did it cost?

It was largely experimental and not copied further. The design was known as the EBR-2 (Experimental Breeder Reactor). In fact, liquid sodium salt reactors proved difficult and dangerous designs wherever tried and the idea was dropped as engineering improved on reactor design.