More Taxes to Come

"Malls are packed and restraunts are doing better than ever."

Topspin, a.k.a. "Mr. Economics," in late December, 2007, ridiculing the idea of a potential recession on the near horizon.
"Malls are packed and restraunts are doing better than ever."

Topspin, a.k.a. "Mr. Economics," in late December, 2007, ridiculing the idea of a potential recession on the near horizon.

You want to see nasty... wait till the markets open tomorrow.... the Bear Stearns buyout is going to hammer the markets.

JP Morgan just bought them today in an emergency deal for $2 a share. Bear closed at $30 on Friday.....

Prediction... Fed drops rates by a point on Tuesday.... if not sooner
It is going to be viscious SF. I will try and post as many bad economy articles as I can to keep the market up.
I have been following the BS stuff. They had a couple of hedge funds belly up a bit back too didn't they ?
It is going to be viscious SF. I will try and post as many bad economy articles as I can to keep the market up.
I have been following the BS stuff. They had a couple of hedge funds belly up a bit back too didn't they ?


The Fed may even pull the trigger tomorrow instead of waiting until Tuesday... this is not going to be pretty.
Not at all rubbish, there was a post on it here not too many days ago. Keep up Damo.
Rove has even admitted to working on it.
I forget Bush's campaign manager but he is working with McCain too....
And which supposed economist is? Or you are just speaking out your behind?

I didn't realize that the manager had moved from Thompson's campaign. McCain hasn't fired his manager and this means that if he is working there it is sublimated to McCain's first manager.