More hilarity brought to you by the party of NO!!!


Well-known member's a wonderful thing, isn't it folks??

The latest political food fight: Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., and the Obama administration over contracts and appointments.

Shelby has reportedly placed a blanket hold on more than 70 pending Obama nominees over the Pentagon's handling of a refueling tanker contract that could benefit Mobile.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs called Shelby "a poster child for how this town needs to change the way it works." He said the contract dispute should have nothing to do with confirming an agency head or deputy Cabinet member. "It boggles the mind," Gibbs added.

more here:
Bush nominees blocked by Democrats...

List of stalled, blocked or filibustered nominees

* United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
o Rhode Island seat - William E. Smith (judgeship still open)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
o New York seat - Debra Ann Livingston (Livingston was nominated by President Bush in June 2006 but not allowed to be confirmed by Senate Democrats until May 2007)
o New York seat - Loretta A. Preska (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Gerard E. Lynch)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
o New Jersey seat - Shalom D. Stone (judgeship still open)
o Pennsylvania seat - Gene E. K. Pratter, followed by Paul S. Diamond (judgeship still open)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
o Maryland seat - Claude Allen, followed by Rod J. Rosenstein (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Andre M. Davis)
o North Carolina seat - Terrence Boyle, followed by Robert J. Conrad (Boyle was nominated by President Bush in May 2001. After waiting six years, President Bush withdrew his nomination January 2007, making this 2001-2007 nomination the longest court of appeals nomination never processed by the Senate; Robert Conrad was nominated July 2007, but the Senate Democrats refused to process his nomination during the Democrat-controlled 110th Congress; judgeship still open)
o South Carolina seat - Steve A. Matthews (judgeship still open)
o Virginia seat - William J. Haynes, II, followed by E. Duncan Getchell, followed by Glen E. Conrad (judgeship still open)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
o Mississippi seat - Charles W. Pickering, followed by Michael B. Wallace, followed by Leslie H. Southwick (Pickering was filibustered by Senate Democrats and eventually withdrew his nomination; there was so much Democratic resistance to Wallace's nomination that it too was withdrawn; and Southwick was only confirmed due to the efforts of Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein)
o Texas seat - Priscilla Owen (Owen was filibustered by Senate Democrats and only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
o Michigan seat - Henry Saad, followed by Raymond Kethledge (Saad was filibustered by Senate Democrats; Kethledge was only confirmed after a deal in which failed Clinton nominee Helene White was allowed to replace Bush nominee Stephen J. Murphy III as a Sixth Circuit nominee)
o Michigan seat - David W. McKeague (McKeague was filibustered by Senate Democrats and only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)
o Michigan seat - Richard Allen Griffin (Griffin was filibustered by Senate Democrats and only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)
o Michigan seat - Susan Bieke Neilson, followed by Stephen J. Murphy III, followed by failed Clinton nominee Helene White (Bieke was only confirmed three months prior to her death after a four year battle over her nomination; Murphy's nomination was replaced by that of failed Clinton nominee Helene White at the behest of Democratic Michigan senator Carl Levin)
o Ohio seat - Jeffrey S. Sutton (Senate Democrats refused to process his nomination during the Democrat-controlled 107th Congress and he was only confirmed once Republicans assumed control of the house in 2003)
o Ohio seat - Deborah L. Cook (Senate Democrats refused to process her nomination during the Democrat-controlled 107th Congress and she was only confirmed once Republicans assumed control of the house in 2003)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
o Indiana seat - Philip P. Simon (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee David Hamilton)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
o California seat - Carolyn Kuhl (Kuhl was filibustered by Senate Democrats and eventually withdrew her nomination; judgeship later filled by Bush nominee Sandra Segal Ikuta)
o California seat - N. Randy Smith (judgeship still open; Smith was later confirmed to the Ninth Circuit when he was renominated for an Idaho seat)
o Idaho seat - William Gerry Myers III (Myers was filibustered by Senate Democrats; judgeship later filled by Bush nominee N. Randy Smith)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
o Oklahoma seat - James H. Payne, followed by Jerome A. Holmes (Payne withdrew his nomination after allegations made by liberal organizations created the appearance of "extraordinary circumstances" which would not have allowed his confirmation under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal; judgeship later filled by Bush nominee Jerome A. Holmes)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
o Alabama seat - William H. Steele, followed by William H. Pryor (Senate Democrats refused to process Steele's nomination during the Democrat-controlled 107th Congress and his nomination was withdrawn; Pryor was filibustered by Senate Democrats and was only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)

