More Corruption


Does anyone else wonder about the prosecutor's who did go along? We see what happened to the ones who did not go along; it's not possible to believe they were the only ones who got phone calls.

So, the ones who did go along, what have they been up to? Be pretty interesting to find out, you know? If I were a reporter, that's what I'd be looking for. Who did get prosecuted because some rival Senator decided it would be politically convienent?

Subpoenas Likely for Justice Officials in Prosecutor Firings

By Dan Eggen and Paul Kane
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, March 8, 2007; A07

Senate Democrats said yesterday they are preparing to subpoena five senior Justice Department officials as part of a widening probe into whether eight U.S. attorneys were fired for political reasons.

The fallout from the investigation into why the prosecutors were dismissed continued yesterday. Sen. Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.) hired a top defense attorney to handle a related probe by the Senate ethics committee, which is investigating allegations that he pressured a New Mexico prosecutor to bring indictments against a Democrat just before the November elections.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote today to authorize subpoenas for Justice officials, including Michael A. Battle, who carried out the firings, and Kyle Sampson, chief of staff to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales.

Republicans are likely to exercise their right under committee rules to delay the issue for a week, several aides said. But Democrats said the subpoena push signals their intent to continue digging into the firings.

The new subpoena threat followed dramatic testimony Tuesday from six of the fired U.S. attorneys, including two who alleged that GOP lawmakers or staffers had made improper telephone calls asking about ongoing criminal investigations. A third prosecutor said a Justice Department official warned him two weeks ago that he and his colleagues should keep quiet or risk retaliation.

"Now that it's clear that there was a concerted effort to purge an impressive crop of U.S. attorneys, the next step is to identify and question those responsible for hatching this scheme to use U.S. attorneys as pawns in a political chess game," Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said.

Full story:
this was a facinating hearing....

it was amazing to me to see, once again, HOW CORRUPT the republicans are...

dominici is gonna need that lawyer...

These were republican/bush appointed prosecutors that were not "lock Step" with the Beast.
It's absolutely amazing what these sneaky bastages have been up to everywhere.

But the thing is, we only know, maybe, 10% of it.

It's what we don't know that scares me. And what we don't know here, in just this one instance of corruption, is, how many prosecuters did their master's bidding, kept their jobs, and are currently busy polluting our justice system?
the sad part about all this is how democraps see their party as viruous and skweeeky kleen!!!!

Remember now the republicans ran on a promise of reducing government corruption not increasing it. I do not recall the Democrats doing that.
Yes, that's right, out of all of this, that's the "sad part".

How clever of you to notice. But then, I can't remember the last time I heard the word clever, without hearing "HipLew" directly afterwards.
It's absolutely amazing what these sneaky bastages have been up to everywhere.

But the thing is, we only know, maybe, 10% of it.

It's what we don't know that scares me. And what we don't know here, in just this one instance of corruption, is, how many prosecuters did their master's bidding, kept their jobs, and are currently busy polluting our justice system?

another thing....

HOW THE HELL could congress NOT KNOW this provision was SLIPPED in to the Patriot Act, huh?

didn't congress READ this dam bill? gees, what else was slipped in there without knowledge???

congress does NOT deserve their pay!

also, bush had intentions for this power he took away from our senate....and that was to fire decenters and replace them WITHOUT CONGRESS'S permission... advice and consent...

once again, breaking our constitution.

please impeach the both of them! :( and Gonzalez while we are at it.
Yes, that's right, out of all of this, that's the "sad part".

How clever of you to notice. But then, I can't remember the last time I heard the word clever, without hearing "HipLew" directly afterwards.

thank you.
another thing....

HOW THE HELL could congress NOT KNOW this provision was SLIPPED in to the Patriot Act, huh?

didn't congress READ this dam bill? gees, what else was slipped in there without knowledge???

congress does NOT deserve their pay!

also, bush had intentions for this power he took away from our senate....and that was to fire decenters and replace them WITHOUT CONGRESS'S permission... advice and consent...

once again, breaking our constitution.

please impeach the both of them! :( and Gonzalez while we are at it.

impeach them for what?
Remember now the republicans ran on a promise of reducing government corruption not increasing it. I do not recall the Democrats doing that.
That makes it all better. They didn't promise to do anything about corruption. Fantastic.
Do you guys get 10 bucks from the RNC everytime you manage to turn a subject that has NOTHING to do with Democrats, into a discussion about what is wrong with Democrats?
Do you guys get 10 bucks from the RNC everytime you manage to turn a subject that has NOTHING to do with Democrats, into a discussion about what is wrong with Democrats?
Who, "Demwit", you don't know who he is then.... I didn't bring it up there, lady D.
where were you when nancy blowsi was campaigning???

I thought you might catch that, but after 8 years or more of Republican congressional control and 6 years of total Republican control. All the while the republicans talking of smaller govt, responsible spending, and getting rid of the corruption, wile it grew larger...The Republicans gave her good ammunition on that point.

You are beating a dead horse on this Hiplew.
I thought you might catch that, but after 8 years or more of Republican congressional control and 6 years of total Republican control. All the while the republicans talking of smaller govt, responsible spending, and getting rid of the corruption, wile it grew larger...The Republicans gave her good ammunition on that point.

You are beating a dead horse on this Hiplew.
He ain't kidding. The Congress spending the money, the President not acting conservative at all. The President going back on his "No Nationbuilding" promise. All of these have led me to believe that there are few conservatives in government any longer.

It is not conservative to attempt to legislate religion, that is radical. It is not conservative to attempt to "fix" Iraq like this, that is more of a "one world" thing.

Shoot, there are so many "it is not conservative" points that I can't enumerate them all here. The party is in serious need of an overhaul.
where did i say any of you are wrong about the republicons? I didn't; but you are so blindly partisan, you can't smell the stench of your own corrupt democraps.