Mo Dowd


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More Phony Myths

Maureen Dowd

This was Rove’s take on Obama to Republicans at the Capitol Hill Club Monday, according to Christianne Klein of ABC News:

“Even if you never met him, you know this guy. He’s the guy at the country club with the beautiful date, holding a martini and a cigarette that stands against the wall and makes snide comments about everyone who passes by.”

Actually, that sounds more like W.

The cheap populism is really rich coming from Karl Rove. When was the last time he kicked back with a corncob pipe to watch professional wrestling?

Conservatives love playing this little game, acting as if the “elite” Democratic candidates are not in touch with people like themselves, even though the guys doing the attacking — like Rove, Limbaugh, O’Reilly and Hannity — are wealthy and cosseted.

Haven’t we had enough of this hypocritical comedy of people in the elite disowning their social status for political purposes? The Bushes had to move all the way to Texas from Greenwich to make their blue blood appear more red.

Everyone who ever became president was in the elite one way or another, including Andrew Jackson.

Rove and Co. are nervous because they see that Obama, in rejecting public financing, is not going to be a chump, like some past Democratic candidates.


Charlie Black crassly argued in Fortune that a terrorist attack would “be a big advantage” for John McCain. And what’s scary is, Black is the smartest adviser McCain’s got.

It’s hard to believe that if Americans get attacked after all these years of getting strip-searched at the airport, they’re going to be filled with confidence at the performance of the Republicans on national security. And at least Obama wants to catch Osama and doesn’t think he’s getting his directions on war from “a higher Father.”

Rove’s mythmaking about Obama won’t fly. If he means that Obama has brains, what’s wrong with that? If he means that Obama is successful, what’s wrong with that? If he means that Obama has education and intellectual sophistication, what’s wrong with that?

Many of Obama’s traits are the traits that people in the population aspire to.

It looks as if Rove is on the verge of realizing his dream of creating a permanent position for the Republicans.

Unfortunately for him, it’s in the minority.
I know, that’s what I thought when I read this. She might be settling her seething, catty ass down for a while, because the NY Times’ Ombudsman gave her a long-deserved pounding last week.
Let me guess, NOW we are all supposed to pretend that the Hillary camp wasn't pointing towards Obama as being out of touch with the working class or painting him as an elitist just a few short weeks ago?

Now its a Republican tactic? LMAO.
Let me guess, NOW we are all supposed to pretend that the Hillary camp wasn't pointing towards Obama as being out of touch with the working class or painting him as an elitist just a few short weeks ago?

Now its a Republican tactic? LMAO.

Well, no one ever said the Republicans were innovative. Of course they steal most of their material, but the fact remains it’s a tactic they are using now. Therefore, it is now a Republican tactic, yes.
I forgot about Bush's "Higher Father" line when talking about who he was taking direction from on the war.

I really can't wait until this Presidency ends. It's going to feel like the last day of school, x100.
Well, no one ever said the Republicans were innovative. Of course they steal most of their material, but the fact remains it’s a tactic they are using now. Therefore, it is now a Republican tactic, yes.

yes, it is NOW. But quite hypocritical of those on the left to bitch about it when a few short weeks it was the infighting within their party that STARTED the chants of Obama being elitist. If your party is the one that began the chanting, you can hardly blame the Reps for jumping on that particular bandwagon.
People feel a closeness with George W. because he is damn near illiterate and is unable to speak proper english.

In my part of the world, being able to speak proper english marks you as a transplant.

My neighbors understood what a "nucular" bomb was.
yes, it is NOW. But quite hypocritical of those on the left to bitch about it when a few short weeks it was the infighting within their party that STARTED the chants of Obama being elitist. If your party is the one that began the chanting, you can hardly blame the Reps for jumping on that particular bandwagon.

It’s not hypocritical of me. I “bitched” about it when Hillary was doing it, and have always found it absurd that the two richest candidates (Hillary and your boy) would make this laughable claim against Obama. And by the way, McCain was making since at least since the bitter comments. So give it a rest.
It’s not hypocritical of me. I “bitched” about it when Hillary was doing it, and have always found it absurd that the two richest candidates (Hillary and your boy) would make this laughable claim against Obama. And by the way, McCain was making since at least since the bitter comments. So give it a rest.

I did not mean you specifically.

Not sure what you mean, but last week it was a tad sore after riding 500 miles on my bike. I have a great saddle, but after that distance it was a tad sore. Thanks for asking.

By saddle do you mean bike seat? What kind do you have? Yes, that is what I was talking about.
By saddle do you mean bike seat? What kind do you have? Yes, that is what I was talking about.

The question had me wondering. But I hoped it was some inside joke.

But 500 miles on a bike will hurt most people.
And the useful life of the "Clinton did it" excuse extends a bit longer . . .
Yes, thank the little gods for power-hungry democrats.

(Of course, this tends to ignore the 'they do it too' "defense" is actually a confession...)
By saddle do you mean bike seat? What kind do you have? Yes, that is what I was talking about.

yes, the saddle is the seat. I have a Specialized saddle. (obviously they make several different shapes/sizes and I do not know specifically which one is on my bike)

I am glad that is what you were referring to, because I thought you just might be insinuating that it could be sore from pulling so much shit out of my ass.
