Millions Go Hungry as Congress Considers Food Stamp Cuts and Drought Threatens Crops

There is no such person, so you never intended to honor your bet.

Your word is worthless, your credibility nil.

You sure are a sensitive little pussy aren't you. I intend to keep my word. I never said what I would vote for him for did I. Plus there was never any way for either of us to verify anyway. Surely you didn't expect that I would give a psycho lib nutjob like you my personal info. Did you? But I will keep my end of te bargain. I will vote for OWEdummyfucker your Dear Leader
If they voted for OWEdummy and plan on doing so again they are getting what they deserve and frankly I have no sympathy/empathy for them.

Like you we do much on our own now. I hunt and fish and a couple of years ago we started gardening. It has helped tremendously. My wife ha started canning an that helps get s through the winter. We buy less an less from the grocery store. I only go to a local butcher for my meat. We buy our fruits from a local farmers market.

I am grateful everyday that we do not live in inner city shit holes like New York.

I did vote for Obama and will again.. as I've said, I'm 100% better off than I was and he is directly related to my 'betterment'.. I'm not going to hash this out with you again since you've forgotten what the end of 08 looked like and think it was 00 instead.. so yeah, he didn't cause the drought.. But it's awesome to see you admit he really is the Messiah..