Most Americans Say Now Is Good Time to Buy a House


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Most Americans Say Now Is Good Time to Buy a House
Topics:Housing * Mortgages * Interest Rates * Economy (Global) * Economy (U.S.)By Reuters * 16 Apr 2008 * 08:24 AM ET Font size: A majority of Americans think now is a good time to buy a home, although few believe the U.S. economy can escape a recession, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released Wednesday.

The survey of 1,049 likely voters found that 53.8 percent thought this was a good buying opportunity as home prices have fallen sharply in many parts of the country. Some 41.6 percent said it was not a good time to buy, and the rest were unsure.

The tumbling housing market is at the root of the U.S. economic and financial sector woes. Rising defaults among subprime borrowers triggered the first wave of credit market turmoil last year, which quickly spread to a wide range of assets.

Banks have recorded more than $200 billion in losses tied to failing mortgages and other loans, restricting their ability to lend to consumers and companies and slowing the economy. Nearly 71 percent of those polled thought the U.S. economy was in recession.

The poll, conducted April 10-12, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

Economists have worried that even after sharp price declines, potential buyers would still shy away from the housing market for fear of further drops.

Recent reports have given a mixed picture of housing demand, with sales of new single-family homes falling 1.8 percent in February, while existing homes rose in February for the first time since July as prices posted a record drop. Later Wednesday, the Commerce Department will release its latest reading on home building projects started.

While economists said it was unlikely the housing market had reached a bottom, some have grown cautiously optimistic that it was finally nearing the end of its slump.

Home builders do not seem to share that optimism. Home builder sentiment hovered near all-time lows in April, with early spring shopping not yet boosting sales of new homes, the National Association of Home Builders said Tuesday. :readit:
I am helping a guy build a new house as we speak. We just poured the garage yesterday evening. Should get the floor up this weekend.
Good time to build Leaning, material prices are way down compared to a year ago. bought some 7/16 OSB for $4.98 a sheet was around $20 last year at this time.

Now buying an existing new structure built during the high material price time might not be as good of an idea.
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I am still renting... If you remember, I posted here when it happened, My wife and I tried to buy a house in November. The guy would not come down to our price. Well he called yesterday!

He said he got an offer that was $50,000 less than our offer and wanted to know if we would beat it, as he was going to accept it if we dont. We talked about it last night and turned him down... We are going to wait another 3 months, then reevaluate the market.
Most Americans Say Now Is Good Time to Buy a House
Topics:Housing * Mortgages * Interest Rates * Economy (Global) * Economy (U.S.)By Reuters * 16 Apr 2008 * 08:24 AM ET Font size: A majority of Americans think now is a good time to buy a home, although few believe the U.S. economy can escape a recession, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released Wednesday.

The survey of 1,049 likely voters found that 53.8 percent thought this was a good buying opportunity as home prices have fallen sharply in many parts of the country. Some 41.6 percent said it was not a good time to buy, and the rest were unsure.

The tumbling housing market is at the root of the U.S. economic and financial sector woes. Rising defaults among subprime borrowers triggered the first wave of credit market turmoil last year, which quickly spread to a wide range of assets.

Banks have recorded more than $200 billion in losses tied to failing mortgages and other loans, restricting their ability to lend to consumers and companies and slowing the economy. Nearly 71 percent of those polled thought the U.S. economy was in recession.

The poll, conducted April 10-12, had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

Economists have worried that even after sharp price declines, potential buyers would still shy away from the housing market for fear of further drops.

Recent reports have given a mixed picture of housing demand, with sales of new single-family homes falling 1.8 percent in February, while existing homes rose in February for the first time since July as prices posted a record drop. Later Wednesday, the Commerce Department will release its latest reading on home building projects started.

While economists said it was unlikely the housing market had reached a bottom, some have grown cautiously optimistic that it was finally nearing the end of its slump.

Home builders do not seem to share that optimism. Home builder sentiment hovered near all-time lows in April, with early spring shopping not yet boosting sales of new homes, the National Association of Home Builders said Tuesday. :readit:

It's an interesting time because I'm sure there are deals out there but for those who can wait another six months there might be better deals available.
Jarod, you are the man!!!
I kinda rushed a little and bought mine a year ago after only negotiating about $15,000 off the price from the builder.
Jarod, you are the man!!!
I kinda rushed a little and bought mine a year ago after only negotiating about $15,000 off the price from the builder.

