More popular than Jesus?

Very cool! I would have loved to see that during rush hour at GC. Must have been fun to be a part of.

I didn't read anything about it, but I've been out of the loop, news-wise; busy week at work....

The market for used software has really heated up huh? Well, in this economy, who can afford new?
The market for used software has really heated up huh? Well, in this economy, who can afford new?

You said it. With higher gas prices, people don't want to drive to Circuit City, anymore, so when I show up at their door with my big grab bag full of cheap, old stuff, it's like a godsend. I don't even have to shmooze 'em with small talk about Sex & the City, anymore...
You can ride all day long
But you'll never catch Mr. Jones
He's got a gang that's far too strong
Your friends know it, that's why you're all alone
Chasing the man you can't see
So just walk away and let him be
He's got a shotgun so go back home
Cuz you'll never get Mr. Jones
No, she wasn’t, (I didn’t see her anyway) but it was a great turnout because UFPJ co-sponsered. Did you hear about it anywhere? Probably not, the media sucks. There were a couple of hundred people, or at least close to two hundred anyway. And we all had “No Attack On Iran” signs on our backs. And we walked around the lobby of Grand Central where the stairs are, broken off into groups. And at exactly 5:40, every one of us froze, and so all throughout GCS there were people just frozen in place, for five minutes. Then, after 5 minutes, everyone yelled out, No War On Iran. And then almost the whole lobby was chanting that, other people joined in, it was really one of the best actions I’ve been at.

I would have been like 'get out my way hippee, I need to get to the train'.

I would have been like 'get out my way hippee, I need to get to the train'.


And Darla would have been like "Oops, was that my elbow that made your nose bleed? Better hurry and catch that train".
One group got in trouble here because they ran into student center here on campus dressed as soldiers and terrorists. The soldiers would scream at the 'terrorists' and hit them, and talk about how they were gonna torture them. It really scared the shit out of everybody in the lobby.

The police got called and a new rule was created limiting demonstrations to a certain zone on campus. Some of the demonstrators got minor disturbance charges.