Mike Huckabee vs Ron Paul


He's a self proclaimed libertarian.



Clint and you at least have something in common, you're both old, but that's about it.

Wrongo beefy the wonder boy...you don't know Clint...he ran as a Republican for Mayor...and he just says he leans Libertarian for the media....contracts for movies and all...post them there cherry picked links though...for every one that supports your position you will find one against...thats just life beefy! And I would bet dollars to donuts that Clint and I are in mo better physical as well as mental condition then you and your pot head group!:tongout:
Wrongo beefy the wonder boy...you don't know Clint...he ran as a Republican for Mayor...and he just says he leans Libertarian for the media....contracts for movies and all...post them there cherry picked links though...for every one that supports your position you will find one against...thats just life beefy! And I would bet dollars to donuts that Clint and I are in mo better physical as well as mental condition then you and your pot head group!:tongout:

Ron Paul is also a Repulican. But he's a small "l" libertarian. See, "libertarian" is a viewpoint much like "liberal" or "conservative". It is also the name of the "Libertarian" party, which is a party much like "Democrat" or "Conservative". Clint calls himself a "libertarian". So enjoy your little fantasy of being Clint Eastwood, but that's all it is.

That's your lesson for today.

Ron Paul is also a Repulican. But he's a small "l" libertarian. See, "libertarian" is a viewpoint much like "liberal" or "conservative". It is also the name of the "Libertarian" party, which is a party much like "Democrat" or "Conservative". Clint calls himself a "libertarian". So enjoy your little fantasy of being Clint Eastwood, but that's all it is.

That's your lesson for today.

seek help...I know Clint do you? I also know Chuck...Do you? They are in my age group...not yours...speak for your generation all you want...but to say this stupid comment without even knowing me is really dumb! And I am me not Clint or Chuck...we just share the same views!
seek help...I know Clint do you? I also know Chuck...Do you? They are in my age group...not yours...speak for your generation all you want...but to say this stupid comment without even knowing me is really dumb! And I am me not Clint or Chuck...we just share the same views!

You're a libertarian? Glad to have you.
whatever...chucky and Clinty already put their hard earned money with Huckee!..I may follow depends if Dunkee gets the ball rolling!:eek:

I don't think Hunter has a prayer. Wanting to take over the world isn't resonating with the people like it used to.

Huckaby has a shot, but he's going to have to get more aggressive. I actually think he has a better shot than Guliani because he's more in step with the base of the party.

I don't think Hunter has a prayer. Wanting to take over the world isn't resonating with the people like it used to.

Huckaby has a shot, but he's going to have to get more aggressive. I actually think he has a better shot than Guliani because he's more in step with the base of the party.

However I am a oldies guy...I support the underdog...however I may go with Chuck and Clint if it goes this way!

and by the way you are wrong about Duncan...he is a very honest and upfront guy...does he support the ME war?...yes and so do I...! His other credentials are very good on the war on terror and illegal immigration and outsourcing stops on free trade...leaning toward fair trade!
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Hunter is out of touch. He has about as much of a chance as Kucinich. So just be pragmatic and vote for Ron Paul.
No thank you...not my guy!

Hunter is out of touch. He has about as much of a chance as Kucinich. So just be pragmatic and vote for Ron Paul.

I will only go with ...Duncan,Huckabee or Tancredo if they get the nomination...otherwise I will protest and vote my party...'American Independent'...whoever they put up...a protest vote...YES!
The Clint Eastwood / Chuck Norris talk was .. special .. but the point in this thread is Mike Huckabee is kicking Ron Paul's ASS .. with less money, less organization, less hoopla, and without the obnoxious spammer posse.

Is there a Paul supporter who would like to address that?
The Clint Eastwood / Chuck Norris talk was .. special .. but the point in this thread is Mike Huckabee is kicking Ron Paul's ASS .. with less money, less organization, less hoopla, and without the obnoxious spammer posse.

Is there a Paul supporter who would like to address that?

I will.

I disagree.
I will.

I disagree.

You disagree that Huckabee is ahead of Paul ?

You disagree that Huckabee has moved ahead of Paul with less money and organization and hoopla ?

You disagree because you simply have no way of spinning it in Paul's favor ?