* United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
o Miguel Estrada (Estrada was nominated May 2001, but was filibustered by Senate Democrats and withdrew his nomination after waiting over two years in September 2003; judgeship later filled by Bush nominee Thomas B. Griffith, who was only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)
o John Roberts (Senate Democrats refused to process his nomination during the Democrat-controlled 107th Congress and he was only confirmed once Republicans assumed control of the Senate in 2003)
o Janice Rogers Brown (Brown was filibustered by Senate Democrats and was only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)
o Brett Kavanaugh (Kavanaugh was initially stalled by Senate Democrats and was only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)
o Peter Keisler (President Bush nominated him June 2006, but Senate Democrats refused to process his nomination during the 109th and Democrat-controlled 110th Congress; judgeship still open)
Bush nominees blocked by Democrats...

List of stalled, blocked or filibustered nominees

* United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
o Rhode Island seat - William E. Smith (judgeship still open)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
o New York seat - Debra Ann Livingston (Livingston was nominated by President Bush in June 2006 but not allowed to be confirmed by Senate Democrats until May 2007)
o New York seat - Loretta A. Preska (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Gerard E. Lynch)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
o New Jersey seat - Shalom D. Stone (judgeship still open)
o Pennsylvania seat - Gene E. K. Pratter, followed by Paul S. Diamond (judgeship still open)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
o Maryland seat - Claude Allen, followed by Rod J. Rosenstein (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Andre M. Davis)
o North Carolina seat - Terrence Boyle, followed by Robert J. Conrad (Boyle was nominated by President Bush in May 2001. After waiting six years, President Bush withdrew his nomination January 2007, making this 2001-2007 nomination the longest court of appeals nomination never processed by the Senate; Robert Conrad was nominated July 2007, but the Senate Democrats refused to process his nomination during the Democrat-controlled 110th Congress; judgeship still open)
o South Carolina seat - Steve A. Matthews (judgeship still open)
o Virginia seat - William J. Haynes, II, followed by E. Duncan Getchell, followed by Glen E. Conrad (judgeship still open)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
o Mississippi seat - Charles W. Pickering, followed by Michael B. Wallace, followed by Leslie H. Southwick (Pickering was filibustered by Senate Democrats and eventually withdrew his nomination; there was so much Democratic resistance to Wallace's nomination that it too was withdrawn; and Southwick was only confirmed due to the efforts of Democratic senator Dianne Feinstein)
o Texas seat - Priscilla Owen (Owen was filibustered by Senate Democrats and only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
o Michigan seat - Henry Saad, followed by Raymond Kethledge (Saad was filibustered by Senate Democrats; Kethledge was only confirmed after a deal in which failed Clinton nominee Helene White was allowed to replace Bush nominee Stephen J. Murphy III as a Sixth Circuit nominee)
o Michigan seat - David W. McKeague (McKeague was filibustered by Senate Democrats and only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)
o Michigan seat - Richard Allen Griffin (Griffin was filibustered by Senate Democrats and only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)
o Michigan seat - Susan Bieke Neilson, followed by Stephen J. Murphy III, followed by failed Clinton nominee Helene White (Bieke was only confirmed three months prior to her death after a four year battle over her nomination; Murphy's nomination was replaced by that of failed Clinton nominee Helene White at the behest of Democratic Michigan senator Carl Levin)
o Ohio seat - Jeffrey S. Sutton (Senate Democrats refused to process his nomination during the Democrat-controlled 107th Congress and he was only confirmed once Republicans assumed control of the house in 2003)
o Ohio seat - Deborah L. Cook (Senate Democrats refused to process her nomination during the Democrat-controlled 107th Congress and she was only confirmed once Republicans assumed control of the house in 2003)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
o Indiana seat - Philip P. Simon (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee David Hamilton)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
o California seat - Carolyn Kuhl (Kuhl was filibustered by Senate Democrats and eventually withdrew her nomination; judgeship later filled by Bush nominee Sandra Segal Ikuta)
o California seat - N. Randy Smith (judgeship still open; Smith was later confirmed to the Ninth Circuit when he was renominated for an Idaho seat)
o Idaho seat - William Gerry Myers III (Myers was filibustered by Senate Democrats; judgeship later filled by Bush nominee N. Randy Smith)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
o Oklahoma seat - James H. Payne, followed by Jerome A. Holmes (Payne withdrew his nomination after allegations made by liberal organizations created the appearance of "extraordinary circumstances" which would not have allowed his confirmation under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal; judgeship later filled by Bush nominee Jerome A. Holmes)

