Most Americans Say Now Is Good Time to Buy a House

the main point was educational, the rich boys are getting back in.
they don't fret about picking the exact bottom (Chapish), they just know with 2yrs down in price after rarely having 1 they are much more comfortable.:clink:

OH well aren't they all better than us Top, I suppose you feed your dog off of Tiffany china and we are all supposed to swoon.
Dhula, I'm sure you do at least a marginal job on remedial business writing.
Economics is way over your head.
Depends on how desperate he is to sell. If he has to sell, then he would be a complete dumbass not to take the offer of the $419k.

My bet is the 419,000 "offer" is more likely wishfull thinking and does not really exist or that the funding will "fall through" at the last second.

I bet I can buy this house for much less from the bank in 9 months.
wow I'm going to lose sleep now. A remeadial business writing substitute teacher has called me lame. lofl
My bet is the 419,000 "offer" is more likely wishfull thinking and does not really exist or that the funding will "fall through" at the last second.

I bet I can buy this house for much less from the bank in 9 months.

Well if you do indeed get it for much less, you MUST go to one of those Hallmark stores that lets you create a card. Then send him one with a picture of you and a new car/boat etc... on the front. On the inside....

"Thanks for being a dumbass! Because of your stupidty, not only do I now own your old home but I took some of that $100k I saved (thanks again for your stupidity) and bought myself this new car/boat etc..."

Then a really big smiley right underneath that.

Trust me... he'll think your funny as all hell.
I'll bet you $1,000 I made more than you did last year ???

LOL I’m sure you did, but that might no longer be true in two years. I’m moving up and you’re not. I’m tomorrow and you’re yesterday’s news.
And…I’m tall baby. lol
your single and weight too much for your height, as defined in the wikipedia def of spinster.
I'll have enough to retire while your still doing remedial note taking ie 2mm, already got the first mill which is the hardest.
your single and weight too much for your height, as defined in the wikipedia def of spinster.
I'll have enough to retire while your still doing remedial note taking ie 2mm, already got the first mill which is the hardest.

You know topper, if only you were a woman, I'd f your husband and then say, hey your husband loves fat chicks.