More Death's a Comin'

You think the solution to school shootings is to arm everyone...but we weren't supposed to take your "good for him" comment seriously.

The backpedaling continues...
you're just making shit up trying not to look retarded. I don't blame you. it was a really stupid assumption on your part.

now, what I actually said was 'letting teachers WHO WANT TO CARRY, CARRY!!!! at no damned time did I ever say arm the kids, desh.
It's a message board, you have to make it obvious, you've always claimed that you'd shoot the bops who came after your guns, that you're a badass texan gunslinger and if more people had guns there'd be less crime. Its not a large leap to "mah eleven year old should have a gun, he'd shoot that guy". Now if you'd made a pro-pot sarcasm statement, then it woulda been obvious.
it's not a large leap???? that grand canyon must look like a trip to the moon for you then.
That's it...make the same excuses we've heard time and again.

Are you really saying an 11 year old can't be held responsible for this? He's old enough to own a gun, but not to take responsibility when he does something stupid with it?

Backpedal away from the fact you SUPPORTED what that kid did at first, but now want to pretend it was "only sarcasm."

You hold the NRA and guns in general responsible for the CT shooting instead of the mental case that actually pulled the trigger....whats your point ?

An 11 yr old 'gun nut', huh ?.....does he have a collection ?
How long has he been a 'gun nut' I wonder.....
Yes, it was the truth...

It appeared to me you were referring to your own posts.

Not that I expect you to accept that...LOL! don't accept STY's claim of sarcasm, but you expect others to take your word. more two faced bullshit.

also, my post directly quoted yours. only a retard or a liar would think i was talking about my posts.

you're just making shit up trying not to look retarded. I don't blame you. it was a really stupid assumption on your part.

now, what I actually said was 'letting teachers WHO WANT TO CARRY, CARRY!!!! at no damned time did I ever say arm the kids, desh.

Let's also remember you said "good for him" without a hint of sarcasm anywhere.
An 11 yr old 'gun nut', huh ?.....
