More Democrat hate speech. "Civility" forgotten in a rush of foul and unsubstantiated

Nah, it was Chicago Tribune guy... I was getting my liberals crossed. Carville told Obama that it was time to "panic and fire people"...

Obama should be firing people. Statistics show real wages have been in decline for decades. We're reaching a point where the present generation will not do as well as the previous one. Technology/automation has replaced workers. Less people are required to supply our basic needs. Regardless of how we slice it we don't need as many workers so the question is how do those who don't have a job or have part time jobs pay for services such as medical?

Obama and his "guys" have to get the point across that the free-wheeling marketplace is no longer viable as too many people can not get in on the game. The discussion isn't about government medical vs private medical. It's about government medical vs no medical.

There has to be a fundamental change in thinking. The focal point is no longer jobs in the sense there is a shortage of items requiring people to make them. Machines are now making the items, doing the jobs and that shouldn't be looked at as a problem. That's the whole point of advancement, to free man from the burdens of labor.

The point is man's endeavors have to shift from simply acquiring financial resources to understanding what's good for society to advance, as a whole. That's going to be the task facing which ever party takes office in 2012.
Nah, it was Chicago Tribune guy... I was getting my liberals crossed. Carville told Obama that it was time to "panic and fire people"...

I read that. He's the home town guy who endorsed Obama for President in 2008. Looks like he joins the growing disenchanted. I heard someone say recently......"If you voted for Obama to prove your weren't a racist, you're gonna have to vote for someone else next time to prove you're not stupid"."