* United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
o Alabama seat - William H. Steele, followed by William H. Pryor (Senate Democrats refused to process Steele's nomination during the Democrat-controlled 107th Congress and his nomination was withdrawn; Pryor was filibustered by Senate Democrats and was only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)

* United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
o Miguel Estrada (Estrada was nominated May 2001, but was filibustered by Senate Democrats and withdrew his nomination after waiting over two years in September 2003; judgeship later filled by Bush nominee Thomas B. Griffith, who was only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)
o John Roberts (Senate Democrats refused to process his nomination during the Democrat-controlled 107th Congress and he was only confirmed once Republicans assumed control of the Senate in 2003)
o Janice Rogers Brown (Brown was filibustered by Senate Democrats and was only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)
o Brett Kavanaugh (Kavanaugh was initially stalled by Senate Democrats and was only allowed to be confirmed under the terms of the Gang of 14 Deal)
o Peter Keisler (President Bush nominated him June 2006, but Senate Democrats refused to process his nomination during the 109th and Democrat-controlled 110th Congress; judgeship still open)

Well, by the first post it seems your boys have a 30 point lead there, bunky. And that doesn't include the RECORD amount of filibusters pulled by the Party of No.

Facts are facts.
As the saying goes,
Figures don't lie, but liars know how to figure...

The Democrats seem to have a living, breathing definition of the word filibuster. It seems if the Democrats block judicial nominations, Reid and Schumer count it as a Republican filibuster. If Chris Dodd, Democrat from Connecticut, filibusters the FISA reform bill, Reid and Schumer count that as a Republican filibuster. If Democrats vote unanimously or near-unanimously with the Republicans to uphold a filibuster and beat a bill, as has happened on almost a dozen occasions, that counts as a Republican filibuster.
In the 2007-08 session of Congress, there were 112 cloture votes and some have used this number to argue an increase in the number of filibusters occuring in recent times. However, the Senate leadership has increasingly utilized cloture as a routine tool to manage the flow of business, even in the absence of any apparent filibuster. For these reasons, the presence or absence of cloture attempts cannot be taken as a reliable guide to the presence or absence of a filibuster. Inasmuch as filibustering does not depend on the use of any specific rules, whether a filibuster is present is always a matter of judgment.

And the clown making the judgment is usually Harry (the liar) Reid....

Cloture Motions - 110th Congress
From January 4, 2007 through January 2, 2009, 139 cloture motions were filed.

Note WHO FILED these motions....

Bottom line? the Dims numbers are factually bogus
As the saying goes,
Figures don't lie, but liars know how to figure...

