More Lay-offs

in 1997 when i graduated with finance the job market was rediculous. i was offered like 5 jobs in a 2 week span. Now my cousin who is graduating in 2008 with a finance degree cant get any leads right now.

I switched from finance to insurance which sucked.. and now to high tech and have a rather diverse controller like resume.. I get calls weekly still so job markets not bad around here.

On a side note:
Why do we keep getting targeted. the terrorists attack us finance people.. now we have a finance recession.
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Everything is fixable in the longterm. Our lifestyle will undoubtedly change, but that doesn't mean it has to get worse. I don't necessarily see our current lifestyle as the pinnacle of human achievement; we're a wasteful species right now, and in general, we treat the planet in a pretty thoughtless way. I think the fix starts with re-evaluating that, and trying to work & play in a way that establishes a more symbiotic relationship with the environment, which is why renewables are the way to go ultimately.

It could end up being a very positive thing.

Yeah poorly stated by me. I mean not fixable as in current lifestyles and such are likely not sustainable.

and yes after a period of relative suffering we should come out of it better and in a more sustainable lifestyle.
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acting like domestic drilling is a drop in the bucket is less than ignorant oncelor/Lorax.

We found billions of barrells in the Gulf that prob wouldn't have been explored for if left up to some dumb ass democrats.
The conservative rape of America is over. You've been in power for 30 years, tilting at windmills, raping all American values and destroying all the progress liberals have ever made. Now America is but a decadent shell of what it was before, slowly being consumed on the inside. But we're going to fix that once we take power from you idiotic heartless bastards in a year. :321:

You've really perfected trolling lately, or else you've lost whatever semblance of intelligence remained.
The demoncrats are no longer the party of labor and the "common man" They are now too mostly controlled by corporate interests.

All those campaign contributions and lobbiests worked. Along with the republicans showing the way.

It is the republicrat party now.