More popular than Jesus?

Your posts are incredibly repetitive & useless. I know I don't need to respond, but I thought it would be a helpful FYI.

Not sure if you noticed on the other thread, but I downgraded the request to just 2 achievements that Bush has had that have truly benefitted Americans, if you want to have a go at that.
Your posts are incredibly repetitive & useless. I know I don't need to respond, but I thought it would be a helpful FYI.

Not sure if you noticed on the other thread, but I downgraded the request to just 2 achievements that Bush has had that have truly benefitted Americans, if you want to have a go at that.

1) He hasn't nuked anyone yet

2) He has pretty much united the country in agreeing that he does indeed suck.
All this sarcastic "messiah" nonsense is a joke.

There is no more praise and worship being thrown at Obama by the democrats than the republicans bestowed onto Ronald Reagan.

Its just sour grapes because he cannot gloat about anything the republicans have done recently. And McCain is about as exciting as dry toast.
"There is no more praise and worship being thrown at Obama by the democrats than the republicans bestowed onto Ronald Reagan."

I wouldn't stop at Reagan; there was certainly a cult of Bush worship at the start of his 1st term & during the first part of the Iraq War, which still exists among some.
I can't seem to find any declarations from Reagan or Bush supporters that state that time began with their respective inaugurations, or that the planet began to be healed when they assumed office.

Can you provide some?
"Perhaps you would be kind enough to point out the clues that alerted you to Mr Lee's non-literal intent."

Oh, I dunno...common sense, you fucking moron?

Here are a few deified quotes about Bush, for your reference:

"He is one of those men God and fate somehow lead to the fore in times of challenge," said George Pataki in the high-profile introduction of Bush at the Republican National Convention. "I thank God that on September 11th, we had a president who didn't wring his hands and wonder what America had done wrong to deserve this attack," he added. "I thank God we had a president who understood that America was attacked, not for what we had done wrong, but for what we did right."

Rudy Giuliani: "Spontaneously, I grabbed the arm of then Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik and said to Bernie, 'Thank God, George Bush is our president.' " And, to reinforce the point, Giuliani added, "And I say it again tonight: Thank God, George Bush is our president."

Stephen Mansfield, author of The Faith of George W. Bush, goes on to say: "Not long after, Bush called James Robison (a prominent minister) and told him, 'I've heard the call. I believe God wants me to run for President.' " Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention heard Bush say something similar: "Among the things he said to us was: I believe that God wants me to be president, but if that doesn't happen, it's OK.' "

After 9/11, the sense among his supporters that God had chosen him increased. "I think that God picked the right man at the right time for the right purpose," said popular Christian broadcaster Janet Parshall. Gen. William "Jerry" Boykin, who got in trouble for derogatory comments about Islam, argued that it must have been God who selected Bush, since a plurality of voters hadn't. "Why is this man in the White House? The majority of America did not vote for him. He's in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this."

Time magazine reported, "Privately, Bush talked of being chosen by the grace of God to lead at that moment." World Magazine, a conservative Christian publication, quoted White House official Tim Goeglein as saying, "I think President Bush is God's man at this hour, and I say this with a great sense of humility."
I don't know what gets into me. Same part of my brain that controls my "Factor" viewing.

How was Code Pink? Was Medea B. there?

No, she wasn’t, (I didn’t see her anyway) but it was a great turnout because UFPJ co-sponsered. Did you hear about it anywhere? Probably not, the media sucks. There were a couple of hundred people, or at least close to two hundred anyway. And we all had “No Attack On Iran” signs on our backs. And we walked around the lobby of Grand Central where the stairs are, broken off into groups. And at exactly 5:40, every one of us froze, and so all throughout GCS there were people just frozen in place, for five minutes. Then, after 5 minutes, everyone yelled out, No War On Iran. And then almost the whole lobby was chanting that, other people joined in, it was really one of the best actions I’ve been at.
No, she wasn’t, (I didn’t see her anyway) but it was a great turnout because UFPJ co-sponsered. Did you hear about it anywhere? Probably not, the media sucks. There were a couple of hundred people, or at least close to two hundred anyway. And we all had “No Attack On Iran” signs on our backs. And we walked around the lobby of Grand Central where the stairs are, broken off into groups. And at exactly 5:40, every one of us froze, and so all throughout GCS there were people just frozen in place, for five minutes. Then, after 5 minutes, everyone yelled out, No War On Iran. And then almost the whole lobby was chanting that, other people joined in, it was really one of the best actions I’ve been at.

Very cool! I would have loved to see that during rush hour at GC. Must have been fun to be a part of.

I didn't read anything about it, but I've been out of the loop, news-wise; busy week at work....