This guys house was listed at something like 585,000 we offered 465,00 and then quit negotiating at our top dollar of 479,000 with $10,000 cash back at closing for a new roof. Now the guy says he is going to accept 419,000. We happen to know he owes 385,000.

At this point I am very glad he did not accept our offer! We love the house we are renting and will consider buying it if the owner will give us a good deal.
getting to the point now that the bottom is near. even if it goes down more from here it wont be substantial and in 5 - 10 years wont make a difference. if anything now on way down its easer to find desperate sellers then it will be when hits rock bottom and the future seems brighter.
getting to the point now that the bottom is near. even if it goes down more from here it wont be substantial and in 5 - 10 years wont make a difference. if anything now on way down its easer to find desperate sellers then it will be when hits rock bottom and the future seems brighter.

You might be right, but I heard that argument back in November.
Good time to build Leaning, material prices are way down compared to a year ago. bought some 7/16 OSB for $4.98 a sheet was around $20 last year at this time.

Now buying an existing new structure built during the high material price time might not be as good of an idea.

Yep, he will be building the 2000 sq. ft. house for about $35 per sq. ft. Not bad for a nice place around here. Of course he could have done some of it cheaper but he's going to do it up nice and it's costing him a little more. We'll be done with it by summer's end. I'm pretty happy for them. Folks moved in to the community a couple of years back and I went and introduced myself to them and invited them to church. We've been pretty good friends and fishing partners ever since. Our kids play together and such. I'm looking forward to this summer.
This guys house was listed at something like 585,000 we offered 465,00 and then quit negotiating at our top dollar of 479,000 with $10,000 cash back at closing for a new roof. Now the guy says he is going to accept 419,000. We happen to know he owes 385,000.

At this point I am very glad he did not accept our offer! We love the house we are renting and will consider buying it if the owner will give us a good deal.

How much do you want to bet this guys offer of 419,000 falls through...?
Hmm thinking about the drop in price of building materials...where would inflation be if they had not dropped in price ?
Well “most Americans” as usual, are wrong. I know that in NY, home values are now projected to fall 25% over the next five years. This is going to go longer term than the “next six months” (kinda like the Iraq war), but…if you watch the market very closely for the next SEVERAL years, there is going to be an excellent time to buy, and also, to buy rental properties. Even though investment houses are out of vogue, the truth is, millionaires were made on that, not everybody was stupid enough to go in without a fixed rate, and not everybody got left holding the bag. And five years from now, as home values begin to creep up again…more millionaires will be made.
Well “most Americans” as usual, are wrong. I know that in NY, home values are now projected to fall 25% over the next five years. This is going to go longer term than the “next six months” (kinda like the Iraq war), but…if you watch the market very closely for the next SEVERAL years, there is going to be an excellent time to buy, and also, to buy rental properties. Even though investment houses are out of vogue, the truth is, millionaires were made on that, not everybody was stupid enough to go in without a fixed rate, and not everybody got left holding the bag. And five years from now, as home values begin to creep up again…more millionaires will be made.

including me i hope.. )))
All real estate is local, I bet N.Y. was one of the last to get hit.
god bless you people with the huge mortgages
I am still renting... If you remember, I posted here when it happened, My wife and I tried to buy a house in November. The guy would not come down to our price. Well he called yesterday!

He said he got an offer that was $50,000 less than our offer and wanted to know if we would beat it, as he was going to accept it if we dont. We talked about it last night and turned him down... We are going to wait another 3 months, then reevaluate the market.

Good move... on all points above.
the main point was educational, the rich boys are getting back in.
they don't fret about picking the exact bottom (Chapish), they just know with 2yrs down in price after rarely having 1 they are much more comfortable.:clink:
getting to the point now that the bottom is near. even if it goes down more from here it wont be substantial and in 5 - 10 years wont make a difference. if anything now on way down its easer to find desperate sellers then it will be when hits rock bottom and the future seems brighter.

I think the timing is going to depend on location. Here things are already starting to look brighter. But from what I have heard, Vegas, SoCal, most of Florida and others are still getting their ass kicked.