Millions Go Hungry as Congress Considers Food Stamp Cuts and Drought Threatens Crops


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Nearly one in five Americans could not afford the food they or their families needed at some point in the past year, and now anti-poverty advocates are pressing Congress to abandon proposed food stamp cuts as a historic drought threatens to drive up food prices across the country.

A Gallup poll released this week shows that 18.2 percent of Americans did not have enough money to buy the food they or their families needed at least once during the past year. In 15 states, at least 1 in 5 Americans polled in the first half of 2012 reported struggling to pay for food during the past 12 months.

Little has changed since 2011, when 18.6 percent of Americans reported struggling to afford food, but proposed food stamp cuts in Congress and the worst drought in half a century could soon make matters worse.

The drought has impacted 80 percent of the country's agricultural lands, and the US Department of Agriculture predicts that consumers will see meat and dairy prices increase within two months. Increases in the cost of packaged products, such as cereal, containing corn and flour are expected in about 10 to 12 months.

The rate of Americans facing food hardship peaked in late 2008 as the economy fell into a deep recession. The rate spiked from 16.3 percent in the first quarter of 2008 to 19.5 percent in the last quarter.

Congress Considers Cutting Food Stamps
With millions of Americans struggling to stave off hunger, anti-poverty groups are asking that Congress abandon proposals to cut off support for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which supplies assistance commonly called food stamps.

"The numbers underscore the point that people still continue to struggle, and that cuts some in Congress are proposing to our nation's nutrition safety net will only worsen a bad situation," said Jim Weill, president of the Food Research and Action Center.

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SNAP funding is included in the 2013 omnibus agriculture appropriations bill. The Senate version would cut $4.4 billion over ten years and would cause about 500,000 households to lose an average of $90 in nutritional assistance each month.

SNAP cuts in the House version, which seeks about $16 billion in SNAP reductions, would make the same cuts and change eligibility requirements to push at least 1.8 million people out of the food stamp program.

"These cuts to SNAP will particularly harm seniors, children and working families, taking food away from the poorest and most vulnerable among us," Weill said, echoing concerns shared by the White House and Democrats in Congress.

The White House opposes the deep SNAP cuts proposed in the House, which are largely supported by Republicans eager to cut domestic spending.
The number of participants in SNAP programs has been at a historic high since the recession began, and SNAP spending increased from $30 billion in 2007 to $73 billion in 2011, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Regional Food Disparity
In general, more people living in Southern states report struggling to pay for food. Mississippi tops the national Gallup list, with 24.9 percent of those polled in the state reporting struggling to pay for groceries during the past year. Alabama, Delaware, Georgia and Nevada join Mississippi as the top five states where people face food hardships.

People living in Southern states will also be hardest hit by increases in food prices due to drought, according to Gallup. People living in the Mountain Plains and Midwest states that make up America's breadbasket are least likely to face food hardship. North and South Dakota top the list of states where residents are least likely to go hungry.

Despite the troubling data on food hardship, vast amounts of America's food supply goes to waste. The National Resources Defense Council reported this week that 40 percent of food produced in the United States goes uneaten. That's about 20 pounds of food per person every month.

By Mike Ludwig
So if every self described liberal would just adopt one of these families and offer to feed them, problem solved.

If every if every self described conservative would just take their guns and go after the Taliban in Afghanistan, would our defense problem be solved?
If every if every self described conservative would just take their guns and go after the Taliban in Afghanistan, would our defense problem be solved?

Nope, and a false analogy. You see under the US Constitution which is the law under which our Federal Government is supposed to operate, national defense is a duly authorized expenditure of the federal government. Food for po people is not. Come better prepared next time

Nope, and a false analogy. You see under the US Constitution which is the law under which our Federal Government is supposed to operate, national defense is a duly authorized expenditure of the federal government. Food for po people is not. Come better prepared next time EPIC FAIL!

"Po people"?

Racist much?

You see, under the US Constitution which is the law under which our Federal Government is supposed to operate, providing for the general welfare is a duly authorized expenditure of the federal government.
"Po people"?

Racist much?

You see, under the US Constitution which is the law under which our Federal Government is supposed to operate, providing for the general welfare is a duly authorized expenditure of the federal government.

Well, that explains it. You are so fucking stupid you don't even know the US Constitution. Tell ya what, if you are right and the US Constitution says that, I will vote for OWEdummyfucker. If I am right and the US Constitution does not say that, then you will vote for Romney. Deal?

Now this is where you run off and actually read it then come back and attempt to spin your way out of it. But, it is here for all to see, just how fucking stupid you are.
Well, that explains it. You are so fucking stupid you don't even know the US Constitution. Tell ya what, if you are right and the US Constitution says that, I will vote for OWEdummyfucker. If I am right and the US Constitution does not say that, then you will vote for Romney. Deal? Now this is where you run off and actually read it then come back and attempt to spin your way out of it. But, it is here for all to see, just how fucking stupid you are.
Great. You provided me a link. Now, be so kind as to find the exact words "provide for the general welfare". If you show me where they exist in the US Constitution, I will vote for OWEdummyfucker. Otherwise you vote for Romney.

