More BS from Queen Pelosi.

Like BS environmental concerns and stuff. Fuck the whales! I want the price of my gas to drop by a fraction of a cent!

Tell me about it. My favorite part is that he actually had the audacity to make some smart ass comment about other countries and their lax environmental regulations in the same post.
Well, you know, since it is also destroying our planet, I thought it might be cool if we created THOSE jobs, and THAT money, via solar, wind and bio...but that's just me. You are more than free to make yourself up a "DrILL, BABY DRILL' sign and jump around with it the next time Sarah is in Colorado...I hear she loves that.

Once again, resorting to bullshit. So sad.

As I stated, we need to do it all. The complete stupidity of 'well lets replace it with alt energy only' is amazing. Why not just bury your head in the sand? Just as effective. Why can we not have BOTH sets of jobs and BOTH sets of money. We gain tax revenues off the oil and nat gas we produce here. We do not gain anything from shipping our money to Canada, Mexico and Saudi.

But I know... just resort to chanting... Big Oil is evil and so we will force those bastards to work overseas instead of here. That will teach them.
Tell me about it. My favorite part is that he actually had the audacity to make some smart ass comment about other countries and their lax environmental regulations in the same post.

It was not a smart ass comment dungshit.... it was a question... if we are consuming oil and can control the environmental impacts on oil we drill, but not on oil others drill... why the fuck would any environmentalist WANT us to be reliant on other countries????

Dhula you dumb broad,
your destroying the planet while your on your computer and while you drive to your singles bar to get laid twice a month.
What a fucking false outrage bimbo.

"This bill is a total fraud. It gives us access to only 12 percent of the estimated oil reserves we are currently not allowed to access. If Congress takes no action in the next two weeks, guess how much of that oil we could tap? One hundred percent.

The congressional ban on offshore drilling is not a permanent ban. It expires in two weeks! If Congress does nothing, all oil reserves currently closed to exploration will become accessible on Oct. 1. So this bill actually takes from 100 to 12 the percentage of blocked oil reserves we could begin reaching for two weeks from now.

Furthermore, the bill gives the appearance of opening drilling from 50 to 100 miles from shore, but it actually discourages this. The bill requires state approval for drilling within that range, but it does not allow states to share in revenues from oil leases granted there. So states such as California, which faces a huge budget shortfall, have less incentive to give that approval."

Who wants to bet that if this bill passes, the Dems will proclaim something to the effect of 'we care about the consumer and have thus allowed offshore drilling'. Further... how many Dems will call bullshit on such a distortion?

Why should Americans auction of 100% of their land to oil companies, when the oil companies aren't even drilling on something like 60 million acres they already hold leases on?

What kind of moron auctions off everything they have, before it can be proven the Leasor is making a return on their investment for the property owner.

What the fuck is the rush. Give them some leases on our land, and see what they do with it, before giving them anymore.

You act like public land is just some big playground that should be auctioned off wholesale, without any deliberation or prudence.

Lets see what the fuck they do with what they've already been given. That's just freaking common sense.

California doesn't want drilling off our central coast and northern coast. We get more money from tourism that any royalty piece of shit Exxon would pay us.

If ya'll wanna auction off all of colorado's public lands go for it. I know you place unfettered capitalism and profits above the public interest and environment.
Auction it off in 5 year or so leases. No drill in 5 years it gets leased again thru another auction.
That way they would not just lease it to sit on it.
Auction it off in 5 year or so leases. No drill in 5 years it gets leased again thru another auction.
That way they would not just lease it to sit on it.

Exactly. You're a pretty smart and common sense mofo.

What kind of moron immediately goes ballistic, and auctions off 100% of our public lands and waters in one fell swoop?