Mike Huckabee vs Ron Paul


Not to put a damper on all of you Ron Paul supporters...however Ron Paul has not even made it into the double digits on National State averages in November...His highest average was a 7% in Western States the rest were low 3-5%...

In comparrison Mike Huckabee has made it into the double digits for the November averages...
Southern States-10.3%
Western States-6.5%
Red States-10.2%
Blue States-6.6%
Mid States-14.6%
North east States-5.7%

I do believe that Mike Huckabee just may be the Dark Horse nominee when all is said and done...he is moving up the ladder akin to the way Bill Clinton did! I suppose Chuck was correct in putting his support with Mike...enough said!

link: www.usaelectionpolls.com
Update...Nov 15,2007

Puts Mike at 24% in the Iowa poll...
Nothing reported for Ron Paul or others...strange!
Not to put a damper on all of you Ron Paul supporters...however Ron Paul has not even made it into the double digits on National State averages in November...His highest average was a 7% in Western States the rest were low 3-5%...

In comparrison Mike Huckabee has made it into the double digits for the November averages...
Southern States-10.3%
Western States-6.5%
Red States-10.2%
Blue States-6.6%
Mid States-14.6%
North east States-5.7%

I do believe that Mike Huckabee just may be the Dark Horse nominee when all is said and done...he is moving up the ladder akin to the way Bill Clinton did! I suppose Chuck was correct in putting his support with Mike...enough said!

link: www.usaelectionpolls.com

Huckabee's a loser. He gets nothing but votes from people over 100, like you.

Ron pwns Huckabee.
for once I have to agree with BB. I've been saying for months that Huckabee is a dark horse, with a real shot to leap into the top tier.

And Huckabee is doing it with a small fraction of the money, and internet/media buzz that Ron Paul has. :pke:
for once I have to agree with BB. I've been saying for months that Huckabee is a dark horse, with a real shot to leap into the top tier.

And Huckabee is doing it with a small fraction of the money, and internet/media buzz that Ron Paul has. :pke:

Huckabee is a loser. You just like him because he's a totalitarian socialist/social conservative, which to you is better than someone who believes in economic and social freedom. But he's not going to go above the 10% he's ALWAYS been getting ANYTIME ANYPLACE.
Huckabee is a loser. You just like him because he's a totalitarian socialist/social conservative, which to you is better than someone who believes in economic and social freedom. But he's not going to go above the 10% he's ALWAYS been getting ANYTIME ANYPLACE.

You won't find any post where I say I "like" huckabee, as a candidate that I would support.

I'm stating a simple fact.

Huckabee, with orders of magnitude less money than Ron Paul, and less national organization that Ron Paul, will nonetheless totally out compete ron paul in most of the primaries and national polls.

Because outside of the iraq war, what Ron Paul is selling no one is buying.

Huckabee's a loser. He gets nothing but votes from people over 100, like you.

Ron pwns Huckabee.

Well waterboy I am not quite over 100 yet...someday I would hope to make it...unlike you who will probably never see 40...alcohol and drugs will do you in! And by the way I probably have a much better social life than you...you just masturbate online...and fantasize your opinions...:cof1:

Huckabee is a loser. You just like him because he's a totalitarian socialist/social conservative, which to you is better than someone who believes in economic and social freedom. But he's not going to go above the 10% he's ALWAYS been getting ANYTIME ANYPLACE.

Right!...he just went to 24% in the Iowa polls...and by the way My man is Duncan Hunter...I am waiting for him to get traction...if not and Mike takes the lead...well then I will go with him!
Well waterboy I am not quite over 100 yet...someday I would hope to make it...unlike you who will probably never see 40...alcohol and drugs will do you in! And by the way I probably have a much better social life than you...you just masturbate online...and fantasize your opinions...:cof1:

Yeah, alcohol in drugs.

Warren, tell him how ridiculous this statement is.
You know, you are nothing like Clint Eastwood grampa. He's a libertarian, not a dopey, senile, drunken fart. :cof1:

You know, you are nothing like Clint Eastwood grampa. He's a libertarian, not a dopey, senile, drunken fart. :cof1:

and you are exactly like your avatar...a chubby,lazy,pot head!:rolleyes:

side note:I am alot like Clint, albeit he is 14 years older than me...he is a staunch conservative Republican not a libertarian,USArmy Vet and hates Michael Moore! Take a break from the pot beefy...your head willclear and you will see life as it really is!:cof1:
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and you are exactly like your avatar...a chubby,lazy,pot head!:rolleyes:

side note:I am alot like Clint, albeit he is 14 years older than me...he is a staunch conservative Republican not a libertarian,USArmy Vet and hates Michael Moore! Take a break from the pot beefy...your head willclear and you will see life as it really is!:cof1:

He's a self proclaimed libertarian.



Clint and you at least have something in common, you're both old, but that's about it.