The words were too big for you, I guess.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.
The words were too big for you, I guess.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

Nothing about the individual? Like I said.


But hey if you want to sit on your ass and have the gobblement "provide" for you, so be it. It is working everywhere else like Greece :)
Nothing about the individual? Like I said. EPIC FAIL! But hey if you want to sit on your ass and have the gobblement "provide" for you, so be it. It is working everywhere else like Greece :)

When did you specify "the individual", weasel?

Great. You provided me a link. Now, be so kind as to find the exact words "provide for the general welfare". If you show me where they exist in the US Constitution, I will vote for OWEdummyfucker. Otherwise you vote for Romney.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense [SUP][/SUP]and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.
When did you specify "the individual", weasel?

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense [SUP][/SUP]and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

That is why we are talking about right? The gobblements supposed power to provide for an individuals "general welfare"? Aren't you talking about feeding an individual?

Bottom line is you know that it was never the intent of the US Constitution to do that. It was designed to LIMIT the power of the federal gibblement
The drought has impacted 80 percent of the country's agricultural lands, and the US Department of Agriculture predicts that consumers will see meat and dairy prices increase within two months. Increases in the cost of packaged products, such as cereal, containing corn and flour are expected in about 10 to 12 months.

This scares me.. add on the rise in gas prices due to the loss of corn and groceries could rise exponentially.. and while I'm doing so much better than I was, food costs kill me.. I spend more on groceries a month that I do "rent" and water combined.. and it's not like I'm making 5 course meals every night, but I'm not making 'box' stuff either.. I make my own recipes with fresh ingredients..

I'm just glad hunting season is starting in a couple weeks.. I've never 'depended' on it before, so that will be a first. but b/t that and what I'll start getting from some of the local 'farms'.. I hope it will be enough to see us through for awhile.. I can't imagine how others, not as lucky as I am to have a hunter/fisherman and who have to rely solely on chain grocery stores, are going to get through it..
This scares me.. add on the rise in gas prices due to the loss of corn and groceries could rise exponentially.. and while I'm doing so much better than I was, food costs kill me.. I spend more on groceries a month that I do "rent" and water combined.. and it's not like I'm making 5 course meals every night, but I'm not making 'box' stuff either.. I make my own recipes with fresh ingredients..

I'm just glad hunting season is starting in a couple weeks.. I've never 'depended' on it before, so that will be a first. but b/t that and what I'll start getting from some of the local 'farms'.. I hope it will be enough to see us through for awhile.. I can't imagine how others, not as lucky as I am to have a hunter/fisherman and who have to rely solely on chain grocery stores, are going to get through it..

If they voted for OWEdummy and plan on doing so again they are getting what they deserve and frankly I have no sympathy/empathy for them.

Like you we do much on our own now. I hunt and fish and a couple of years ago we started gardening. It has helped tremendously. My wife ha started canning an that helps get s through the winter. We buy less an less from the grocery store. I only go to a local butcher for my meat. We buy our fruits from a local farmers market.

I am grateful everyday that we do not live in inner city shit holes like New York.
If they voted for OWEdummy and plan on doing so again they are getting what they deserve and frankly I have no sympathy/empathy for them.

Like you we do much on our own now. I hunt and fish and a couple of years ago we started gardening. It has helped tremendously. My wife ha started canning an that helps get s through the winter. We buy less an less from the grocery store. I only go to a local butcher for my meat. We buy our fruits from a local farmers market.

I am grateful everyday that we do not live in inner city shit holes like New York.

Yeah...this damn drought is all Obama's fault...LMAO!
If they voted for OWEdummy and plan on doing so again they are getting what they deserve and frankly I have no sympathy/empathy for them.

Like you we do much on our own now. I hunt and fish and a couple of years ago we started gardening. It has helped tremendously. My wife ha started canning an that helps get s through the winter. We buy less an less from the grocery store. I only go to a local butcher for my meat. We buy our fruits from a local farmers market.

I am grateful everyday that we do not live in inner city shit holes like New York.

So you are good with the radicals in congress who want to cut social programs that help feed the hungry. You would also be ok with stepping over starving children in the street. You're a real humanitarian and compassionate human. When the game runs out are you willing to eat human? Or if you're real hungry you can get food stamps from the govt so you don't starve. Or you can eat your own words but they are not very filling.
That is why we are talking about right? The gobblements supposed power to provide for an individuals "general welfare"? Aren't you talking about feeding an individual? Bottom line is you know that it was never the intent of the US Constitution to do that. It was designed to LIMIT the power of the federal gibblement

You made a bet, welsher.

Great. You provided me a link. Now, be so kind as to find the exact words "provide for the general welfare". If you show me where they exist in the US Constitution, I will vote for OWEdummyfucker. Otherwise you vote for Romney.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.

I showed you, and you welshed.

Not that I expected you to honor your bet.

After all, convicted felons can't vote, and you're guilty of criminal stupidity.