The Democrats seem to have a living, breathing definition of the word filibuster. It seems if the Democrats block judicial nominations, Reid and Schumer count it as a Republican filibuster. If Chris Dodd, Democrat from Connecticut, filibusters the FISA reform bill, Reid and Schumer count that as a Republican filibuster. If Democrats vote unanimously or near-unanimously with the Republicans to uphold a filibuster and beat a bill, as has happened on almost a dozen occasions, that counts as a Republican filibuster.
In the 2007-08 session of Congress, there were 112 cloture votes and some have used this number to argue an increase in the number of filibusters occuring in recent times. However, the Senate leadership has increasingly utilized cloture as a routine tool to manage the flow of business, even in the absence of any apparent filibuster. For these reasons, the presence or absence of cloture attempts cannot be taken as a reliable guide to the presence or absence of a filibuster. Inasmuch as filibustering does not depend on the use of any specific rules, whether a filibuster is present is always a matter of judgment.

And the clown making the judgment is usually Harry (the liar) Reid....

Cloture Motions - 110th Congress
From January 4, 2007 through January 2, 2009, 139 cloture motions were filed.

Note WHO FILED these motions....

Bottom line? the Dims numbers are factually bogus

Well, you are a liar, but you're not bright enough to do figures:

Republicans Break All Time Filibuster Record
If the Republican party (you still think they are not friends with the other party?) was the "Party of no"--as is claimed by the administration (because they say no to marxism but yes to free market solutions---only because of T-party pressure and town hall pressure)--then why---

Now doesn't this make you wonder---why

Why is President obama now "willing to listen to them and look over the bill piece by piece"? Shit---this bill is so marxist, they scared off half the Dem party.


Look---I know we are a bunch of misfits in our society. The only difference between you and I are---I do not blame my insecurities on my family or my nation. I did not let some progressive professor teach me that it is my nations fault. I realzed a while ago---THIS IS THE BEST NATION IN THE WORLD FOR MISFITS. So tell you shrink you finally understand that, and you now realize you can do better for yourself. All you have to do is accept personal responsibility, and go for it. But---you want ---WEEEEEEEELLLLLFFFFFAAAAARRRREEEEE!!! Because that is what you have been taught.'s a wonderful thing, isn't it folks??

The latest political food fight: Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., and the Obama administration over contracts and appointments.

Shelby has reportedly placed a blanket hold on more than 70 pending Obama nominees over the Pentagon's handling of a refueling tanker contract that could benefit Mobile.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs called Shelby "a poster child for how this town needs to change the way it works." He said the contract dispute should have nothing to do with confirming an agency head or deputy Cabinet member. "It boggles the mind," Gibbs added.

more here:

It's called "democracy". No wonder you Democrats hate it. :)
Well, you are a liar, but you're not bright enough to do figures:

Republicans Break All Time Filibuster Record

The previous record of 61 cloture votes in a two-year term was set in 2001-2002, the last time the GOP comprised the minority in the Senate.

I just finished explaining it to obviously didn't read it or understand it, or AGAIN....

the Senate leadership has increasingly utilized cloture as a routine tool to manage the flow of business, even in the absence of any apparent filibuster. For these reasons, the presence or absence of cloture attempts cannot be taken as a reliable guide to the presence or absence of a filibuster. Inasmuch as filibustering does not depend on the use of any specific rules, whether a filibuster is present is always a matter of judgment.

And the clown making the judgment is usually Harry (the liar) Reid....

Cloture Motions - 110th Congress
From January 4, 2007 through January 2, 2009, 139 cloture motions were filed.

Note WHO FILED these motions....

Bottom line? the Dims numbers are factually bogus

And freekin' really....a link from the CWA UNION ?
Get a clue....
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If the Republican party (you still think they are not friends with the other party?) was the "Party of no"--as is claimed by the administration (because they say no to marxism but yes to free market solutions---only because of T-party pressure and town hall pressure)--then why---

Now doesn't this make you wonder---why

Why is President obama now "willing to listen to them and look over the bill piece by piece"? Shit---this bill is so marxist, they scared off half the Dem party.


Look---I know we are a bunch of misfits in our society. The only difference between you and I are---I do not blame my insecurities on my family or my nation. I did not let some progressive professor teach me that it is my nations fault. I realzed a while ago---THIS IS THE BEST NATION IN THE WORLD FOR MISFITS. So tell you shrink you finally understand that, and you now realize you can do better for yourself. All you have to do is accept personal responsibility, and go for it. But---you want ---WEEEEEEEELLLLLFFFFFAAAAARRRREEEEE!!! Because that is what you have been taught.

