Monkton asks for apology for APS disclaimer on his global warming paper

1. that Bush would suck as president. Not just once but twice.
2. That Iraq would turn out to be a long quagmire, not a 6 weeks or 6 months thing.
3. That the sub prime mortgage scheme would fail miserably.
4. That personal debt loads would be a big issue.

Your picking of things like the surge and eventually we would have a downturn is pretty pathetic.

If you had been right in the past a surge would not have been needed.

Your problem lies in the fact that you project your opinions of my position as actually being my positions.

1) From the beginning I stated that Iraq was poorly timed and poorly planned. I did state that I believed the war was inevitable (which many idiots on the left seem to continually mistake for "you support Bush".) but that is not the same thing.

2) I have harped on the dismantling of Glass Steagall since it began in 1992. So no, you have no claim of superiority there either.

3) Once Iraq began, yes, I supported the addition of more troops (as the generals on the ground kept calling for). You did not. You claimed it would not work. It did.

4) I never stated that Iraq would be done in 6 weeks or 6 months and made fun of those that did. So again, your projection that you were correct on this and that I was somehow wrong is only half correct.

5) I doubt anyone on this board has been more vocal about the stupidity of the lack of fiscal responsibility in this country than I have. Both on an individual and governmental basis.
Umm you left out the bush part :D

Many ex bushies have adopted my long held positions that they used to give me grief about.

I said Iraq was a mistake before we invaded.
You more troops thing therefor hindsight not foresight.
Umm you left out the bush part :D

Many ex bushies have adopted my long held positions that they used to give me grief about.

I said Iraq was a mistake before we invaded.
You more troops thing therefor hindsight not foresight.

Once again you are idiotically projecting your views on my positions onto me.

You continue to pretend that others have "adopted your views". Which is a load of crap. As I stated dumbass, from the beginning I said the war in Iraq was both ill-timed and poorly planned. But you are too much of a simpleton to comprehend that aren't you?

Stating that the surge was needed is not hindsight moron. At the time of surge... people were discussing whether it would help or not. I took the correct side of the argument. YOU were on the wrong side of it. But now, like your messiah Obama, you are trying to wriggle your way out of it by saying "bush sucks" over and over again in the vain attempt to mask just how wrong you were on that issue.
LOL. the surge was hindsight. If we had not invaded iraq based on lies by your selected leader we would not have needed any surge now would we ?
If it had been over in 6 months or so as your supported administration stated we would not have needed a surge either now would we ?
LOL. the surge was hindsight. If we had not invaded iraq based on lies by your selected leader we would not have needed any surge now would we ?
If it had been over in 6 months or so as your supported administration stated we would not have needed a surge either now would we ?

again you fucking moron.... the surge was not hindsight. It was stated at the beginning of the war that it was needed. Bush decided not to listen. But again, the FACT that you continue to hide from is that LAST year, when the debate began again....

Which side of the argument were you on dumbass? Were you for the surge at the time or were you one of the ones that said it wouldn't matter? Which is it dumbass? Which side of that argument were you on?

Again, you put forth your idiotic strawman of the six months. It has nothing to do with the debate last year of whether or not more troops should be added. Nothing. That is just your idiotic attempt to hide the fact that you were flat out wrong.

How pathetic of you to continue with such bullshit.
The surge is not trying to fight a war from the start with too few troops.

Desperate rationalizations by Ex Bushies...

just another 6 months and everything will be fine.
The surge is not trying to fight a war from the start with too few troops.

Desperate rationalizations by Ex Bushies...

just another 6 months and everything will be fine.

LMAO... you talk of desperation.... how desperate are you that you will try even the most childish of attempts to wiggle your way out of just how WRONG you were.

I am not trying to rationalize anything.... It is a FACT that last year there was a debate on whether or not the surge that began in 2007 would work or not. The vast majority of Dems... including yourself and your messiah Obama, were WRONG.

But yes, please continue to hide from your mistake like the little coward that you are.
You are just going to have to learn to accept that you screwed up and live with it SF.

too soon to tell yet what the longer effect of the surge in Iraq is.
Another 6 months :D

Oops that was the bushies line for several years there .
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