More BLM scamming

If the black lives matter movement is a problem to you, the more direct way to complain is to just come right out with it: black lives don't matter.

I've never been a favorite of those in the African American community for various reason, even when I had a lovely black girlfriend in college, or maybe because of that, and it could be
also be because I hate stupid, jive ass ebonic language and the ridiculous made up names that black women are sticking on their kids and for that matter, hip hop music, too.

But I sure as hell would never say that blacks lives mattered less than mine.
All of us overvalue our lives, probably, but our lives are worth whatever quality that they have, and some black people have pretty fucking good lives.
Barak Obama is a pretty fucking worthwhile person from my observations, even if his wife is a little prissy.
Donald Trump, white as the fucking snow, is a useless blob of diseased protoplasm, much like many of the conservatives on JPP.
Thank you. I love it when you malcontent lefties throw around a word that no longer has meaning because of overuse by your kind.


Mentally diseased common white trash, thankfully you and your kind are dying off

Words do have meaning and you fit the word racist nicely
BLM did no such thing. America was not burned down. BLM engaged in peaceful and legal demonstrations. Then the police attacked them and all hell broke loose. Poor people saw a chance to steal shit and cause trouble against the establishment that mistreats them every day, At the Capitol, rightys attacked the police injuring over 140. If the Trumpys were not violent, acting out their plan, it would have been a nothing demonstration. RIGHTYS ATTACKED THE POLICE AND TRASHED THE CAPITOL TRYING TO DESTROY THE AMERICAN SYSTEM. That was a threat to America's continuation. They were trying to overthrow that country inside its capitol.
BLM founder accuses Biden, elected officials of 'deep cowardice' for refusing to defund police

" In a recent interview with the Guardian, Black Lives Matter founder Patrisse Cullors accused President Joe Biden (D) and other elected officials of "deep cowardice" for refusing to defund the police. According to Cullors, the administration chose to allocate more funding to law enforcement after the activist movement helped get Biden elected.

Cullors, a self-described Marxist, co-founded BLM in 2013 with Alicia Garza and Ayọ Tometi — then known as Opal Tometi. Cullors stepped down from her executive director position with the BLM organization after coming under fire for purchasing several multimillion-dollar homes. "
We should start a pool as who will turn out to be the longest right wing scapegoat in history. We’ve been thru the Al Sharpton, Antifa, the new Black Panther Party, Bill Ayers, CRT, George Soros, Jeremiah Wright, BLM and probably few others I can’t immediately recall.

And the irony is that the majority of them are Black, not by accident I’d say

Those aren't "scapegoats," they're radical Leftist scum.
A person who has a gambling problem and steals to go to casinos does not do so with the approval of an organization. they are members of churches. They have jobs. They are members of several organizations and none of them are besmirched by her personal problems. None would approve of her actions. Bigots are making connections that are not there.