Seems you prefer neocon mantras, supposition and conjecture over FACTS.

LOBBYING was the key to the party of NO and the Dixiecrats/Bluedog Dems blocking and dithering over health care reform. Lobbying by the INSURANCE companies. Maybe you should have listened to the last SOTU, or watched the exchange at the GOP summit.

You scream "marxist" yet you have no problem with neo-facism or corporate oligarchy. WAKE THE FUCK UP!
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The previous record of 61 cloture votes in a two-year term was set in 2001-2002, the last time the GOP comprised the minority in the Senate.

I just finished explaining it to obviously didn't read it or understand it, or AGAIN....

the Senate leadership has increasingly utilized cloture as a routine tool to manage the flow of business, even in the absence of any apparent filibuster. For these reasons, the presence or absence of cloture attempts cannot be taken as a reliable guide to the presence or absence of a filibuster. Inasmuch as filibustering does not depend on the use of any specific rules, whether a filibuster is present is always a matter of judgment.

And the clown making the judgment is usually Harry (the liar) Reid....

Cloture Motions - 110th Congress
From January 4, 2007 through January 2, 2009, 139 cloture motions were filed.

Note WHO FILED these motions....

Bottom line? the Dims numbers are factually bogus

And freekin' really....a link from the CWA UNION ?
Get a clue....

First, no one is impressed with your mispelling the word "freaking"....illiteracy is not a bragging point.

Secondly, since the conservatives have SURPASSED THE 62 CLOTURE VOTES record in 2002, your repeating a myopic viewpoint of recent history demonstrates (once again) that you're not too adept at proper research....and/or a really poor neocon parrot. Okay, go to this site, DON'T "freekin' " lose your mind over it being the Huffington Post...READ the articles and subsequent links, and then MAYBE you'll understand WTF is going on and we can discuss the facts.

Or remain willfully ignorant....the choice is yours.
wait.....the Communications Worker's blog numbers are more accurate than assume you present this as more evidence of big government incompetence?........

:palm: Well toodles, since you DON'T read anything that you perceive a threat to your neocon mindset/viewpoint, I'd thought I'd give you something simple.

But hope springs eternal.....once you get over the source....READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY the information provided on the page and sub-links provided here. Then, if you're so inclined, we can have a rational discussion on the facts.
First, no one is impressed with your mispelling the word "freaking"....illiteracy is not a bragging point.

Its freekin' "g" is your friend, try it....or maybe the urban dictionary, that might have it....

Cripes, pretty soon you'll be ridiculing President Obama for saying "corpse" men in a speech, instead of "corps"men.....3 times no less....

or would you stoop that low ?......Clarabelle.....
:palm: Well toodles, since you DON'T read anything that you perceive a threat to your neocon mindset/viewpoint, I'd thought I'd give you something simple.

But hope springs eternal.....once you get over the source....READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY the information provided on the page and sub-links provided here. Then, if you're so inclined, we can have a rational discussion on the facts.

Maybe third times a charm...

Cloture Motions - 110th Congress
From January 4, 2007 through January 2, 2009, 139 cloture motions were filed.

Note Entry....FILED BY__________

I realize its only a link to the SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES
Sorry, I couldn't find it on Huffington...
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READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY the information provided on the page and sub-links provided here.

you know, I tried.....I really tried....until I came to the important one....

Indeed, a recent study by the progressive-research organization, Campaign for America's Future, claims that "conservatives in the U.S. Senate" have set a "modern-day record for obstruction." Only half way through the 110th Congress there have been 62 cloture votes to move beyond a filibuster, one more than the previous record set during the entirety of the 107th Congress in 2002.

and what did I find when I clicked the sublink provided?....

I find that well as consistent with your argument....."not found"........:pke: